This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green continues with the second half of this amazing book, Loved by God, by R.C. Sproul.
With the mastery of a scholar and the heart of a servant, acclaimed theologian R. C. Sproul continues our journey into the very heart of God… contemplating the deepest mysteries of His perfect love.
In the conclusion of this two-part feature, we will take a closer look at not only God’s immense love but also His divine wrath and also explore the incredible privilege which allows us to call our God…Father.
Once you discover for yourself the astonishing depth, wonder, and richness of God’s love, you’ll want to share it – and this book – with everyone you know.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green digs into the first part of Loved by God By R.C. Sproul.
With the mastery of a scholar and the heart of a servant, acclaimed theologian R. C. Sproul takes us on a journey into the very heart of God… contemplating the deepest mysteries of his perfect love.
We will discover with Dr. Sproul as our guide, the threefold nature of God’s love. In his book, Loved by God, we’ll encounter a new and penetrating look at the natures of eros, phileo, and agape loves. And, in this modern-day classic, Sproul will lead us into the deepest dimensions of the beloved 13th chapter of 1stCorinthians.
Once you discover for yourself the astonishing depth, wonder, and richness of God’s love, you’ll want to share it – and this book – with everyone you know.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green features this special book that Joni Eareckson Tada read during the first winter of her disability. Grace grew then for her. And through grace, you will grow too!
The “why” of human suffering is an age-old question. Recently, there have been several people within my circle of influence who have faced a season of suffering. Some have come through now to see the hilltop others are still journeying through the Valley.
Clarkson indicates this is a book of help for those who must live with a continuing problem of suffering, of whatever kind. It seeks to lead sufferers to discover and to embrace the character of God, so they will be enabled to live triumphantly within the hedge of suffering, wherein God has placed them, and from which in his inscrutable sovereignty He had not yet seen fit to release them.
This is not an “escape” book, nor does it emphasize physical healing, although it frankly accepts the fact that God can and sometimes does heal. It makes no attempt to probe the problem of pain from a philosophical viewpoint, nor is it a book of debate. It contains no sentimentality and offers no shallow “comfort.”
Suffering is seen as one of God’s means of enlarging the soul’s capacity for Himself, and sufferers are enjoined to seek God’s enabling that they may lose none of the present or future fullness that God would have them experience as a result. This is not the most usual view of human suffering, but Clarkson is convinced that it is the only practical, workable way to cope with its stresses.
So, come be a part, as we examine, Grace Grows Best in Winter from author Margaret Clarkson who offers a thoughtful, biblical exploration of the “why” of human suffering.
Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores Faded Glory by Maurice Lednicky.
Today, Bible-believing followers of Jesus are appalled and horrified at the immoral (perhaps amoral) standard that is commonly accepted in our culture. Is the guileless agenda of TV, movies, and music simply coincidental? Are the blatant attacks against those who have a strong commitment of faith isolated acts of the few extremists? Maurice Lednicky doesn’t think so.
In today’s feature, Faded Glory: The Church in a Cultural Crisis, Lednicky insightfully addresses the impact of cultural attitudes and behavior the church has embraced in recent years.
At issue is the manner in which the church has allowed itself to be influenced by culture. There can be no doubt that we are in a serious cultural crisis and that the church of Jesus Christ is in the crosshair of the enemy’s biggest weapon.
So come be a part, as Maurice Lednicky reveals how to properly go about evaluating cultural mores without compromising our faith.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green continues to dig through “The Incredible Patience of God” by Lane Adams.
Tragically, many Christians spend most of their life in a build-up process and never break out. Don’t let this be you!
It is appalling that so often the church has become the guardian of the status quo, all the while preaching a gospel of never-ending change. What an irony this is!
If you want to know how to guard against never breaking out… If you want to know how to navigate the long road to spiritual maturity and avoid some of the common pitfalls… If you want to take a detailed look at the apostle Paul’s life- a prime example of this crucial process…
If you want to find hope and reassurance that a closer relationship with God is possible … Then I hope you’ll join us as we seek out the answers found in The Incredible Patience of God.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green introduces us to “The Incredible Patience of God” by Lane Adams.
Many believers become discouraged with the long process of growth in their walk with Christ. In fact, today’s featured author believes it is “the rare spiritual prodigy” who moves rapidly to spiritual maturity.
In this book, Lane Adams urges Christians to seek a balance between asking for forgiveness and being accountable. The Incredible Patience of God will help Christians rethink their beliefs about sin and repentance, while reassuring believers who are sincerely seeking a closer relationship with God.
The purpose of this book is to bring comfort and understanding to all who named Jesus as Lord and Savior. May it’s message free many believers to patiently enjoy the maturing process as God is working in their lives. It is designed to bring a fresh biblical understanding of conversion and growth, and thereby to bring relief to the person who keeps wondering, “how come it’s taking me so long to get better?”
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes “The New Life” by Reginald Wallis from the shelf to examine.
“Should a Christian expect and experience constant triumph, every day and all day, over sin and self? Is the victorious life really practical, or is it just an attractive subject for conference gatherings and an interesting topic for discussion? Is it merely a pet theme for extremists and fanatics, or is there actually a sane, Biblical experience of practical triumph within the reach of every believer, irrespective of temperament, circumstances, environment, or changing times and conditions?
