Praying From the Pits

“I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings” Psalm 40:1-2.

When we find ourselves in the pits of life, we can find an escape through the scriptures.  Building our relationship of trust with God while we are in the pits will not only comfort us while in the pits but also be a solid foundation for getting out.

Proverbs tells us that if we fret and stew, it only leads to evil, so we need to condition our mind to get into a state; an attitude, and heart conviction of waiting patiently on the Lord. It may be hard to get into the scriptures during the difficulty of the pits but it is in the scriptures that we will find freedom in our present circumstances.

No one likes being in the pits but we all find ourselves there every now and then even if our life is a bowl full of cherries most of the time.

So, we invite you to join the conversation as we dig through the scriptures to uncover tips for praying from the pits.

Overcome Fears Through His Word

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

This week we explore the sneaky ways fear grips us and the amazing tools God has given us to fight it. We are all faced with fears of some sort every day.  How we respond to these fears is the key to being able to overcome them.

Society uses fear tactics to sell goods and services. We fear that if we forgive someone for hurting us, then we give them an open door to do it again. Fear holds us in bondage and it is easy to allow fear to take root without realizing it.

Join in the conversation as we discover how to overcome fears through His word.

Fear Fights Faith

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is a popular tactic that are used on us every single day by the enemy through different types of media which is carried over into our face-to-face conversations.

We face fears in our health, fears in our relationships, and fears in our finances. Fear for our safety can be crippling and even paralyzing. Some become obsessed with preparing for their physical preservation in fear of destruction. Many give up their freedom because fear is overwhelming. News reports, social media, and commercials are some of the places used to manipulate our thoughts with fear.

But the scriptures are the solid rock and the sufficient tool that we can use to overcome fear. God’s word will strengthen us to trust the Lord in every situation and walk by faith.

So, we invite you to join in the conversation as we discuss how fear comes in so many subtle ways and becomes a hinderance in our faith walk because fear fights faith.

A Peculiar People

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ; Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works” Titus 2:13-14.

God has privileged us to have a relationship with Himself; the God of all creation.

How we care for that relationship can be evaluated by examining our prayer life. Do we find intimacy in our relationship with Father God or do we find distance as words of prayer are formulated out of duty? Maybe some fall into the trap of being too busy to be still in prayer or find that even when time is available the thought to get ahead on the “to do” list takes precedence.

Culture can be coined by a very busy and aggressive society. As Christians in the church, we are very busy too. Some may even get aggressive, so we don’t look any different than the world around us.

So we invite you to join in the conversation as we discuss the relationship that God desires to have with His children; purify to Himself A Peculiar People.

Pathway to Hell

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” Romans 1:20

God has not left us in ignorance as to the consequences that await us for having live our way and not His.

Our way may offer earthly pleasures for a season but the dangers for the future are horrifying beyond our understanding.

Today we are going to pretend to enter the courtroom of our final appearance before the Judge, Jesus Christ. We are going to ask the Spirit to open our eyes to His Word revealing a life separated from God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

So, join in the conversation as we take a look at the final scene of our life and ask if we are on The Pathway to Hell.

The Gospel of God’s Grace

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God” John 1:1

This one statement, John let us know who wrote the greatest book ever written. The Word was in the beginning, the Word was with God and the Word was God. This leaves no question for our minds to wonder who is responsible for the Word of God, the Bible,
written for our eyes to read.

In this information age, it is becoming more difficult to discern what Truth is as opposed to what is just a truth, depending on your point of view.

See how GRACE gives us all that we need for our travels here in this life. We are called to know the Truth and that is by knowing the AUTHOR of the Truth.

Travel with us back in time to see how knowing the Person known as TRUTH
establishes a life of purpose from the Gospel of God’s Grace.

