Unconditional Love

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer” Psalm 19:14.


Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon talk about the way words have changed over the years and how we may be using some words wrong without malicious intent. Being misunderstood can be one of the most difficult communication problems that may never be rectified. It is painful and stings deeply. Words matter; how we use words matter; to bring life or death. “Death an dlife are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” Proverbs 18:21.

Courage to be Protestant

Today on The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores The Courage To Be Protestant by David Wells. Whatever your choice, Courage to be Protestant will give you the facts and consequences in  world of cultural change.  Read and then decide which camp you belong to and why.  Great book for all believers from 18-80 years.


The evangelical world of today looks quite different from a few decades ago and appears to have divided into three rather distinct constituencies. These three groups are classic evangelicalism, marketers and emergents. The last two groups are transitional and are stepping-stones toward a more liberalized Christianity. Over time, the capacity to think doctrinally has been lost as new leaders emerge and the older pastor-theologian model to newer entrepreneurial organization builders promotes a new method of ‘selling” the Gospel; attracting the people in need with a more comfortable appeal.

Tackling the Tongue

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” Luke 6:45.


Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the struggle to stand in the truth of God’s word. How have we gotten in such a mess? What have we used our tongue to promote? We are living in a day where sin is celebrated. Moral decay is taking over our hearts, spilling over into our families, and we take it to church. It is easier to fall in a roll with the flow because sometimes the current is so strong it is a fight to stand. There is a time to speak and a time to get quiet. It is a caution to weigh the thoughts through a filter of God’s word.

The Greatest Words Ever Spoken

The old saying “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”  The idea that words never hurt is a false myth and we know from experience that words can devastate, destroy, and may have lingering consequences for years to come.


On the other hand the right words spoken according to Proverbs 25:11 are ”like apples of gold in settings of silver.”  Where do we find such comforting, guiding, healing words? In the promises of God given to us in the Scriptures.

Jesus never spoke with a “double tongue.”  What He said He will do and fulfill.  Knowing the Scriptures is to know the authentic, real, and true words, not some counterfeit and fake  as Psalms 55: 21: describes:  “The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; His words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.” From the mouth the heart speaks.

The Greatest Words Even Spoken teach us the words of Jesus that have changed the course of history by changing, millions of lives, one life at a time.

Solid Foundation Part 2

“A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true even though it is a lie”

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

School Day Devotions mentioned in the broadcast are available here


Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the way a lie can affect our life. They touch on topics of lies that our society has convinced us are true and on lies that we have believed about ourselves. Each lie affects our life differently but they are all still lies which affect our lives in a negative way. We reject the truth for a lie and Jesus is truth.

A Christian Manifesto

A Christian Manifesto is not an easy book to assimilate into the fabric of one’s daily walk.  It is a book that is worth making a commitment to read and understand the erosion in our world culture.

Most of the Christian world of today know little or nothing of a biblical world view regarding life.  We may know scripture or have a sincere desire to serve the Lord; however, we lack an understanding of how to view life through biblical eyes. For this biblical world view, we need to use the word of God to define our decisions and actions regarding circumstances, situation, relationships, and choices that need to be made each day of our lives. Christians have been slow to see the decay of values.  This is mainly due to our dividing between our “spiritual” and the “material” worlds.  True reality is the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every area of life.

Come join Fireside Bookshelf with Ginger Green for another chapter in learning what it is to know the True and Living God in a practical way; opening our minds, strengthening our convictions and consciences to impact ourselves and those around us.

Solid Foundations Part 1

“According to the grace of God which is given to me, as a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds thereon. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10-11.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss how to build upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. The daily struggles of life can take its toll on our Christian walk in applying the scriptures that will help us stand in our faith in the heat of the battle. Finding truth; which is the person Jesus Christ, will give us the right perspective in thinking to overcome many adversities. Jesus is preparing a home for us in heaven and the home He is preparing has to do with how we are living here and now. What are you sending up; gold, silver, and precious stones or wood, hay, and stubble?

Psycho Babble

Psycho Babble directs us how to find the straight and narrow path to Truth that transforms.

There is a saying “The Truth doesn’t cost anything, but a lie  could cost you everything.”  2 Peter 1 lays a foundation on how we may be assured of not falling into the trap of modern psychology lies.  Should we decide to favor the foolish wisdom of this world we will sin grievously if we reject and neglect divine truth.  Verse 3 declares ‘His divine power has given to us ALL things that pertain to life and godliness.”  Verse 4 affirms “exceedingly great and precious promises are ours so that we may be divine partakers of the divine nature.”   Know and apply the promises so you won’t be caught in the lies.