Many Christians are asking these questions today. Faced with the never-ending antagonism of a threefold enemy the allurements of the world, the insidious out-workings of the
flesh, and the subtle devices of the devil all combining in a terrible assault against the testimony of real Life, the whole matter constitutes an acute problem for Christian ethics.”
This book summarizes profound and timeless answers to these soul-searching questions.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green grabs “Full Assurance” by H.A. Ironside from the shelf to explore.
There is a saying “Peace at any price” but most will not adhere to the certainty of peace because it does have a price. The only one who can give full assurance of true peace says there are several absolutes for obtaining and enjoying the luxury of resting in your current circumstances and knowing joyful peace and calm. Our society has done away with absolute thinking and accepted our own truth for having peace. This leaves us on shaky ground.
When doubts and fears arise to control our thinking and actions, our confidence in trusting anyone that offers peace with full assurance is dismissed as fantasy or out of date thinking. The Gospel message and the character of the Godhead are up for grabs as our logic and reasoning become our final authority and override the health manual of the Scriptures; as many regards that tool also out of date.
Full Assurance, by Dr. Harry Ironsides, realigns our thinking based on facts in faith. These are proven certainties readers can discover in choosing Christ over the deception of the devil, or our fleshly desire. This is a fascinating read with many stories and applications for encouragement to step onto the path of peace for whatever holds you from FULL ASSURANCE. From getting out of darkness, being set free from torments, finding hope to grow, standing on a solid foundation and handling the crisis of unplanned trauma or loss that we all may face, but all the while having the confidence to be well pleasing in all we do is the theme of FULL ASSURANCE.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores The Way of the Shepherd by Don Baker.
We all need and want to be cared for by someone who really loves us. We are made in His image where love is paramount. Understanding the ways of a shepherd and what he sacrifices in knowing every need of his sheep, being sensitive to their surroundings is what allows the sheep and lambs to lie down and rest in green pastures and drink the quiet still waters.
Under the care of a good shepherd, sheep lie down in the quiet and serene sense of gentle contentment. “Godliness with “contentment is great gain.”
The Way of the Shepherd will bring delightful joy to the heart and the beautiful pictures captivating the message in each chapter. The beauty of the book is that it equally reaches out to the heart that is troubled or to a person struggling with the issues of life that must have a shepherd to protect and carry us, to a place of safety.
Expressed in the 23rd Psalm and illustrated for us is the correlation between sheep of the field and us as Christians being sheep of His pasture. Tension is released as we see we are never abandoning and always have the shepherd there for us when we are unable to help ourselves. Great comfort and understanding come from practical illustrations that are given to David as he learned from his Great Shepherd.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green tackles “The Porn Problem” by Vaughan Roberts. Sex is not simply recreational; it is profoundly relational.” In just two short generations we have moved to a widespread adoption of liberal values, many that conflict with the Bible. Believers are finding themselves to be the misunderstood minority, and feeling at odds with where the world seems to be heading.
It is not just Christians who are worried about the tsunami of porn that has hit our society. Social commentators, medical professionals, and concerned individuals point to the negative impact it is having on body image, relational health, and development of adolescent sexuality. Porn wears many different faces and affects both sexes leaving many with shame and nowhere to find the door out of the driving desires that consume their lives.
There is a way out from the passion of porn. The author, Vaughan Roberts lifts the lid off this bondage and gives a short, but direct, understanding in finding help for anyone facing the enslavement of lust without any lasting satisfaction.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green shares “Wounded Heroes” by Elizabeth Skoglund.
Wounds come in all forms from tragic events, daily pressures of continued stress, the “what ifs” of life looming over us, surprises of health challenges, broken relationships, losses of many kinds. It is certain that life is filled with UNCERTAINTY.
Choosing right responses is necessary in understanding unavoidable pain, suffering which does not immediately go away, even when we try to get rid of it. Finding meaning in our suffering can keep the joy and hope for now and whatever may be ahead.
Common life mixed with the divine, practical details lived out in the light of eternity, blessings from buffetings: these are God’s ways of putting our theology into shoe leather. Centuries of saints show us the “how to” of being a faithful wounded warrior.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores “This World-Playground or Battleground” by A.W. Tozer.
We live in a time of great prosperity and one whole generation has known life as having it “your way” with “75 choices” of instant fulfillment. Society and culture offer options gratifying to the senses of pleasure, desire, lust, and comfort. When situations occur and threaten that lifestyle, especially for the Christian that accepts the world’s standard as their own, chaos and confusion with division brings unbelief and destruction to our faith. The focus is no longer centered in the Bible and person of Jesus Christ.
If you are a student of the Word you will know we are promised seasons of suffering, and a playground was never an option. Oh, yes, there awaits times of refreshing and a dimension so wonderful that our Lord Jesus declares in Ephesians 3:20, He is exceedingly abundantly able to do above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. There is a life NOW that is worth the living when holding to the plan of God. When we choose the world system for life untold loss awaits us, now and in the eternal purpose planned by God.
