
Your Eternal Reward

This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at “Your Eternal Reward” by Erwin Lutzer.

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There may be tears in heaven.  When we reflect on how we lived for Christ, we might weep on the other side of the celestial gates.  Although Christians have been justified by faith, Christ will still judge us for our “deeds done in the body whether good or bad.” How well or poorly we do here might indeed determine our status in heaven for all eternity.

Be prepared to have your understanding of the judgment seat of Christ challenged, provoked, and perhaps permanently changed.  Will you answer the heart of God that is seeking a bride who can sit with Christ on His throne and rule forever or will you be given a rebuke from Christ and have “shame at His coming?”  The choice is yours!!

Crazy Busy

This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. This book begins with a root issue of our Beliefs. What we believe to be true can differ from what we KNOW to be  true. Life experiences can feed us misinformation about God.  If we do not rely on God solely for our every need, we become busy attempting to meet  our needs and establish our security through our own efforts. Scripture does not teach responsibility ….it teaches faithfulness.

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As we desire to be faithful we can walk without fear of failure. If we go through periods of failure as we unscramble, we can claim the truth:  “if we are faithless, He will remain faithful. 2 Timothy 2:13

Author, Kevin DeYoung offers seven diagnoses to help you identify the areas of your life that are contributing to your special brand of “crazy busy” and the one thing necessary for lasting change.

I, Jesus

Chances are, Jesus isn’t who you think he is.  No matter what you have read before about this first-century rabbi from Nazareth, there is a good possibility that you have been misinformed.  In fact, maybe you have been wrong from the start about the most amazing man who ever walked the surface of the earth.

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I, Jesus speaks in His own words, about Himself, His Purpose, His Nature, and His Mission.

If you desire and want an intimate relationship with Jesus as your First Love, then this is a valuable portrayal of our Savior,  Servant, Shepherd, Messiah, and King .


The Way of the Shepherd

Today, Ginger Green pulls The Way of the Shepherd by Don Baker from The Fireside Bookshelf to explore. We all need and want to be cared for by someone who really loves us.  We are made in His image where love is paramount. Understanding the ways of a shepherd and what he sacrifices in knowing every need of his sheep, being sensitive to their surroundings is what allows the sheep and lambs to lie down and rest in green pastures and drink the quiet still waters. Under the care of a good shepherd, sheep lie down in quiet and serene sense of gentle contentment.  “Godliness with “contentment is great gain.”

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The Way of the Shepherd will bring delightful joy to the heart and the beautiful pictures captivating the message in each chapter. The beauty of the book is that it equally reaches out to the heart that is troubled or to a person struggling with the issues of life that must have a shepherd to protect and carry us, to a place of safety.  Expressed in the 23rd Psalm and illustrated for us is the correlation between sheep of the field and we as Christians being sheep of His pasture. Tension is released as we see we are never abandoned and always have the Shepherd there for us when we are unable to help ourselves.  Great comfort and understanding comes from practical illustrations that are given to David as he learned from his Great Shepherd.

Wounded Heroes

Today from The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green shares “Wounded Heroes” by Elizabeth Skoglund. Wounds come in all forms from tragic events, daily pressures of continued stress, the “what ifs” of life looming over us, surprises of health challenges, broken relationships, losses  of many kinds.  It is certain that life is filled with UNCERTAINTY.  Choosing right responses is necessary in understanding unavoidable pain, suffering which does not immediately go away, even when we try to get rid of it. Finding meaning in our suffering can keep the joy  and hope for now and whatever may be ahead.

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Common life mixed with the divine, practical details lived out in the light of eternity, blessings from buffetings: these are God’s ways of putting our theology into shoe leather. Centuries of saints show us the “how to” of being a faithful wounded warrior.

Crazy Busy

Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. This book begins with a root issue of our Beliefs. What we believe to be true can differ from what we KNOW to be  true. Life experiences can feed us misinformation about God.  If we do not rely on God solely for our every need, we become busy attempting to meet  our needs and establish our security through our own efforts. Scripture does not teach responsibility ….it teaches faithfulness.