God in Creation Part 2

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Romans 1:20.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Janie and Sharon discuss the evidence of God seen in creation. God is the creator of all things. Education and Government are setting the bar for all society to accept evolution over creation. The US Government took over all public school curriculums in the 1990’s before that each school was local. Believing a lie as truth will never make the lie true, it will only cause us to live our life on the unstable foundation of lies. God intricate design of all creation has consistency and continuity that explains why an oak tree produces an oak tree and why the seasons rotate in order.

Intelligent Design- Uncensored

Intelligent Design is a term declaring  we DID NOT evolve from a glob of goop. It has been debated for centuries by those that want to do away with a need of God in Creation.  For years we have been told the Scriptures requires blind faith because there is really no science to back up the word of God; since science is supposed to be  the final authority in understanding.

Charles Darwin introduced his theory of evolution to argue that blind nature had produced all the species of plants and animals around us and a Creator could not be found in nature.  This thinking entered our educational systems over 100 years ago and has  been eroding the thinking of professors and students alike.  The scientific community has been divided in this area.

For those that will study the evolution theory they will find it has more holes than a sieve, however most people will not take the time to know how to DEFEND THE FACTS OF THE TRUTH. This book lays the foundation for understanding the “logic of the lie” and explains the evidence, from both science and Scripture, that confirms Intelligent Design in creation. A vital read that parents should digest and instruct our youth in a counterattack, because a world without God is a world without hope.


God in Creation

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” Romans 1:20.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss God in Creation. It is of the greatest importance for the Lord’s children to recognize fully that, above all other things, His object is that we KNOW HIM. Through the Word, trials and testing, we learn of Him. We also need to be aware that He speaks to us through His creation. The stars, clouds, trees, moon, sky, plants, weather, mountains, the sea, the animals that He give us  all tell of His care, concern of us; His sovereignty over all of life. If you are going through a time of difficulty, then stop, look, and listen to the sights and sounds of His  creation all around us. He can comfort, teach, give and guide as we still our minds and hearts in seeing Him through His creation. Our five senses can help OR hinder knowing Him. Learn the difference in today’s discussion.

The Danger of Self Love

There is a belief that self-esteem, a good self-image, provides the necessary foundation for a wholesome personality and successful behavior.  This theory is accepted in secular and evangelical society, no longer as theory, but as established truth.

A noted psychologist speaking to a group at a well known company was asked what  impact the self-esteem movement had in todays world.  The answer was “it was a  complete disaster.”  Paul Brownback has provided us with a explanation and solution to this problem that has misguided so many in our society.

Ginger Green eloquently shares the TRUTH of self-esteem and the author Paul Brownback, graciously provides  an analysis of an alternative that may be found in our TEACHING HANDOUTS.

Click hear for your  Study Suppliment

Storms of Life Part 2

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father , but is of the world” 1 John 2:15-16.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the benefits that a storm brings. Avoiding a storm may seem comfortable and safe, but we are missing out on the benefits that come in the end. Friendships formed, relationships healed, and character built. Even the forgotten dark clouds that hang over our heads with sudden lightning strikes can cause a jolt of nutrients right to the heart.

The Truth About Money Lies

Today on Fireside Bookshelf Ginger Green reviews The Truth About Money Lies By Russ Crosson. Listen for the money lies you may have believed.

‘Everyone picks up a book for a reason. It could be to learn, laugh, engage, or escape. But behind any of the reasons is a desire to change. We want something about ourselves to be different when we put the book down. So when we pick up a book, we say to the writers, “teach me something I don’t know or take me somewhere I’ve never been.” Those are certainly our goals with The Truth About Money Lies.‘     By Russ Crosson


Storms of Life

“For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hidden myself from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my guide, and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walk to the house of God in company” Psalm 55:12-14

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today, on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the storms of life that we face, not just as Christians, but for every human being. The storms in our lives are promised to come. We can have confidence in Christ as we go through these storms that we will make it through. Many times we think we have to see clearly in the storm, but we don’t; we just need to trust the Lord in it. Every storm of life that has a temporal impact on us is there for a spiritual learning and increase. Storms are promised, so we might as well learn the spiritual and increase in the Lord.