AW Tozer cuts through the glitz and glamor with an honest and balanced appraisal of desiring a playground rather than a temporal calling of a battleground. We need to wake up and count the cost of believing that our God knows what is best for us, NOW AND FOREVER.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green looks at Effective Faith by Sanders J Oswald.
A diamond is formed under great pressure and placed under the hands of a skilled craftsman for cutting the facets into it for the beauty and brilliance to be seen; so the Lord gives a measure of faith to each one of us and then through the pressures of living, cuts the facets of faith into each one of us so that His Life, His character, His love may be seen in us.
Faith’s chief occupation is obtaining the promises of God, discovering what God is able to do in the face of all opposition and difficulties and willing to accept what it cannot understand.
Faith is the assent of the mind and the consent of the heart. To doubt any word God has spoken is to cripple faith, leading to unbelief and in Scripture is the one thing that exasperates God.
Effective Faith will open a chapter of exploring the many facets of faith to bring you to resting in the object of your faith, Jesus Christ.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green digs into Know Who You Believe by Paul Little.
Do you question whether God knows or cares about you in your everyday life? Would you like to be connected with God? Do you feel you need to know a little more about God before connecting with Him?
If so, come be a part and join author Paul Little as he helps you to closely examine the central truths about God and enable you to know with confidence in whom you believe!
This 3rd volume was published after the death of Paul Little by his wife Marie Little from a cache of Paul’s files, tapes, and a previous book entitled The Answer to Life. Marie has used Paul’s voice on every page…the thoughts and theology are his. Marie has added some updated terms and references, but whenever she does, she has set them off from the main text.
I so appreciate the work she has done. To me, it is such a blessing that Paul’s wonderful insights were not lost due to his untimely death.
It is not enough to know about God’s Word, ways, and attributes. It is not enough to preach about these, proclaim the Good News, or promote Bible study. What the deciding factor is of whether or not we are in-dwelt by the Spirit of God and on the road to eternal life is that we know God.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls “Know Why You Believe” by Paul Little from the bookshelf to take a look inside.
If in today’s world you believe the Bible is from God and it is TRUTH, that is a good thing. However, if the time comes when you want to become a disciple, a learner, of what you believe to be true, then pushing forward is mandatory. If you desire to become a defender of WHAT you believe and taking the aggressive role in being able to present your case with conviction, then it is vital to know WHY you believe.
Global society is working very hard to wipe out absolutes from our history and moral values. We find ourselves regressing in our growth if we cannot understand and convey knowledge that will stand to man’s logic, reason, and rationalization. If what you believe cannot be proven by why you believe, then your creditability is destroyed. It is just another opinion.
When we are established in What we believe and Why we believe our foundation will be solid and well-pleasing to God. Furthermore, we will be equipped to do the good works we have been called to do and able to stand against the attacks from the enemy. Knowing What and Why in our theology keeps us from being deceived because the Truth abiding in us sets us free. Without a solid foundation, we will be tossed about, falling into unbelief and confusion.
Listen carefully to the challenging discussion that causes us to question Why we believe.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls “Know What You Believe” by Paul Little.
What has established your beliefs about WHAT you believe? Family tradition, something you read or heard in social media, Church and Sunday School teaching, or first- hand bible study.
So many today have a theology built on second-hand faith. We may not be true disciples or learners as we accept whatever we are told is Truth without the discipline of daily searching the Scriptures. WE must be waiting on the ultimate professor of faith, the Holy Spirit to enlighten the doctrines, tenants, history, the God of the Bible, and timely truth. Do you really know WHO you worship and hopefully center your life around or is your God a God of convenience and comfort for your benefit only?
Most Christians today cannot defend their faith or beliefs, even though they believe. It is a scary world in the Church today. To think of a soldier not sure what the rules of engagement are, not knowing the people in charge of his company or platoon, not understanding any of the directives given or how to implement them, the war would not be won. We are facing the same crisis within the Body of Christ and the daily attacks are being met with indifference or little concern of what is on the horizon coming straight toward us. We are not prepared!!
Take time out today to start a new commitment to put on your armor and understand the purpose of wearing it. In this day and age, if you are not willing to be a soldier/warrior living independence under your Commander, life will be filled with defeat and anguish. Yes, Grace always abounds, but there are “rules” to grace being properly appropriated. GET GROUNDED in WHAT YOU BELIEVE!!
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls “Major Bible Themes: 52 Vital Doctrines fo the Scriptures Simplified and Explained” by Lewis Sperry Chafer from the shelf to discuss.
Can you explain or defend the Bible and its purpose? Have you ever wanted to know more of God’s role in our lives, understand the different interactions God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit share as they control, direct, and guide us through our time here on earth? Most Christians lack the daily practical understanding of how God works.
Major Bible Themes addresses 52 questions we desperately need to rise up against the falsehoods that we are being asked to swallow as reality when in essence they are twisted fabrications of man’s thinking. Take some time out of life’s busy schedule and listen to what may be life-changing knowledge as the Holy Spirit grounds us in God’s Truth about Who He is and how He operates. We will forever be going deeper and deeper into the depths of His grace as we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at “Your Eternal Reward” by Erwin Lutzer.
There may be tears in heaven. When we reflect on how we lived for Christ, we might weep on the other side of the celestial gates. Although Christians have been justified by faith, Christ will still judge us for our “deeds done in the body whether good or bad.” How well or poorly we do here might indeed determine our status in heaven for all eternity.