Divine Truths

“I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one and the world may know that You have sent me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17: 23

Truth is described in this verse as knowing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in a personal relationship, not just head knowledge about the Truth. Some know the language of the Scriptures and others know the information of the Scriptures but knowing the Authors of the Scriptures personally is to know Truth.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John 14:6. Jesus also said, “I and My Father are one” in John 10:30. We are commanded to be students of the Word for maturity.

So we invite you to join in the conversation as we dig into the Scriptures to find those things that pertain to the Divine Truths.

Hear What the Spirit is Saying

“Hear what the spirit is saying to those who have an ear to hear.” Rev. chapters 2-3 (please read all)

The description of hearing with your heart is valid and vital for all that know what it is to be a part of the family of God. For those that are yet to become a part of His family, hunger and need must be created and that starts in the heart.

There is great opposition that test and tries an unguarded heart. It is time we prioritize the heart of God in our lives for keeping Him as our first love.

Do we really know and care about the danger of putting our heart’s agenda first as the standard of learning? We hear with our ears, but we listen with our hearts.  Are we listening to what the Spirit is saying?

Time of Transition

“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of the mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

When Christ walked here, He came to set up His Divine order on how to walk in the newness of life. “Old things are passed away, behold, all things are new.” Change is scary and understanding needs the Spirit working in us.

Today’s discussion reveals how to redeem the time for the days that are evil.

So, join in the conversation to explore with us insights into making fruitful this Time of Transition.

Living a Lukewarm Life

“All those whom I love I correct and discipline. Therefore, shake off your complacency and repent.” Revelation 3:20

We are living in the days of apostasy as the church at Laodicea did. Sliding down the slippery slopes unto destruction does not happen overnight.  It can develop by simply wanting to enjoy the good life of comfort and ease and we start to neglect the virtue of being diligent in holding fast to our First Love – Jesus Christ.

Today, we reflect on the warnings given to the Church of Laodicea and how we can take heed to those warnings.

So join in the conversation as we discuss the dangers of Living a Lukewarm Life in these perilous times and the accompanying consequences.

An Overcomer’s Life

“To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21

Some think overcoming is just a one-time event that came with salvation so why do we need to keep overcoming? Because there is an urgent need for us to learn to live the reigning life (eternity) NOW, so to the degree that we reign as an overcomer NOW, we shall be prepared to reign in actuality – forever. All of us are all called to be overcomers – not just a select few.

So join in the conversation as we discuss the call to all overcomers and examine the decline of devotion to the person of Jesus Christ that begins in the heart.

Overcome the World

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 3:22

Today on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the difficulties that we face in society every day. Life is hard and challenging even at its best, but the Lord has made a way for us all.

When our goal is to be well pleasing to the Father we are sometimes met with obstacles that obstruct fulfilling the life of an Overcomer. However, the Lord has made a way of escape.

Join in the conversation as we dig into the Scriptures to be enlighten to the way of victory for Overcoming the world.

Being an Overcomer

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

This victory is offered to all who are willing to pay the price to obtain the position of an Overcomer.

Yes, as believers, we have overcome death and condemnation through the victory of Christ’s Cross – we then are responsible to be the Overcomer making known His Light to our darkened world in our daily walk

The benefits are truly “out of this world” wonderful!

So, join in the conversation and find the victory of being an overcomer.

Lessons From Laodicea

“For the hearts of these people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes have closed.” Act 28:27

It is easy to grow dull to the needs of others when all is going great in our own life. In the ease of our comfort we can grow disinterested in those heading for hell, we focus on laying up treasures for our retirement and become casual about the consequences of sin in our lives. It is important that we remain diligent in discipline in every stage so that we are continuing in the work of the Lord.

Today we will discuss some fleshly traits blind us and find out how to remain steadfast in our walk so that we don’t fail to redeem the time for the days are evil.

So, join in the conversation as we learn more Lessons from Laodicea.

The Decline into Deception

“God is Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”  John 4:24

We are created as 3- part beings, each having its personalized importance. When we choose to do the right thing in the wrong way, we open ourselves up to the deception of the enemy. His craftiness blinds our hearts to become captive to his dealings.