Destined For The Throne

And they sang a new song, saying:“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” Revulations 5: 9-10

If you are not satisfied with cradles and pacifiers for the Christian life, desiring to be more useful in our Master’s service, then here is a meaty volume of practical value.

This book, DESTINED FOR THE THRONE, challenges us to see the Church in all her glory, where we have originated, where we are going in God’s eternal purposes. It ties intercession into the why of our existence. Where do you fit into this program?  If you want to taste the fullness of knowing who you are IN CHRIST, open your ears and heart to this message by Paul Billheimer.

Judgement Vs Discernment

“The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going” Proverbs 14:15.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

How does judgment differ from discerment? Janie and Sharon discuss the difference between judgment and discernment. Each of these definitions come from the same root word. Judgment (krino) to give a verdict with no personal involvement. Much like a judge gives a verdict. Discernment (anakrino) to distinguish or (diakrino) to investigate a situation or action and help find a solution and bring restoration.

David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 2

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms. What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a “season”.

Click hear for David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms.  There you will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition as he was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.  Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.

Growing in Grace and Knowledge

“And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked word, yet now has He reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in His sight” Colossians 1:21-22.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the thoughts that cause us work for God’s approval. We are reconciled – past tense; now let’s grow in grace and knowledge by studying the scriptures to be a learner that has a testimony. Learning to go from “trying” to “trusting”. God declares that He loves us so much that He does not want to do without us.

David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 1

If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.

Click here to order David’s Spiritual Secret 

One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David.  The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life.  From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances. He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.

Riches Of His Grace Part 4

“But by the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed upon me was notin vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” 1 Corinthians 15:10.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

This week on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon dive into the three areas of hinderences that can keep us from allowing the Riches of God’s Grace to flow in our lives; law, legalism, and standards. We find out how to use Jesus as the “plum line” rather than the law as the “plum line” even though the law reveals our sin.

Riches of His Grace Part 3

“I know your works, and your labor, and your patience, and how you can not bear them which are evil;…Nevertheless I have something against your because you have left your first love” Revelation 2:2 and 2:4.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

This week on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon talk about the material that we use to build a dam and stop the flow of the Riches of God’s grace. Looking into the difference between law, legalism and standards, we find that these things can stop the flow of God’s grace into our lives and even the lives of others around us.



Who Switched Off My Brain

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5.

An intriguing book by a Christian doctor describing how God formed us to function in easy to read format. .  Many drawings and illustrations to further simplify each chapter.  Science with applicational simplicity. Many people who  do not understand the battles they fight, found with clarity and a new confidence, a smooth path in thinking that  is available to those who want to understand how to keep a healthy brain, resulting in a healthy body.  When the body is functioning the way God designed it to be  life takes on new luster and the Spirit can be at ease within us for His leading.  A beautiful combination of spiritual foundation with science agreeing.



Riches of His Grace Part 2

“According to ht working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places” Ephesians 1:19b-20.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

This week on Woman to Woman Sharon and Janie continue to look at Ephesians Chapter One verse by verse and discuss the “Riches of His Grace.” Some words in these scriptures are difficult to understand, so Janie and Sharon spend a little time talking about the meaning of these words. Starting in verse 11 this week, they complete the chapter with the ultimate riches, “He has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all” Ephesians 1:22-23.


With Christ in the School of Prayer

“And it came to pass, that, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, one of His disciples said to Him, Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1.

Ginger Green takes a journey with us through the pages of “With Christ in the School of Prayer” by Rev. Andrew Murray. As long as we look at prayer, chiefly as a means of maintaining our own Christian life, we shall not know fully what it is meant to be. But, when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that there is nothing that we need to so study and practice as the art of praying aright. This classic is clearly written and arranged in such a way, as to break it down into perfectly proportioned bites.

Riches of His Grace Part 1

“In Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” Ephesians 1:7

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

This week on Woman to Woman Sharon and Janie take a look at Ephesians 1 as the focus this month in awakening us to the “Riches of His Grace.”  We move from the foundation of salvation which is of Grace to the wonders that we discover when deepening our understanding of the spiritual blessing in heavenly places.  Join us as we look at one of the most uplifting chapters in the whole of Scripture.


Wounded by God’s People

Wounded by God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz is pulled from the Fireside Bookshelf to have a look inside.