Be prepared to have your understanding of the judgment seat of Christ challenged, provoked, and perhaps permanently changed. Will you answer the heart of God that is seeking a bride who can sit with Christ on His throne and rule forever or will you be given a rebuke from Christ and have “shame at His coming?” The choice is yours!!
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green opens A Pocket Guide to Social Issues by Answers in Genesis.
America is indeed in the middle of a cultural war. The battle lines are drawn around issues that polarize our society, there are many labels that get attached to these ideas, but labels can often be misleading.
In order to understand the issues, it is important to look at them from both sides, but the biblical side of these issues is not well-represented in the media.
Today’s featurecovers a variety of topics like: when does life begin? What about stem cells, homosexuality, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and racism? Where do human rights come from, how do we know what is moral? These questions and others are answered in this compilation of topics and it’s contributing authors will layout both the biblical perspective alongside the secular understanding of the issues.
Because we must know what scripture says and how to address those around us in love and grace while still standing firmly on the Word of God and A Pocket Guide to Social Issues by Answers in Genesis is a great place to start.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger pulls “God is Not Fair” by Joel Freeman off the shelf to examine. The really big question is how do we live, as we are called to live if God is not fair? A beautiful, yet simple solution, awaits you as discover the answer.
We often hear our children complain about a situation that did not go the way they thought it should and say, “that is not fair.” Fair according to what standard? Is there an alternative to being fair? God assures us that according to His standard “fairness” must yield to justice under His loving wisdom. Where did “fairness” become our “guiding light” for circumstances that happen in our lives?
The best of men have asked that question: Moses, John the Baptist, and even Job have all wondered why and how God allowed His Own to incur such horrible messes when they thought they were faithfully serving Him.
Joel Freeman portrays and outlines, from start to finish, of how we fall into this way of thinking as being justified by our own evaluations. He uses examples from the logic of man to reveal the mind of God on where our thinking has a false view. “God Is Not Fair” awakens our conscience, in how the enemy can erode our seeking to explain the difficult things that happen. This will hold the attention of anyone from 15-75 years.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Every Body Matters by Gary Thomas.
Weak beliefs about the importance of caring for your body produces weak commitments. The highest authority gives us some motivation.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 are words that need to be taken to heart, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” We were purchased with a high price to be redeemed and given eternal life in the Son, Jesus Christ.
Every Body Matters doesn’t focus on fad diets, and extreme practices for the body, however, since the body is the dwelling place for His Spirit in ministry for us and others, we need to evaluate the importance we give to the body as we are stewards of what has been given to us. 1 Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover, it is required in a steward to be found faithful.”
Today, Ginger Green explores Authentic Christianity by Ray Stedman.
Jesus died for us that He might live in us. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Our goal is to move beyond religion, doctrines, rules, rituals, into that life-changing experience of being intimately connected with Christ at the very core of your being-for that is authentic Christianity. This is our only hope to finishing well!
Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, can actually come to live within a human being, and intertwine his life with our own. God’s plan of salvation is aimed in our human will, our decision-making ability. We must make a choice to surrender as authentic Christians, not through intellectually comprehending and accepting historical facts. Our life must be joined to his life.
This “read” outlines the phony from the genuine with illustrations of practical experiences confirmed through the Scriptures.
Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores The Courage To Be Protestant by David Wells.
Whatever your choice, Courage to be Protestant will give you the facts and consequences in the world of cultural change. Read and then decide which camp you belong to and why. Great book for all believers from 18-80 years.
The evangelical world of today looks quite different from a few decades ago and appears to have divided into three rather distinct constituencies.
These three groups are classic evangelicalism, marketers, and emergents. The last two groups are transitional and are stepping-stones toward a more liberalized Christianity.
Over time, the capacity to think doctrinally has been lost as new leaders emerge and the older pastor-theologian model to newer entrepreneurial organization builders promotes a new method of ‘selling” the Gospel; attracting the people in need with a more comfortable appeal.
Today on Sharin Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green peels open the pages of The Greatest Words Ever Spoken by Steven K Scott.
The old saying “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” The idea that words never hurt is a false myth and we know from experience that words can devastate, destroy, and may have lingering consequences for years to come.
On the other hand the right words spoken according to Proverbs 25:11 are ”like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Where do we find such comforting, guiding, healing words? In the promises of God given to us in the Scriptures.
Jesus never spoke with a “double tongue.” What He said He will do and fulfill. Knowing the Scriptures is to know the authentic, real, and true words, not some counterfeit and fake as Psalms 55: 21: describes: “The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.” From the mouth the heart speaks.
The Greatest Words Even Spoken teach us the words of Jesus that have changed the course of history by changing, millions of lives, one life at a time.
There is a belief that self-esteem, a good self-image, provides the necessary foundation for a wholesome personality and successful behavior. This theory is accepted in secular and evangelical society, no longer a theory, but as established truth.
A noted psychologist speaking to a group at a well-known company was asked what impact the self-esteem movement had in today’s world. The answer was “it was a complete disaster.” Paul Brownback has provided us with an explanation and solution to this problem that has misguided so many in our society.