As we desire to be faithful we can walk without fear of failure. If we go through periods of failure as we unscramble, we can claim the truth:  “if we are faithless, He will remain faithful. 2 Timothy 2:13

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Author, Kevin DeYoung offers seven diagnoses to help you identify the areas of your life that are contributing to your special brand of “crazy busy” and the one thing necessary for lasting change.

Every Body Matters

Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Every Body Matters by Gary Thomas.

Weak beliefs about the importance of caring for your body produces weak commitments.  The highest authority  gives us some motivation.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 are words that need to be taken to heart, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price.   Therefore honor God with your bodies.”  We were purchased with a high price to be redeemed and given eternal life in the Son, Jesus Christ.

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Every Body Matters doesn’t focus on fad diets, and extreme practices for the body, however, since the body is the  dwelling place for His Spirit in ministry for us and others, we need to evaluate the importance we give to the  body as  we are stewards of what has been given to us. 1 Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover, it is required in a steward to be found faithful.”

Waiting on the Lord

Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green discusses the book Waiting on the Lord by James Smith

During the days of demands and deadlines, the need to wait on God many times “feels” like just one more demand of our precious time. However, taking the time to maintain the atmosphere in quietness of heart to wait is a mandate, so we can meet those demands and deadlines.

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Faith says I will trust God.  Experience confirms the benefits of this attitude and action.  God nowhere promises that faith will receive all its desires immediately but waiting on Him daily will provide the patience, wisdom, assurance, guidance, hope that He is sufficient for all things, moment by moment.

Take a few moments now to renew your desire and commitment to Wait on the Lord.

Authentic Christianity

Today, Ginger Green explores Authentic Christianity by Ray Stedman. Jesus died for us that He might live in us.  Christ in you, the hope of glory. Our goal is to move beyond religion, doctrines, rules, rituals,  into that life-changing experience of being intimately connected with Christ at the very core of your being-for that is authentic Christianity. This is our only hope to finishing  well!

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Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, can actually come to live within a human being, and intertwine his life with our own. God’s plan of salvation is aimed in our human will, our decision-making ability.  We must make a choice to surrender as authentic Christians, not through intellectually comprehending and accepting historical facts.  Our life must be joined to his life.

This “read” outlines the phony from the genuine with  illustrations of practical experiences confirmed through the Scriptures.

Courage to be Protestant

Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores The Courage To Be Protestant by David Wells. Whatever your choice, Courage to be Protestant will give you the facts and consequences in  world of cultural change.  Read and then decide which camp you belong to and why.  Great book for all believers from 18-80 years.

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The evangelical world of today looks quite different from a few decades ago and appears to have divided into three rather distinct constituencies. These three groups are classic evangelicalism, marketers and emergents. The last two groups are transitional and are stepping-stones toward a more liberalized Christianity. Over time, the capacity to think doctrinally has been lost as new leaders emerge and the older pastor-theologian model to newer entrepreneurial organization builders promotes a new method of ‘selling” the Gospel; attracting the people in need with a more comfortable appeal.

A Christian Manifesto

A Christian Manifesto is not an easy book to assimilate into the fabric of one’s daily walk.  It is a book that is worth making a commitment to read and understand the erosion in our world culture.

Most of the Christian world of today know little or nothing of a biblical world view regarding life.  We may know scripture or have a sincere desire to serve the Lord; however, we lack an understanding of how to view life through biblical eyes. For this biblical world view, we need to use the word of God to define our decisions and actions regarding circumstances, situation, relationships, and choices that need to be made each day of our lives. Christians have been slow to see the decay of values.  This is mainly due to our dividing between our “spiritual” and the “material” worlds.  True reality is the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life.

Come join Fireside Bookshelf with Ginger Green for another chapter in learning what it is to know the True and Living God in a practical way; opening our minds, strengthening our convictions and consciences to impact ourselves and those around us.

Psycho Babble

Psycho Babble directs us how to find the straight and narrow path to Truth that transforms.