“Almost everyone I know has been wounded to one degree or another. It doesn’t matter if a person is young or old, rich or poor, intelligent or ignorant, healthy or infirm, educated or illiterate. We’ve all experienced wounds.”

Wounded people wound other people.  Whether the wounds are valid in wrongs done, the solution to keep from passing that pain on is the subject of this study.  Ann Graham Lotz is honest in her own struggles and reflects on how she learned to be the victor, not the victim of  others.  Also, she gives us an in-depth look as to ways wounds can form and take over without us realizing.  But sometimes, the wounds are through thoughtless, careless, “being right” in my choices, and then we must learn how to make our wrongs right.  A book that requires more than one reading.

Unnoticed Grace

 “In Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” Ephesians 1:7

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

This week on Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff and Sharon Hoskins discuss how grace freely given by God goes unnoticed when we get busy in the doing of Christianity. Grace begins to flow more freely in our lives as we allow God to mature us through His word. It is important that we learn to eat spiritually mature instead of staying comfortable with the basic spiritual eating habits. Take a bite of something new and challenging from His word.


100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know By Heart

100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart By Robert Morgan is pulled from the Fireside Bookshelf to have a look inside.

“Study to show yourself a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Because, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Why? 1 Peter tells us “that we have been given great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the  world.”

Here we have the purpose, the power, and the plan for discovering what the mind of God is for His  children in knowing Him.  There is nothing that can still our hearts and mind, giving a quiet confidence and drawing us into His presence as hiding the promises of God within our soul.

As a child of God we want to grow up and become disciples (learners) that desire to sit at His feet and learn of Him.  In memorizing the promises we can be pleasing to His heart and His Word brings life, comfort and hope to us.  Take some time to focus on the promises of God and in communion with Him, ask that they be made real in your life.

All of Grace Part 3

Grace fulfills the plans and purpose for our life.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman Janie and Sharon discuss the importance of understanding God’s grace. The first three chapters of Ephesians give the position of who we are; the last three chapters give instruction on how to walk in who we are. Looking at the first six verses of Ephesians chapter one, Janie gives us much to think about as we hear how God chose us before the foundations of the world. In Christ we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.






Limiting God

The phrase “Failure is the back door to success” certainly has merit.  Do words like fearfulness, selfishness, unbelief, failure, pride, laziness, ignorance, immaturity ever cross your  mind as you stop and have conversations with yourself about how you wish you did not have to do battle with these patterns in your thought life?  You know the Word says to  bring every thought  captive, but when swimming with strokes of repetitive thinking, these words have developed into lifestyles of living.  So, really what is the harm if you are just coping?

The main reason this way of living should not remain dominant is that without change your life will be LIMITING GOD in all that you do.  We have been given precious promises for living an abundant life now. Stopping short of that goal pulls us into fake and false thinking as an acceptable standard for who we really are as children of God. This in turn robs us of the joy, peace, calm, contentment, and an inability to grow in grace and knowledge, having Christ formed in you, with  waging war against the enemy that Jesus Christ defeated on the Cross. It is the fruit of blessing when our walk and talk are consistent and others can benefit from our testimony.

The Old Testament examples are given to help us see and understand the New Testament principles and how they can be applied.

Limiting God is an analysis of Christian failure with the sure answer for success in Christ.


All of Grace Part 2

This week on Woman to Woman Sharon and Janie continue to discuss the gift of amazing grace. Grace is flowing but there are ways that we stop the flow of it. Not dying to our flesh daily hinders us from resurrected life that God has planned for us. Christ came for us to have life with grace and the cross is the center of that life He has given.


(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

The New Translation in Everyday English expresses 11 Timothy 3:16 as follows:  All Scripture is breathed out by God and useful for teaching, for conviction, for  correction and for disciplined training in righteousness, in order to make the man of God adequate, and fully to equip him for every good task.  This is the heavenly solution for our earthly problems. However, to be able to use this precious resource we need to be in the Word and a student of discipline study to glean all that is available to us, NOW.

Proverbs 3:5-7 gives us sound advise to Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding; but in ALL our ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.  It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.

What joyful exhortations we are given to make our center of reading and study the Word of God.   Chuck Missler has combined decades of personal living in the good times and not so good times to provide us with a tool that short cuts years of random searching into a detailed outline  giving us a foundation to move forward with knowledge of what is taking place from Genesis to Revelation.