Today, be alert and informed, avoiding the decline into deception.

Ambassadors for Christ

“We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us, we implore you on Christ’s behalf be reconciled to God. “   2 Corinthians 5:20

To be an ambassador is to hold an office or position as an official representative for a king or government.

Believers living under the government of God, who has rule of everything as He is the Creator of all, is a privilege beyond compare. This representation is for reconciliation in bringing world order that glorifies God Almighty.

So we invite you to join in the conversation as discuss how to function as Ambassadors for Christ.

Gift of God’s Grace

“Grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever” 2 Peter 3:18

In this day and age knowledge is abundant, everywhere we turn we are gaining knowledge, but is it the knowledge that will have lasting benefits?

We send our children to school with a priority to get an education with life skills to be a success. Are we equally as dedicated to understanding grace, how it functions, and why it must be a priority, as grace and knowledge walk hand in hand?

Let’s open the only Book that has the wisdom to guide us to a successful appreciation of the Gift of God’s Grace.

God’s Amazing Grace

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

It can be hard to boast when failure and loss show up in areas that allow disappointments and discouragements. We are thankful for salvation secured by the gift of grace, but then, we want to be strong in our own strength, rather than His. That formula doesn’t work. It is only by the miracle of grace; nothing of ourselves.

Today, as we review church history over the last 2000 years, we can trace GRACE operating in each age, overcoming the doubts that rob and restrict us of a God-Given Life.

So join in the conversation as we discover the “formula” that does work, but only by God’s Amazing Grace.

The Faithful Church

“Without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

Hebrews 11 looks at a list of lives that reflect the character of faith. Only to be what He wants me to be is the heart of the Philadelphia Church, located in the city of brotherly love.

The Church’s commitment comes from the heart of love because Christ first loved us and gave Himself for us. Let’s investigate what makes up The Faithful Church.


True Christianity

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 19:19


In today’s world with changing values and priorities, we have forgotten the exhortation to be wholly dedicated to a PERSON, God Almighty through the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit to guide us.

We substitute a system of works, performances, planning events, duties, and deeds believing we are fully surrendered to the Lord.  Let’s remove our second best, return to our First Love, and learn His heart so we may walk in True Christianity.

Deliverance from Deception of the Mind

“I know the works that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” Revelation 3:1

How often do we struggle with overwhelming circumstances that keep arriving in our lives, unplanned, and upsetting the comforts and security that we still own? It is so easy to blame others for being guilty of creating the stress and strife we fight.

However, we need to turn a pointing finger back to ourselves and question if we are to blame for our own problems to some degree? Many times we justify the role we played in creating the problem and excuse away our actions. It takes a conscience effort to see where we are blind and it all begins in our mind.

Today, we are talking about the mess we have today, knowing that God’s grace is available with the solutions to live and thrive as He has promised: “to make a way of escape that we may be able to bear it.”

So join in the conversation as we focus on Hope in Jesus Christ, to let our eyes be opened, see what needs to be corrected, and find deliverance from deception of the mind.

Deliverance from Deception of the Flesh

“Remember therefore how you have received and heard, hold fast, and REPENT.” Revelation 3:3

The Lord knows all matters as He knew the weakness of this church. He announces that His character is complete wisdom, knowledge, and love. If they had ears to hear and applied His character in their lives they would walk in spiritual health.

However, Sardis did not want to listen but wanted to build for themselves a name and trust in their wealth, wisdom, and works as a means of being successful “for the Lord.” They were coming out of the “dark ages” where the Word of God had only been available through a select few.

They needed a Great Deliverance from ignorance of the mind and awakening with all diligence the heart, for out of it spring the issues of life. Then they would live delivered from deception of the flesh.

So join in the conversation as we look at those ways that we too can find deliverance from deception of the flesh.

Come Alive

“I know the works that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” Revelation 3:1

There is a principle in the Scripture that says, “Point of departure – point of return.”