Ginger Green eloquently shares the TRUTH of self-esteem and the author Paul Brownback, graciously provides an analysis of an alternative that may be found in our TEACHING HANDOUTS.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at a great book by Dr. Caroline Leaf entitled, “Who Switched Off My Brain” giving us some insight into the mystery of our brain function.
An intriguing book by a Christian doctor describing how God formed us to function in easy to read format. Many drawings and illustrations to further simplify each chapter. Science with applicational simplicity.
Many people who do not understand the battles they fight, found with clarity and new confidence, a smooth path in thinking that is available to those who want to understand how to keep a healthy brain, resulting in a healthy body.
When the body is functioning the way God designed it to be life takes on a new luster and the Spirit can be at ease within us for His leading.
A beautiful combination of spiritual foundation with science agreeing. “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart By Robert Morgan.
Because, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Why? 1 Peter tells us “that we have been given great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world.”
Here we have the purpose, the power, and the plan for discovering what the mind of God is for His children in knowing Him. There is nothing that can still our hearts and mind, giving quiet confidence and drawing us into His presence as hiding the promises of God within our soul.
As a child of God, we want to grow up and become disciples (learners) that desire to sit at His feet and learn of Him. In memorizing the promises we can be pleasing to His heart and His Word brings life, comfort and hopes to us. Take some time to focus on the promises of God and in communion with Him, ask that they are made real in your life.
Today on the Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Limiting God by John Hunter.
The phrase “Failure is the back door to success” certainly has merit. Do words like fearfulness, selfishness, unbelief, failure, pride, laziness, ignorance, immaturity ever cross your mind as you stop and have conversations with yourself about how you wish you did not have to do battle with these patterns in your thought life? You know the Word says to bring every thought captive, but when swimming with strokes of repetitive thinking, these words have developed into lifestyles of living. So, really what is the harm if you are just coping?
The main reason this way of living should not remain dominant is that without change your life will be LIMITING GOD in all that you do. We have been given precious promises for living an abundant life now. Stopping short of that goal pulls us into fake and false thinking as an acceptable standard for who we really are as children of God. This in turn robs us of the joy, peace, calm, contentment, and an inability to grow in grace and knowledge, having Christ formed in you, with waging war against the enemy that Jesus Christ defeated on the Cross. It is the fruit of blessing when our walk and talk are consistent and others can benefit from our testimony.
The Old Testament examples are given to help us see and understand the New Testament principles and how they can be applied.
Limiting God is an analysis of Christian failure with the sure answer for success in Christ.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green examines “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” by Chuck Missler.
The New Translation in Everyday English expresses 11 Timothy 3:16 as follows: All Scripture is breathed out by God and useful for teaching, for conviction, for correction and for disciplined training in righteousness, in order to make the man of God adequate, and fully to equip him for every good task. This is the heavenly solution for our earthly problems. However, to be able to use this precious resource we need to be in the Word and a student of discipline study to glean all that is available to us, NOW.
Proverbs 3:5-7 gives us sound advise to Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding, but in ALL our ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.
What joyful exhortations we are given to make our center of reading and study the Word of God. Chuck Missler has combined decades of personal living in the good times and not so good times to provide us with a tool that short cuts years of random searching into a detailed outline giving us a foundation to move forward with knowledge of what is taking place from Genesis to Revelation.
Today’s recap from Ginger Green will draw the hungry heart and seeking soul into an expanding world often gone unnoticed by most. Learn the Bible in 24 hours has a study guide, workbook and videos to start a home study or study within your church. If we claim ignorance or indifference to digging into the Bible, we will find that we are the loser and our lack of discipline may impact ours and others destiny. That should never be the case when such a great resource as this is available to us. Thank you, Chuck, for a life that fought the good fight, finished the race, and shares in the Eternal Glory of our Triune God for all Eternity!!!
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green digs into The Prayer Life By Charles Usher.
The question at hand isn’t about how many people prayed daily, but how many people truly understand biblical teaching and perspective on prayer. Because if we are truly serious about spiritual growth, about deepening our relationship with Christ… Prayer must be assigned the highest priority!
So, come be a part as we join author Charles Usher in a discussion of the prayer life and how to live it, with a concentration on spiritual warfare in his book, The Prayer Life. This is a small book perhaps 50 pages yet filled with immense truth and practicality. The topics Usher addresses include: hindrances to prayer, equipment for warfare, the prayer of faith, perseverance in prayer, and prayers for nations, homes, and circumstances; for Scripture tells us to, “watch and pray.”
The Prayer Life by Charles Usher is currently out of print and can be found online only in very limited quantities. If you are unable to locate a copy and are interested in adding The Prayer Life to your library of Christian resources, please contact The Fireside Book Shelf through our home page and we can assist you in obtaining a reprint of this timeless work.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green grabs a favorite; “When You’re Tired of Treating the Symptoms, and You’re Ready for a Cure, Give Me a Call” by Dr. Henry Brandt. We search for relief from our problems, instead of searching for a cure. Anything that will achieve temporary rest from anger, fear, frustration, unforgiveness, and bitterness. It is a repetitive cycle of survival and we become addicted to the short-term escape.