Today’s recap from Ginger Green will draw the hungry heart and seeking soul into an expanding world often gone unnoticed by most.  Learn the Bible in 24 hours has a study guide, workbook and videos to start a home study or study within your church.  If we claim ignorance or indifference to digging into the Bible, we will find that we are the loser and our lack of discipline may impact ours and others destiny.  That should never be the case  when such a great resource as this is  available to us.  Thank you Chuck, for a life that fought the good fight, finished the race, and shares in the Eternal Glory of our Triune God for all Eternity!!!


All of Grace pt1

Grace According to our Need:  Salvation

Grace According to God’s Plan and Purpose:  Eternal Family

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Janie and Sharon discuss the joy of understanding the full benefits of living under Grace.  For those that choose to accept salvation without finding out the beauty of Romans 6, they will miss living the life that was freely given at the Cross.  Let’s uncover the promise of Christ taking care of all at the Cross when He  said “It is finished.”


The Light and The Glory

As we celebrate the 4th of July this year it is a good time to reflect on our roots.  There is a saying in Christian circles that history broken down spells his-story.  How God reveals His means and methods in time, as to how He wants to bring all things back to the original plan before the fall.

America was founded on Biblical and moral Truth; a reason for America’s blessings and survival for the last 200 plus years.

America was never a “perfect” nation but a light and testimony to the world that she honors God and His people (Israel).

A slow, but sure, erosion over time has been eating away at her values and roots.  As she has prospered her people have changed their character and choices in how they want to live and be governed.  Now many educators are changing how history is being re-written and  remembered.  Many of today’s citizens have never been to war, except maybe in riots on our own streets and campuses . They have never had to go through loss and a valley of tears or had a spirit of strength to fight for what they really believe is best for the nation based on our original values.  We are a nation that has gone selfish and soft.

Let’s travel with Peter Marshall back in time as he traces the decline of the American Dream and see what happens when a nation compromises its beginnings and blessings.


The Cross in Faith and Conduct

The one purpose which our Father has in view, in all His ways, is to conform us to the image of His Son.  This may  explain our perplexities as to the past, it will govern our behavior in the present; it is to be our  guidance in the future.

The chief concern of our Lord is not to instruct us about a multitude of details , not to explain to us the reason for the trials which we are called to pass through.  He is working out everything to serve His supreme purpose in displaying the character of His Son in His children He has purchased through the Cross and the shedding of Blood for man kind. If that is where His heart is, then how shall we live to fulfill His plan?

Written almost 100 years ago when  our Christianity was centered in  the Cross and the fear of the Lord was preached in the pulpits, a call to awaken us that the  Truth of Christ never changes and what was needed then, is still needed today more than ever. The Cross in Faith and Conduct gives practical counsel in making this one purpose applicable.


Training the Conscience

“I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in Me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing” John 15:5.


Today on Woman to Woman Sharon Hoskins and Janie Ratzlaff discuss how the conscience is trained by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches and brings to our remembrance all that Jesus has said. When we spend time with God, we will learn His character, statutes, precepts, and His word will fill our heart. Staying connected to the vine will give us the strength to bear the pressures of trials we face and increase a good conscience.

If You Will Ask

“Prayer” changes things” is a phrase we use a lot.  Oswald Chambers would change that phrase to “prayer  changes me,” and then I  change things. Sometimes we pray but God does not answer in the way we want and His silences troubles our senses.  If that is the case, our understanding of grace is very elementary.

One of our main problems is that we focus our prayers on ourselves instead of on God. The purpose of prayer is not to get healed,  get a job, get our house sold or whatever else we want.  It is to get “the life of God in us;” to be transformed into Himself, knowing Him as the Giver, not just receiving good gifts from Him.

We may faithfully pray for others only to hear the silence on Heaven.  He never promised that He would answer in “your time”, but in His time, and in the meantime redeem  the time for the days are evil.

Ephesians 6 gives us a glimpse into the purpose  of prayer; the role of a warrior.  We are  called to stand against the enemy and putting on the armor to wage warfare is where victories are seen.  Persevering supplications and intercessions should be a part of our daily walk.  What stop the flow by our busyness.  Busy people do not have time to pray and we all  suffer loss.  Learning how the Lord asks us to pray, according to His mind should be a privilege and priority. We are called to be overcomers and so there must be some conflict to overcome.  IF YOU WILL ASK lends instruction, hope, and comfort for  a life of change.