As the letters in Revelation 2 and 3 were circulated to all the churches Sardis needed to remember where the Church had its beginnings and return to the Truths that Jesus Christ gave in these letters.

A few good men lived worthy lives and translated the scriptures into different languages and invented the printing press, but they paid a great price. The Scriptures were then available to the people who had lived in darkness for hundreds of years. We still have the privilege to live in that freedom today.

So join in the conversation as we discuss the church of Sardis and the command to come alive.

Standing Strong in the Face of Judgment

“Now to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira as many as do not have this doctrine, who have not known the depths of Satan, “I will” put on you no other burden on you and hold fast till I come.” Revelation 2:24

This promise of hope that came to Thyatira was so needed to the faithful few standing for truth as they were being forced to live a pagan lifestyle of compromise for survival. Rules founded on Satan’s thinking of releasing spiritual responsibility and substituting intellectual enlightenment of love for self – first, last, and always were heading up the program.

We can see the same type of controls being placed on different people from different countries demanding those inhabitants follow the dictates of man-made thinking today.

As these controls become “new laws” for all; Do not be deceived when this way of living is called progress.  It is a self-centered, selfish system from false views of philosophy that depraved souls embrace for their own purpose. Join our conversation to Stand Strong and reap the promise.

Magnify the Almighty Son of God

“Walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:8-10

Many times, we decide what we think is best for us and that becomes the standard that we choose to live by, without ever consulting the mind of God. We simply send Him our request in what we want Him to do for us. We may sound spiritual, but it is really childish selfishness in wanting our way for our own goals.

It’s time that we establish the true authority in our lives and let that authority be seen in how we live? Let’s return to the standard that the Word of God sets as He is the only One that knows what is best for our lives here and forever. As a child, we need training, to know how to grow in His Grace and Knowledge.

So join in the conversation as we discuss ways that we can Magnify the Almighty Son of God.

Decoys of Deception

“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8

If there were ever a command to keep your mind on matters that mandate the heavenly calling, it is this verse. The demands of life often keep us focused on the here and now. There’s no doubt that what we do here and now is a part of the Christian walk, and we only do what we know. So it is important that we become grounded in the Source of knowledge; Jesus Christ.

Because of the opposition we face, it can be a battle to keep our hearts and minds guarded against the minds of men.  Using man’s wisdom instead of the Wisdom of God will take us down a path of deception.

So, join in the conversation as we examine what is required to know the fear of the Lord and avoid the decoys of deception.

Walking in the Spirit

“Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.“ Galatians 5:16

Two paths to choose – the Spirit path or the flesh path – one leads to life, and one leads to death. The flesh profits nothing and can sure make our lives miserable. So why do we make decisions that guarantee pain?

In today’s world, we are becoming dull of hearing. We build our own walls of protection that really don’t protect at all but surely separates us from the Spirit; which is our source of strength and points us back to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let’s tear down the walls that divide and weaken us so that we can KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and DEFEND the freedom we have IN CHRIST. The Holy Spirit is the defender of our walk of faith. He protects us from being deceived by what we see in our worrisome world.

So join in the conversation to be encouraged on walking in the spirit.

Compromise with the World

“He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but whoever walks wisely will be delivered.” Proverbs 28:26

Pergamos, one of the 7 churches in Rev. 2-3 was a cultural city with one of the largest libraries in the known world.  Knowledge was premium and a man of science was considered more of an authority than a man of faith. The intellectual mind was looked upon with great authority that crept into the church life with the congregation compromising and following the opinions of man. Slowly but surely, they made soft choices, little things did not matter if they were keeping the big issues upheld. Pleasing self is always one of the greatest dangers we can do. Compromise destroys from the inside out. Do not lean to your own understanding.

So, join in the conversation as we look into how the deterioration occurred when there was compromise with the world.