There is a long-term cure and the first step of “cure” is to SEE your need in the problem, call it what it truly is and ACCEPT the need as your wake-up call for change. The word for this process is repentance; to turn from the old thinking, emotions, and actions. Repentance consists of confession of sin and submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s cleansing grace, healing comes. Learning to see the need and not excusing with some popular modality is a big part of the challenge. Follow Dr. Brandt through the maze of not treating the symptoms, but finding the real cure.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts:The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green discusses the book Waiting on God by Andrew Murray
Waiting on God is an important part of worship. It is becoming a lost art in our daily lives as our culture tells us we must always be busy; whether in earning a living, serving in a ministry, raising a family to the dictates of our society.
Quietness, in today’s pop thinking, is mainly for the sick, elderly, or seeking solitude just long enough to recharge our batteries to be on the go at breakneck speed.
People complain about being emotionally exhausted, overwhelmed, overworked, overloaded, overstressed, but continue the rat race instead of the stable quiet pace for true rest and renewal. It is our choice no matter how we deny it.
The tragic end of life news blares at us each day about the famous, desperate youth, leaders from every walk of life, saying they have lost purpose and hope for anything more and life is empty.
As we celebrate the 4th of July this year it is a good time to reflect on our roots. There is a saying in Christian circles that history broken down spells his-story. How God reveals His means and methods in time, as to how He wants to bring all things back to the original plan before the fall.
America was founded on Biblical and moral Truth; a reason for America’s blessings and survival for the last 200 plus years.
America was never a “perfect” nation but a light and testimony to the world that she honors God and His people (Israel).
A slow, but sure, erosion over time has been eating away at her values and roots. As she has prospered her people have changed their character and choices in how they want to live and be governed.
Now many educators are changing how history is being re-written and remembered. Many of today’s citizens have never been to war, except maybe in riots on our own streets and campuses. They have never had to go through loss and a valley of tears or had a spirit of strength to fight for what they really believe is best for the nation based on our original values. We are a nation that has gone selfish and soft.
Let’s travel with Peter Marshall back in time as he traces the decline of the American Dream and sees what happens when a nation compromises its beginnings and blessings.
This week Ginger continues to explore the life of David and encourages us to spend some time in the book of Psalms. What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a season.
In Psalms we will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition. He was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.
Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.
If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.
One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David. The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life. From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances.
He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green examines “Confronting Casual Christianity” by Charles F. Stanley.
Casual Christianity pulls back the curtains for choosing to be satisfied with making a decision in your Christian life but failing to make a commitment to the Person of Jesus Christ. Partial commitments are not an option. The scriptures are consistent in being wholehearted in your decisions if you want to be His disciple and learn and grow into a mature child of God.
Fear of the unknown of what God may ask of you puts on the “brakes” with getting too involved with a heart that says “none of self and all of Thee.” Yes, it can be scary if we look through the eyes of circumstances and consequences of what can happen here. What will be required of me?
When your heart is so in love with the Lord Jesus that He is your main focus, then fear lessens and love strengthens. The heart is so desirous to walk in His perfect peace with a rolling conversation that being casual about your relationship with Jesus is not an option in your life.
To come to this point is not easy as one must sing “I Surrender All.” Easy to sing, hard to do.
Knowing and understanding the full benefits of the Cross of Christ and then taking up your cross on His behalf is our goal and focus. We don’t want to be like the rich young ruler who wanted to follow Christ but when given the qualifying factor, he could not part with his temporal lifestyle and benefits.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores Living by the Book by Howard and William Hendricks that will help us better examine our hearts by the word of God.
Do you know as much about the Bible for your spiritual growth and security as you do about your job, whether in the workplace of business or in the home caring for family?
Have you succumbed to the current culture of social media to get your quick fix for information?
Can you explain the convictions of your belief system and biblical world view?
Can you defend why and what you believe from the Scriptures and how they are sufficient for all aspects of life?
If you answered yes to these questions, then you have strong character traits of Living By the Book. If not, then this outline will get you started on the right path if you are willing to be a student of the Word and not just a casual observer.
Most Christians are so earthbound in their thinking and wanting to get “spoon-fed” by others. They wonder why they do not retain the Truth when they hear it. We need to examine our hearts as to where Jesus Christ is as our first love. If other projects or people, including self come first, then our being grounded to face the difficult days and to serve as life, light, and love will be hindered. The result is that we will be damaged and we will damage others as we are all one Body.
Ask the Father to give you His heart for the wisdom to know Him through Living By the Book.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Culture by A.W. Tozer
“We who call ourselves Christians are supposed to be a people apart. We claim to have rejected(repudiated) the wisdom of this world, and adopted the wisdom of the cross as the guide of our lives.
We have thrown in our lot with that One who, while He lived on earth was the most unadjusted of the sons of men. He would not be integrated into society. He stood above and condemned it by withdrawing from it even while dying for it. Die for it He would, but surrender to it He would not.”
In his book entitled Culture-Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth- A. W. Tozer tells it like it is: to follow Christ toward heaven is to invite trouble in this world.
So come be a part as we examine Culture-a small sampling of Tozer’s writings on what it means to be a Christian in a world that is largely uninterested in Christ. And how as Christians we should live in this world while maintaining our identity as citizens of another.