Character Bullet Points

Integrity is living your convictions from the Word of God WITH DISCIPLINE.  Character is integrity applied in WISDOM.

We must in the Word to know the Word so we can apply the Word when facing any  challenges that bring us in  conflict with the mind of Christ and living in unity with one another.

As we have talked about friendship and the vital need for such relationships, we find some “bullet points” in Scripture that help us focus on our foundation of having a clean heart and conscience to guide us; keeping us from falling into the trap of the wiles of the enemy.

Today, we gain understanding about  relationships of friendships and see what is necessary for enjoying “friends of character.”


The 7 Check Points

The Seven Checkpoints by Andy Stanley and Stuart Hall cover the critical beliefs that  our youth question within their belief system. It exposes the world’s point of view that compromise their thinking resulting in actions and lifestyle which set them up for disappointments, confusion, and just plain trouble.

From learning how to establish moral boundaries (how and when sex is a part of their lives) to choosing friends and the consequences, whether good or bad, Seven Checkpoints  sets a foundation they can see and accept with clarity.

Having a copy of this book at your fingertips will have you ready to offer solid solutions that are obtainable and supplies a path of guidance for parents and youth leaders wanting  to fulfill their role God has given to them.

When You’re Tired of the Symptoms…

We search for relief from our problems, instead of searching for a cure. Anything that will achieve temporary rest from anger, fear, frustration, unforgiveness and bitterness.  It is a repetitive cycle of survival and we become addicted to the short-term escape.

There is a long-term  cure and the first step of “cure” is to SEE  your need in the problem, call it what it truly is and ACCEPT the need as your wake-up call for change. The word for this process is repentance; to turn from the old thinking, emotions,  and actions.  Repentance  consist of confession of sin and submission to the authority of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s cleansing grace, healing comes.  Learning to see the need and not excusing with some popular modality is a big part of the challenge.  Follow Dr. Brandt through the maze of not treating the symptoms, but finding the real cure.


Waiting On God

Waiting on God is an important part of worship.  It is becoming a lost art in our daily lives as our culture tells us we must always be busy;  whether in earing a living, serving in a ministry, raising a family to the dictates of our society.  Quietness, in today’s pop thinking is mainly for the sick, elderly, or seeking solitude just long enough to recharge our batteries to be on the go at break neck speed.  People complain about being emotionally exhausted, overwhelmed, overworked, overloaded, overstressed, but continue the rat race instead of the stable quiet pace for true rest and renewal.  It is our choice no matter how we deny it.

Tragic end of life news blares at us each day about  the famous, desperate youth, leaders from every walk of life, saying they have lost purpose and hope for anything more and life is empty.

This is in direct opposition for why we were created.  Yes, we were told from the Creator, Himself, through His Word, that we would see hard times, tribulations, and even some persecutions; even unto death.  However, there is a bigger picture that requires us to see life from God’s perspective and that includes NOW and ALL of eternity.

When we take the time to stop our busyness and experience what it is to relax in conversation and mediation with our Lord, our Great Shepherd, and the Holy Spirit, our guide and  comforter, we enter a whole new realm of understanding and wisdom, that gives way to joy, peace, security, and living in a strength other than our own.

Character Qualities

Friendships are extremely important to a healthy lifestyle.  If we have a desire to develop mutual enjoyment of our friendships, it is good to be comfortable with your friend knowing your strengths and weakness.  Being able to hear the expression “Celebrate their strengths and shore up their weakness” in your  relationships will assist with character development in a protected environment. Many times a negative response may be the misuse of an unrecognized  positive character.  Such as: Giving up needs to learn Endurance, Anxiety needs to exchange its thinking for Security.

When we see our friends struggling with certain negative thought patterns, searching the scriptures for the counter quality can strengthen relationships.

A true friend will not condemn but help hold you accountable for growing in your character development.  Friends can see our “blind” spots without pointing a blaming finger because we all have blind spots.  Hence, the need for character development according to the mind of Christ.


Character in Relationships

Character: Within the spelling of this word is a smaller word, the word ACT.  Godly character is what we choose to develop as we build a life in Jesus Christ.  It is not a part of the benefits of salvation.  We are responsible as to what character traits we form and then those traits are made known by how we act, public and private.   A strong warning: the person you treat the worst in your life is the revealing of your true character. This is a matter of the heart.