Promises to Overcomers

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Psalms 133:1

We learn what Christ-like unity involves as we understand the stages of growth. People that are in the world but being drawn by the Father God through His Spirit need to have a simple sharing of the Gospel that is easy to understand for acceptance and becoming a member of the family of God, the first step of overcoming…

As we identify with what is desired of us in God’s family, we can see stages of growth that can cause differences in priorities as we mature – still needing to maintain harmony in becoming like-minded; easier said than done. This is the way we make the promises of God real, to be partakers as an Overcomer.

So, join in the conversation as we weave through the maze of growing in grace, making our walk and talk be the same in our attitudes and actions, to discover the promises to overcomers.

Promises from Persecution

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7

Today, Janie and Sharon discuss the Lord’s promises we have access to through persecution. These promises do not guarantee there will be NO persecution but by casting all our concerns and needs, no matter how tough, we have the assurance that His caring includes everything we need to survive the persecution and come forth as pure gold.

Should the persecution result in death, then we know as Paul claims, that it is far better to be with the Lord. Usually, the persecution passes and although we may have some battle scars, we are richer in what matters most lasting throughout eternity.

So join in the conversation as we offer further insight into the specifics of successful suffering and the promises from persecution.

Our Calling to Suffer

“…All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12

The Lord told us that most of the sufferings we would pass through are allowed to develop our character.  He wants us to understand what is most important for our well-being in light of eternity. We allow hard times for our children to train them to be successful in this world.

We let them struggle so that they know how to make decisions and overcome obstacles. The challenges develop character and strengthen their confidence, but at the time of the struggle they may not understand.

When we apply that concept to our spiritual walk with Father God, it will be a comfort to know that God is training us in character and discipline for our eternal future. We see many examples in the scriptures of men and women whose suffering was beneficial to their lives.

So, join in the conversation as we review the lives of those who suffered before us and see the benefit in our calling to suffer.

Overcoming Adversity

“Christ as a Son over His own house, whose house we are if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.” Hebrews 3:6

The Church in Smyrna needed to hear words that encouraged and strengthen their hearts to prepare them for the calling God was going to allow in their midst. Everything they knew about how good, how caring, how protected He promised to be was getting ready to test to the max.

We don’t choose the time in history when we are to live on earth and Jesus knew these dear souls would need special insight for the different seasons of suffering they were facing.

History repeats itself. Are we ready to heed these same words in the upcoming days of unknowns? As decisions are made that threaten our future, do we know our God and can sing “I know whatever befall me, Jesus doeth all things well”

So join in the conversation as we find encouragement in overcoming adversity.

The Point of Return

“Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Revelation 2:5

As new Christians, we have accepted our identity in Christ and that is the beginning of our life, in Him. “As time travels forward, many matters can dull us, pull us off course, grow indifferent, and mar us by our poor choices. Living a mixed-up defeated life makes us want the “world to go away.”

That is not the answer, but there is a solution for returning to your first love in living.

So, join in the conversation to discover the solution that is available to anyone in need and find the point of return.

Christ’s Love Toward Us

Revelations 2:7 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

The Lord Jesus knew He was returning to His home to prepare a place for His family and those that live on earth during this preparation period would need to understand the DOs and DON’Ts, to keep from wandering.

He has a purpose for each individual to complete before coming to join Him, forever. Super sound advice is issued in these letters to the Churches.

Join in the conversation as we discuss the Protection Plan with side benefits for all that are willing to qualify as OVERCOMERS and Christ’s Love toward us. Let’s Talk!

First Love

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment” Matthew 22:37.

These words that Jesus said in Matthew 22:37, shows the importance of loving the Lord first. Jesus warns us, in other areas of the scriptures,  to not let our love for Him grow cold. And then, in Revelation 2, He chastises the church at Ephesus because they had left their first love.

Today, we are unpacking some dangers and consequences of leaving our first love.

So, join in the conversation to establish a solid walk in our first love.


