The Prayer Life

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green digs into The Prayer Life By Charles Usher.

The question at hand isn’t about how many people prayed daily, but how many people truly understand biblical teaching and perspective on prayer. Because if we are truly serious about spiritual growth, about deepening our relationship with Christ… Prayer must be assigned the highest priority!

So, come be a part as we join author Charles Usher in a discussion of the prayer life and how to live it, with a concentration on spiritual warfare in his book, The Prayer Life.  This is a small book perhaps 50 pages yet filled with immense truth and practicality. The topics Usher addresses include: hindrances to prayer, equipment for warfare, the prayer of faith, perseverance in prayer, and prayers for nations, homes, and circumstances; for Scripture tells us to, “watch and pray.”

The Prayer Life by Charles Usher is currently out of print and can be found online only in very limited quantities. If you are unable to locate a copy and are interested in adding The Prayer Life to your library of Christian resources, please contact The Fireside Book Shelf through our home page and we can assist you in obtaining a reprint of this timeless work.

Recognizing Depression

“Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness: I looked for someone to take pity, there was none, and for comforters, but I found none.” Psalms 69:20

Cries of pain from the body, soul, and spirit can hit us like a storm when we are attacked by overwhelming circumstances or trauma in torn relationships. Questions as to WHY scream in our agony. How do we handle what appears to be impossible to solve and are there any solutions? Where do I go?

STOP! Get Still and listen as there is HOPE, REMEDIES, and a way to find LIGHT at the end of the dark tunnel.

Being an Overcomer

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

This victory is offered to all who are willing to pay the price to obtain the position of an Overcomer.

Yes, as believers, we have overcome death and condemnation through the victory of Christ’s Cross – we then are responsible to be the Overcomer making known His Light to our darkened world in our daily walk

The benefits are truly “out of this world” wonderful!

So, join in the conversation and find the victory of being an overcomer.

When You’re Tired of Treating the Symptoms

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green grabs a favorite; “When You’re Tired of Treating the Symptoms, and You’re Ready for a Cure, Give Me a Call” by Dr. Henry Brandt. We search for relief from our problems, instead of searching for a cure. Anything that will achieve temporary rest from anger, fear, frustration, unforgiveness, and bitterness.  It is a repetitive cycle of survival and we become addicted to the short-term escape.

There is a long-term cure and the first step of “cure” is to SEE  your need in the problem, call it what it truly is and ACCEPT the need as your wake-up call for change. The word for this process is repentance; to turn from the old thinking, emotions,  and actions.  Repentance consists of confession of sin and submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s cleansing grace, healing comes.  Learning to see the need and not excusing with some popular modality is a big part of the challenge.  Follow Dr. Brandt through the maze of not treating the symptoms, but finding the real cure.

Avoiding Depression

“God, who comforts us in ALL our tribulations” 2 Corinthians 1:4

The Bible gives us real examples of how relationships and circumstances gone wrong can rob us of God’s peace and comfort. To overcome:

  • Recognize our NEED for help and change
  • Know God has a solution for every NEED
  • Choose to release that NEED, trusting Him for the answer

Then, hope in His love, Believing in Him, will allow us to rest in Him – AVOIDING DEPRESSION.  

Lessons From Laodicea

“For the hearts of these people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes have closed.” Act 28:27

It is easy to grow dull to the needs of others when all is going great in our own life. In the ease of our comfort we can grow disinterested in those heading for hell, we focus on laying up treasures for our retirement and become casual about the consequences of sin in our lives. It is important that we remain diligent in discipline in every stage so that we are continuing in the work of the Lord.

Today we will discuss some fleshly traits blind us and find out how to remain steadfast in our walk so that we don’t fail to redeem the time for the days are evil.

So, join in the conversation as we learn more Lessons from Laodicea.