As gold is purified by fire and the dross rises to the surface as the heat is applied and dross removed , so our lives will reflect how the heat of trials, testing, and tribulations reveal our true  character development.  Godly character is developed now, not in Heaven.  Crises reveal character.  One way we can know the quality and purity of the gold when refined is by its softness and pliability. Character is refined and developed over time and  a person’s character is what they habitually are.  Seeing the fruit of the Spirit in a person’s life is a sure sign quality character is being formed.  Our character will remain with us throughout this life and life to come.  Christ has given us His disposition so that we can develop Christ like character.

Foundation Of Building Character

Character is not a gift received at salvation.  It must be attained.  Some type of character is in all of us, good or bad.  However, for character that will influence your life now and future, we need to be sure we are building our character on the right foundation.

After salvation, one of the main issues God is after is character development.  True character is usually shown in time of crises, sometimes revealing the best in us and sometimes exposing the worst through our personality and temperament.

There is a little saying that says it all: “Sow a thought and you reap an act; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” Daily choices and decisions do make a difference.

Remember our Father will never put work or service about character. He is always looking at the heart in us, not just the eternal appearance.  Proverbs 4:23 remains true. “Guard your heart, for out of it proceeds all the issues of life.”


Deceived by God?

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features Deceived by God by John Feinberg

The Word of God is filled with hope, love, a guaranteed future for those that love the Lord and are called by His name.  With countless promises and blessings, seasoned with grace, we want the Bible to  be our constant companion, as it supplies the foundation of our life in Christ.

When all this appears to fail and unthinkable troubles become living realities in our lives and families, how do we  continue to trust in a Holy God? Where do we go when we are on a slippery slope of sinking and cannot provide  comfort or answers to all those in need.

Deceived by God addresses this issue from a man in ministry, sold out to service and loving his God; yet facing the unthinkable.  Though no fault of anyone involved, overwhelmed with pain and sorry, John Feinberg looks at the hard questions of being a believer and not wavering in faith, though tossed about with perplexity.

Ginger Green opens another chapter into the mysterious and unknown paths that may confront us during the course of running the race here, and offers a view from above that can help  carry us through when troublesome times appear.

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Wounded or Broken

“The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear” Proverbs 18:14.

What is the difference between a wounded spirit and a broken spirit? How does each differ in the response that comes through our character? What evidences can we find to help us distinguish between the two?

Janie and Sharon discuss how the fire of trials can cause a wounded spirit or a broken one. Life is not fair at times and the sins of others can have a negative impact on our lives. Being a victim of these things doesn’t have to rule our life. There is nothing that we go through that God cannot heal. Remember Joseph.

You Gotta Keep Dancin’

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features You Gotta Keep Dancin’ by Tim Hansel

“But none of these things move me, nor do I count my life dear to myself, so  that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” Acts 20:24

For those whose lives are hit with a crisis that turns into a chronic pain lifestyle, this verse should be what we keep before us as the goal in accepting what we may not be able to change, for a season, or for an extended lifestyle. Pain does have purpose but most of the time our first priority is to get out of pain and we search the many different options afforded us; sometimes to no avail.  Pain should not stop us, only reorient our hearts with Heaven, our eternal home. If pain comes and makes a home in your body and soul, then we need to reflect on God’s  Plan:

.  God has a PURPOSE, He never moves without purpose or plan.

.  God has the PERSPECTIVE, He sees things from the perspective of eternity.

.  God has a PROGRAM, says suffering is part of the plan and not to be avoided.

Our choices in  responding to pain can make a huge difference in the level of pain we live with. Pain can redirect our priorities and thinking. Renewing our minds can bring peace, calm, rest, and can influence how our physical bodies fight pain naturally through paths that our Creator has made within the body. Follow the path of one person that learned the deeper secrets to accepting pain as a “friend” and finding the Biblical prescription for pain.  It will not be found in a hurry, but help is available to anyone that truly wants to endure hardness as a soldier of Jesus Christ. Eternal benefits are available now!!

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Developing Christ-like Character

“The the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found to praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 1:7

Developing Christ-like character comes through the fire of adversities and trials. It seems that it would be a sweeter life if we didn’t have to go through the fire of adversity and trials. However, without the fire, life would be filled with many little impurities. Some of them are so small that we don’t even know they exist until they rise to the top in the heat.

Janie and Sharon discuss how adversity and trials compares to the purifying of gold. How we handle the fire could determine if we end up with a wounded heart or a broken heart.