Christ’s Love, Most Assuredly

“Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7

The Lord knew, upon His departure in returning to heaven, that we would need assurance and understanding into how we are to live without His personal physical presence until He returns to take us home with Him, forever.

The Gospel of John offers us a compilation of promises, instructions, and how to stand on solid ground in the presence of darkness all around. There you can find insights into the Lord, as the God/Man you can trust, with all your needs.

Each chapter offers hope and shows the different character that His life offers us today.

Reading John will bring a new sense that the Lord has all your “bases” covered as you apply, I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.

Knowing the Presence of God

“Be Still and Know that I am God” Psalms 46:10
The nations are currently stunned at the suffering people are being subjected to through circumstances beyond their control. Even people of different beliefs and convictions are rising up protesting the crimes against humanity. Others not involved directly by the tragedies are showing gallant service giving aid in the crisis.
What about those that have concerns and awareness for others, already doing acts of kindness, but then crisis comes calling at their front door? Whether it is through sickness, death, loss, injustice and persecution how should we deal? Our natural focus turns from others to ourselves in most cases:
We are not left in the dark as the book of Job gives illustrations, instructions, and examples of what to do and NOT to do. Can we hear and see God’s purpose in allowing such calamity? Let’s explore the book of Job to learn how he discovered the purpose of his trials – as he lost it all – but gained Knowing the Presence of God.

Crucified with Christ

“I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer my life, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.“ Galatians 2:20

This passage, Galatians 2:20, should be memorized by every Christian. It should be part of our prayers; asking the Spirit to make this Truth a reality in our lives.

The work has already been completed when Jesus proclaimed “IT IS FINISHED” but knowing how to apply it everyday is the application is what we want to look at today. This can be especially difficult when we go through testing and trials.

So join in the conversation as we discuss Galatians 2:20 and how we can live Crucified with Christ.

That I May Know Him

“And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” John 17:3

How many people know that Jesus Christ is God in the human frame and form? How many people know how The 3-in-one Trinity operates together while having different roles to play for the human race? Many believe God is tough and harsh, but Jesus is loving and kind, “the good guy” So many know about God and Jesus but do not know them in a personal way – and miss the vital relationship for lasting life.

Some may know them as the source that gets you out of hell and into heaven, but little more and so live life as a cycle of struggles and sadness because we are born for joyful lasting relationships.

So join in the conversation as we share a few of these provisions for eternal life and give us assurance “that I may know Him”.

The Flow of Living Water

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37-38

The normal Christian life is complicated by our own misunderstanding of all that Jesus did on the cross and we settle for a second-hand Christianity. However, we can gain understanding to live in the freedom that Jesus provided for us.

Today we are discussing how we dam up the flow of living water in our lives and the truths that break the dam and set us free.

So, join in the conversation as we break loose the flow of living water. 

Hear God’s Voice

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of his will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself…” Ephesians 1:7-9

Today on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the voice of God and why many struggle to hear it. In John 10:27, Jesus says, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Yet, often we confuse God’s voice with the voice of the enemy because of the busy rushes of life.

We get overwhelmed with worry and become discouraged in struggles which takes our attention from faith and trust to hear God to fear that keeps us focused on the problems.

But Jesus made it possible to know Him and he provided a way by the power of the cross.

So, join in the conversation to find the solution to this problem and discuss the best way to hear God’s Voice.

An Overcomer’s Life

“To him who overcomes will I grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” Revelation 3:21

Some think overcoming is just a one-time event that came with salvation so why do we need to keep overcoming? Because there is an urgent need for us to learn to live the reigning life (eternity) NOW, so to the degree that we reign as an overcomer NOW, we shall be prepared to reign in actuality – forever. All of us are all called to be overcomers – not just a select few.

So join in the conversation as we discuss the call to all overcomers and examine the decline of devotion to the person of Jesus Christ that begins in the heart.

Overcome the World

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Revelation 3:22

Today on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the difficulties that we face in society every day. Life is hard and challenging even at its best, but the Lord has made a way for us all.