Today, Ginger Green opens another chapter into the mysterious and unknown paths that may confront us during the course of running the race here, as she explores Deceived by God by John Feinberg. We find it offers a view from above that can help carry us through when troublesome times appear.
The Word of God is filled with hope, love, a guaranteed future for those that love the Lord and are called by His name. With countless promises and blessings, seasoned with grace, we want the Bible to be our constant companion, as it supplies the foundation of our life in Christ.
When all this appears to fail and unthinkable troubles become living realities in our lives and families, how do we continue to trust in a Holy God? Where do we go when we are on a slippery slope of sinking and cannot provide comfort or answers to all those in need.
Deceived by God addresses this issue from a man in ministry, sold out to service and loving his God; yet facing the unthinkable. Though no fault of anyone involved, overwhelmed with pain and sorry, John Feinberg looks at the hard questions of being a believer and not wavering in faith, though tossed about with perplexity.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores Forgiving Forward by Bruce and Toni Hebel. This is not the average “forgiveness” book. Heavy with experiences made practical and answering questions many are not even asking; makes this a life-transforming book and one that should be in your library.
Forgiveness is foundational to a life of faith. It is so much more than saying, “I am sorry.” True forgiveness will take us out of our comfort zone and required a renewing of our minds. Our natural minds cannot work from logic and reason in this matter because it is a supernatural work provided by The Supernatural God. We are told to forgive as Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:30.) Whatever has been done to me from another’s sin nature, I have done to Christ with my sin nature.
All sin, no matter the degree required Christ to go to the Cross and pay the price. The words may be simple but the process is complex in that our hearts must be made right before God with having our speech free of corrupt communication and only for edification to the hearer, being free from grieving or quenching the Spirit and getting rid of bitterness, extreme anger for harm to another person, and other thinking that is of the flesh with corresponding negative emotions. (Ephesians 4:29-31.)
Many often quote John 8:32 “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” However, there is a key to that reality being applied and that is found in the preceding verse 31, “IF you abide (to be at home)in ME and My words abide in you, THEN, knowing and applying the Truth can be made practical for necessary forgiveness releasing burden and guilt that unforgiveness carries.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls “The Greatest Thing in the World” by Henry Drummond to take a look at Love.
The word LOVE has many different meanings in the Greek and are all translated into English without making a distinction.
EROS: From which we get the word erotic and is never used in the Bible. It has to do with the love between a man and woman which embraces longing, craving, and desire. We can love each other without having the ultimate love. Usually has sexual overtones, a need love.
STERGO: is only used 3 times in the New Testament and means love of kindred, especially of parents for children and children or parents. The love between husband and wife and for others of close kindred. A love of family. Can still be lacking the ultimate love.
PHILEO: mainly denotes the attraction of people to one another who are close together both inside and outside the family. It is a love of liking, an affection for someone or something that is the outgoing of one’s heart in delight to that which affords pleasure. It includes concern, care, and hospitality to others and many times is a friendly love between members of the body of Christ. However, as good as it is, we can still lack the ultimate true love of:
AGAPAO: The noun form is agape. “it is a love called out of a person’s heart by an awakened sense of value in an object which causes one to prize it.” Love of approbation and esteem. A love that recognizes the worthiness of the object loved. This love is the soul’s sense of value and preciousness of its object. (Wuest)
Join Ginger as she opens our hearts to the wonders of “true love.” Hope it will create in you the hunger to live a life well pleasing. Agape love is the love the Father desires we all mature in; with nothing lacking. “We love Him because He first loved us.”
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls Humility by Andrew Murray from the shelf.
One of the best definitions of humility is one by today’s author, Andrew Murray. This man’s life reflected what he wrote. He has described HUMILITY as:
“Perfect quietness of heart. It is to have no trouble, not to be fretted or vexed or irritated or sore or disappointed.”
“It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised.”
“It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace as in a deep-sea of calmness when all around and above is trouble. It is the fruit of the Lord Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on Calvary’s Cross, made known in those of His own who are definitely subject to the Holy Spirit.”
This cannot be head knowledge, it must be a life lived in the power of Another, tested and tried on a regular basis, so that it becomes a part of your character and a continual habit. What held true in the day and ministry of Andrew Murray is still as relevant and needed today as in the days of old.
The Seven Checkpoints by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall cover the critical beliefs that our youth question within their belief system. It exposes the world’s point of view that compromise their thinking resulting in actions and lifestyle which set them up for disappointments, confusion, and just plain trouble.
From learning how to establish moral boundaries (how and when sex is a part of their lives) to choosing friends and the consequences, whether good or bad, Seven Checkpoints sets a foundation they can see and accept with clarity.
Having a copy of this book at your fingertips will have you ready to offer solid solutions that are obtainable and supplies a path of guidance for parents and youth leaders wanting to fulfill their role God has given to them.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green proves that big things really do come in small packages. First published in 1951, My Heart – Christ’s Home by Robert Boyd Munger, may be considered a tiny literary work but it is filled with timeless truth.
In John 17, Jesus prayed to His Father, “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.”
I Corinthians 3 says that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Grasping this truth is a discipline in the Christian life.