There is a saying “The Truth doesn’t cost anything, but a lie  could cost you everything.”  2 Peter 1 lays a foundation on how we may be assured of not falling into the trap of modern psychology lies.  Should we decide to favor the foolish wisdom of this world we will sin grievously if we reject and neglect divine truth.  Verse 3 declares ‘His divine power has given to us ALL things that pertain to life and godliness.”  Verse 4 affirms “exceedingly great and precious promises are ours so that we may be divine partakers of the divine nature.”   Know and apply the promises so you won’t be caught in the lies.

Intelligent Design- Uncensored

Intelligent Design is a term declaring  we DID NOT evolve from a glob of goop. It has been debated for centuries by those that want to do away with a need of God in Creation.  For years we have been told the Scriptures requires blind faith because there is really no science to back up the word of God; since science is supposed to be  the final authority in understanding.

Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution to argue that blind nature had produced all the species of plants and animals around us and a Creator could not be found in nature.  This thinking entered our educational systems over 100 years ago and has  been eroding the thinking of professors and students alike.  The scientific community has been divided in this area.

For those that will study the evolution theory they will find it has more holes than a sieve, however most people will not take the time to know how to DEFEND THE FACTS OF THE TRUTH. This book lays the foundation for understanding the “logic of the lie” and explains the evidence, from both science and Scripture, that confirms Intelligent Design in creation. A vital read that parents should digest and instruct our youth in a counterattack, because a world without God is a world without hope.


The Danger of Self Love

There is a belief that self-esteem, a good self-image, provides the necessary foundation for a wholesome personality and successful behavior.  This theory is accepted in secular and evangelical society, no longer as theory, but as established truth.

A noted psychologist speaking to a group at a well known company was asked what  impact the self-esteem movement had in todays world.  The answer was “it was a  complete disaster.”  Paul Brownback has provided us with a explanation and solution to this problem that has misguided so many in our society.

Ginger Green eloquently shares the TRUTH of self-esteem and the author Paul Brownback, graciously provides  an analysis of an alternative that may be found in our TEACHING HANDOUTS.

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The Truth About Money Lies

Today on Fireside Bookshelf Ginger Green reviews The Truth About Money Lies By Russ Crosson. Listen for the money lies you may have believed.

‘Everyone picks up a book for a reason. It could be to learn, laugh, engage, or escape. But behind any of the reasons is a desire to change. We want something about ourselves to be different when we put the book down. So when we pick up a book, we say to the writers, “teach me something I don’t know or take me somewhere I’ve never been.” Those are certainly our goals with The Truth About Money Lies.‘     By Russ Crosson


David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 1

If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.

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One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David.  The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life.  From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances. He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.

Who Switched Off My Brain

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5.

An intriguing book by a Christian doctor describing how God formed us to function in easy to read format. .  Many drawings and illustrations to further simplify each chapter.  Science with applicational simplicity. Many people who  do not understand the battles they fight, found with clarity and a new confidence, a smooth path in thinking that  is available to those who want to understand how to keep a healthy brain, resulting in a healthy body.  When the body is functioning the way God designed it to be  life takes on new luster and the Spirit can be at ease within us for His leading.  A beautiful combination of spiritual foundation with science agreeing.



With Christ in the School of Prayer

“And it came to pass, that, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1.

Ginger Green takes a journey with us through the pages of “With Christ in the School of Prayer” by Rev. Andrew Murray. As long as we look at prayer, chiefly as a means of maintaining our own Christian life, we shall not know fully what it is meant to be. But, when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that there is nothing that we need to so study and practice as the art of praying aright. This classic is clearly written and arranged in such a way, as to break it down into perfectly proportioned bites.

Wounded by God’s People

Wounded by God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz is pulled from the Fireside Bookshelf to have a look inside.

“Almost everyone I know has been wounded to one degree or another. It doesn’t matter if a person is young or old, rich or poor, intelligent or ignorant, healthy or infirm, educated or illiterate. We’ve all experienced wounds.”

Wounded people wound other people.  Whether the wounds are valid in wrongs done, the solution to keep from passing that pain on is the subject of this study.  Ann Graham Lotz is honest in her own struggles and reflects on how she learned to be the victor, not the victim of  others.  Also, she gives us an in-depth look as to ways wounds can form and take over without us realizing.  But sometimes, the wounds are through thoughtless, careless, “being right” in my choices, and then we must learn how to make our wrongs right.  A book that requires more than one reading.