When our goal is to be well pleasing to the Father we are sometimes met with obstacles that obstruct fulfilling the life of an Overcomer. However, the Lord has made a way of escape.

Join in the conversation as we dig into the Scriptures to be enlighten to the way of victory for Overcoming the world.

Being an Overcomer

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

This victory is offered to all who are willing to pay the price to obtain the position of an Overcomer.

Yes, as believers, we have overcome death and condemnation through the victory of Christ’s Cross – we then are responsible to be the Overcomer making known His Light to our darkened world in our daily walk

The benefits are truly “out of this world” wonderful! Listen in and loosen up to make this victory a reality.

Overcome Fear with Faith

“I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around…Salvation belongs to the Lord” Psalm 3:6&8
This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss how we can overcome fear with faith. When fear overtakes us, then all our decisions, actions, words, and behavior come from an emotional place that can paralyze our hearts and minds.
Faith can overcome fear; when fear comes knocking, let faith answer the door and say, there’s no room in here for you. This is a means by which we can guard our hearts against the subtlety of the enemy who wants to destroy our witness and fear is one of his most successful weapons.
So, join in the conversation as we discover how to overcome fear with faith.

Overcome Fears Through His Word

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon will explore the sneaky ways fear grips us and the amazing tools God has given us. We are all faced with fears of some sort every day.  How we respond to these fears is the key to being able to overcome them.

Society uses fear tactics to sell goods and services. We fear that if we forgive someone for hurting us, then we give them an open door to do it again. Fear holds us in bondage and it is easy to allow fear to take root without realizing it.

Join in the conversation as we discover how to overcome fears through His word.

Fear Fights Faith

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7

This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff, and Sharon Hoskins discuss the many fear tactics that are used on us every single day by the enemy through different types of media which is carried over into our face-to-face conversations.

We face fears in our health, fears in our relationships, and fears in our finances.  News reports, social media, and commercials are some of the places used to manipulate our thoughts with fear.

But the scriptures are a solid rock we can stand on to overcome fear and walk by faith. So, we invite you to join in the conversation as we discuss the many subtle ways that fear fights faith.

How to Overcome Fear

“And when the enemy drew near, My heart filled with fear, Then I heard someone dear, Calling me to His side, And I ran under His wings, There He covered me, And now I can see, The storm still rages, Oh, but in the Rock of Ages, We’re resting warmly here, Under our Lord’s wings” Under His Wings – Hymn

This week on Sharin Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon are feeling the effects of the pandemic that has swept around the world. Since they have been unable to meet in the studio for conversation, they scoured their archives for topics that are relevant to our current situation. Fear is flooding many hearts as they face financial uncertainty, loss of loved ones, and isolation from friends and family. These are very difficult times but we want to be able to overcome the fear that grips and paralyzes us. There are approximately 365 verses about fear and worry in scripture. So, join in the conversation as we explore many of these verses to discover How to Overcome Fear.

How to Overcome Doubt

“Satan sows seeds of fear so that we might reap the fruit of doubt”

This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon hope to expose the many seeds of fear that are being sown into our hearts. There are many things happening right now that can cause us to be fearful and in turn, we begin to doubt God and His love for us. If we can recognize the fear that is getting into our hearts, then we can take action so that doubt does not grow. If we can also recognize doubt, then we can trace it back to the root of fear. So remember, “Satan sows seeds of fear that we might reap the fruit of doubt.” Join in the conversation as we look at how to overcome doubt.

How to Overcome Temptations

“Blessed is the man that endures temptations: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love Him” James 1:12.

This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss 6 different types of resources that are used as the final authority in our lives. Every person uses a final authority that they stand on for the basis of the choices they make in life. Discover how using the wrong final authority may be causing us to give in to temptations that are destroying our testimony. Join in the conversation as we dig into the scriptures that will give us insight into how to overcome temptations.