Join in the exploration of this treasured masterpiece as Munger shares his depiction on how to apply scripture to our lives.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes the book “9 Must-Have Conversations for a Doubt-Free Wedding Day” by Gary Thomas and Doctors Steve and Rebecca Wilke and gives us an inside look.
There are a lot of challenges in life but making and keeping a happy marriage is a rare art form. Less than 1% of marriages worldwide ever make it to the 50 year anniversary. Expectations for an intimate relationship most of the time are based on desires, personal needs and wants. When those are not fulfilled the pain and disappointments of living exposes our true character and independent personalities. People are not prepared to preserve and sacrifice for what they once held so dear.
Having the RIGHT premarital counseling can establish the priority of any marriage and set the goals for a couple that will thrive and not just survive in a “me first” society. Marriage wasn’t created just to make us happy, but to merge two lives into one for the ultimate glory of God. Helpful hints from this book can make falling in love a life long passion for staying in love.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer and finds that perfect peace comes with a high price tag. It has been purchased through the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. It cleared us of our helpless position and provides guaranteed hope for now and all eternity. It also gives us the ability to live fruitful conditions within circumstances, while we travel our earthly life, in quiet confidence and joy.
When we are troubled we will cry out for peace which He says He alone gives. Not as the world gives, which is relief from temporal troubles, happy circumstances, escape patterns for just the here and now. We pray to desire the world’s mindset and wonder why we don’t have peace. Because peace comes from above and from a PERSON, Jesus Christ.
In John, chapters 14-16 Jesus gives an understanding on how to be nourished in the peace that He gives. Praying for peace within but refusing to rely on the PERSON of PEACE may close the door to the supply we so desperately need and desire.
To have a mindset of wanting peace but not paying the price of loving Jesus with our whole heart, departing from the ways of the world, and resisting the enemy will withhold His peace that He has already provided, freely. It is not a thing we obtain but a Person we trust.
He never said peace would be without tribulations, but peace could still be ours in the tribulation of life.
Open your eyes and ears to true peace as you follow Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green continues with Part 2 of “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. It will bring joy to our spirits and rest to our souls as we anticipate our forever together.
• Eternal life in the immediate presence of the triune God.
• All that diminishes the quality of life on earth will be gone in heaven.
• The heights of joy on earth will be eclipsed in heaven.
• Failure and its consequences will be a thing of the past.
• No more temptations from the world, the flesh, and the devil.
• Knowledge will no longer be limited.
• The body will no longer suffer from mental, emotional, physical anguish.
•Seeing our loved ones, making new relationships and getting acquainted with those that paved the way before us.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green begins to share insight into “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn.
Most of us believe there is an afterlife. Even if the body returns to dust for an unknown period of time, we do live on; but where? Luke 16 gives a description of one who chose to live for himself here on earth, and after dying, tells a grim story for those who reject the way of Life in Jesus Christ. In that same chapter, there is a great insight for those that trust, no matter difficult life was while walking on earth. Many that are confident in their home going to Heaven still have questions about facts of their future.
How do we Gain Entrance into Heaven?
Is Heaven a Place or a State of Mind?
Will We Know One Another in Heaven?
What Will Our Resurrection Bodies Be Like?
What Will We Do in Heaven?
What are the Mansions like that Await Us?
Who Will Receive Rewards in Heaven?
And so many more questions. The Word is very specific on some issues and gives glimpses into other matters that cause us to need to know the Word and accept, by faith, our Heavenly Father when “unknowns” to us still exist.
Heaven by Randy Alcorn, define answers that bring great peace and comfort to those that want the “real deal”.
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls “A Christian Manifesto” by Francis Schaeffer from the shelf to examine.
Most of the Christian world of today know little or nothing of a biblical world view regarding life. We may know scripture or have a sincere desire to serve the Lord; however, we lack an understanding of how to view life through biblical eyes. For this biblical world view, we need to use the word of God to define our decisions and actions regarding circumstances, situation, relationships, and choices that need to be made each day of our lives.
A Christian Manifesto is not an easy book to assimilate into the fabric of one’s daily walk. It is a book that is worth making a commitment to read and understand the erosion in our world culture.
Christians have been slow to see the decay of values. This is mainly due to our dividing between our “spiritual” and the “material” worlds. True reality is the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life.
What it is to know the True and Living God in a practical way; opening our minds, strengthening our convictions and consciences to impact ourselves and those around us.
“But none of these things move me, nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” Acts 20:24
For those whose lives are hit with a crisis that turns into a lifestyle, this verse should be what we keep before us at all times. The goal is to accept what we may not be able to change, whether it is only for a season or extends for a lifetime.
Pain does have purpose, but most of the time our first priority is to get out of pain. We may search the many different options afforded us to find a relief from pain; sometimes to no avail. Pain should not stop us, only reorient our hearts with Heaven, our eternal home.
If pain comes and makes a home in your body and soul, then we need to reflect on God’s Plan:
God has a PURPOSE, He never moves without purpose or plan.
God has the PERSPECTIVE, He sees things from the perspective of eternity.
God has a PROGRAM, says suffering is part of the plan and not to be avoided.
So come be a part as Ginger explores You Gotta Keep Dancin’ by Tim Hansel