Limiting God

The phrase “Failure is the back door to success” certainly has merit.  Do words like fearfulness, selfishness, unbelief, failure, pride, laziness, ignorance, immaturity ever cross your  mind as you stop and have conversations with yourself about how you wish you did not have to do battle with these patterns in your thought life?  You know the Word says to  bring every thought  captive, but when swimming with strokes of repetitive thinking, these words have developed into lifestyles of living.  So, really what is the harm if you are just coping?

The main reason this way of living should not remain dominant is that without change your life will be LIMITING GOD in all that you do.  We have been given precious promises for living an abundant life now. Stopping short of that goal pulls us into fake and false thinking as an acceptable standard for who we really are as children of God. This in turn robs us of the joy, peace, calm, contentment, and an inability to grow in grace and knowledge, having Christ formed in you, with  waging war against the enemy that Jesus Christ defeated on the Cross. It is the fruit of blessing when our walk and talk are consistent and others can benefit from our testimony.

The Old Testament examples are given to help us see and understand the New Testament principles and how they can be applied.

Limiting God is an analysis of Christian failure with the sure answer for success in Christ.


The Light and The Glory

As we celebrate the 4th of July this year it is a good time to reflect on our roots.  There is a saying in Christian circles that history broken down spells his-story.  How God reveals His means and methods in time, as to how He wants to bring all things back to the original plan before the fall.

America was founded on Biblical and moral Truth; a reason for America’s blessings and survival for the last 200 plus years.

America was never a “perfect” nation but a light and testimony to the world that she honors God and His people (Israel).

A slow, but sure, erosion over time has been eating away at her values and roots.  As she has prospered her people have changed their character and choices in how they want to live and be governed.  Now many educators are changing how history is being re-written and  remembered.  Many of today’s citizens have never been to war, except maybe in riots on our own streets and campuses . They have never had to go through loss and a valley of tears or had a spirit of strength to fight for what they really believe is best for the nation based on our original values.  We are a nation that has gone selfish and soft.

Let’s travel with Peter Marshall back in time as he traces the decline of the American Dream and see what happens when a nation compromises its beginnings and blessings.


The Cross in Faith and Conduct

The one purpose which our Father has in view, in all His ways, is to conform us to the image of His Son.  This may  explain our perplexities as to the past, it will govern our behavior in the present; it is to be our  guidance in the future.

The chief concern of our Lord is not to instruct us about a multitude of details , not to explain to us the reason for the trials which we are called to pass through.  He is working out everything to serve His supreme purpose in displaying the character of His Son in His children He has purchased through the Cross and the shedding of Blood for man kind. If that is where His heart is, then how shall we live to fulfill His plan?

Written almost 100 years ago when  our Christianity was centered in  the Cross and the fear of the Lord was preached in the pulpits, a call to awaken us that the  Truth of Christ never changes and what was needed then, is still needed today more than ever. The Cross in Faith and Conduct gives practical counsel in making this one purpose applicable.


The 7 Check Points

The Seven Checkpoints by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall cover the critical beliefs that  our youth question within their belief system. It exposes the world’s point of view that compromise their thinking resulting in actions and lifestyle which set them up for disappointments, confusion, and just plain trouble.

From learning how to establish moral boundaries (how and when sex is a part of their lives) to choosing friends and the consequences, whether good or bad, Seven Checkpoints  sets a foundation they can see and accept with clarity.

Having a copy of this book at your fingertips will have you ready to offer solid solutions that are obtainable and supplies a path of guidance for parents and youth leaders wanting  to fulfill their role God has given to them.

When You’re Tired of the Symptoms…

We search for relief from our problems, instead of searching for a cure. Anything that will achieve temporary rest from anger, fear, frustration, unforgiveness and bitterness.  It is a repetitive cycle of survival and we become addicted to the short-term escape.

There is a long-term  cure and the first step of “cure” is to SEE  your need in the problem, call it what it truly is and ACCEPT the need as your wake-up call for change. The word for this process is repentance; to turn from the old thinking, emotions,  and actions.  Repentance  consist of confession of sin and submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s cleansing grace, healing comes.  Learning to see the need and not excusing with some popular modality is a big part of the challenge.  Follow Dr. Brandt through the maze of not treating the symptoms, but finding the real cure.


Waiting On God

Waiting on God is an important part of worship.  It is becoming a lost art in our daily lives as our culture tells us we must always be busy;  whether in earing a living, serving in a ministry, raising a family to the dictates of our society.  Quietness, in today’s pop thinking is mainly for the sick, elderly, or seeking solitude just long enough to recharge our batteries to be on the go at break neck speed.  People complain about being emotionally exhausted, overwhelmed, overworked, overloaded, overstressed, but continue the rat race instead of the stable quiet pace for true rest and renewal.  It is our choice no matter how we deny it.

Tragic end of life news blares at us each day about  the famous, desperate youth, leaders from every walk of life, saying they have lost purpose and hope for anything more and life is empty.

This is in direct opposition for why we were created.  Yes, we were told from the Creator, Himself, through His Word, that we would see hard times, tribulations, and even some persecutions; even unto death.  However, there is a bigger picture that requires us to see life from God’s perspective and that includes NOW and ALL of eternity.

When we take the time to stop our busyness and experience what it is to relax in conversation and mediation with our Lord, our Great Shepherd, and the Holy Spirit, our guide and  comforter, we enter a whole new realm of understanding and wisdom, that gives way to joy, peace, security, and living in a strength other than our own.

Not A Fan

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman

Ginger Green takes us on a journey through the book Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman. As she leads us through this book, she asks several questions along the way that empowers us to search our heart to discover the true intent of our hearts. “Am I a self-empowered fan or a spirit-filled follower” is one question that we will be able to answer at the end, if we will take each step with purpose and honest examination.

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Peace Perfect Peace

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s broadcast features Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer

Peace perfect peace comes with a high price tag.  It has been purchased through the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. It cleared us of our helpless position and provides guaranteed hope for now and all eternity. It also gives us the ability to live fruitful conditions within circumstances, while we  travel our earthly life, in quiet confidence and joy.

When we are troubled we will cry out for peace which He says He alone gives.  Not as the world gives, which is relief from   temporal troubles, happy circumstances, escape patterns  for just the here and now.  We pray desiring the world’s mindset and wonder why we don’t have peace. Because peace comes from above and from a PERSON, Jesus Christ.

In John chapters 14-16 Jesus gives an understanding on how to be nourished in the peace that He gives. Praying for peace within but refusing to rely on the PERSON of PEACE may close the door to the supply we so desperately need and desire.

To have a mindset of wanting peace but not paying the price of loving Jesus with our whole heart, departing from the ways of the world, and resisting the enemy will withhold His peace that He has already provided, freely. It is not a thing we obtain but a Person we trust.

He never said peace would be without tribulations, but peace could still be ours in the tribulation of life.

Open your eyes and ears to true peace as you follow Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer.

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David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 2

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon (CST) on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features the second half of David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms.  There you will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition as he was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.  Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.

Praising God in the tough times was one of David’s secrets for being a man after God’s own heart.  The other was “true confession,” owning up to his acts of selfishness with repentance. We need to remember one of the most important “secrets” of David’s life was his warrior’s heart for Almighty God.  Defending and avenging the character of God was not an issue to be questioned or compromised when David was walking in dependence on his Sovereign King.

What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a “season”.

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David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 1

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon (CST) on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David.  The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life.  From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances. He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.

David learned much in the early years of tending sheep and these values became  the way of life for his remaining days. The life of David is a “true confession” of a struggle with mind, will, and emotions; the soul of man. Once again, we see the importance in making “right choices” in each decision, as one wrong choice left David with many lingering consequences.

The reality in studying his life is that you may identify with many of his paths of soulish selfish flesh, but he always returns to his God as his foundation and solution for all he faced.

If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.

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