Encourage without Wounding

The biggest complaint about Christians today is that we are hypocrites.  We tell others what to do and how to live while not doing and living ourselves.  However, when Christians are asked about those accusations, we say that people use that as an excuse to stay out of church and refuse God.  Rarely do we think of ourselves as being hypocritical.

I realize that I have wounded people in my efforts to be encouraging.  My communication skills have not always been the best although I have had the best intentions.  Maybe it was due to excitement or my own adamant beliefs but unintentional wounds are still wounds that hurt.

Janie and I are going to discuss ways that we can learn to encourage others without wounding them. Sometimes our best encouragements can sound condemning and judgmental leaving others to think we are intentionally pointing a finger at them.  How do our best intentions turn into hypocritical judgmental condemnations?   We hope that you will join us in our discussion topic.

We broadcast live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com every Friday at noon (CST).  If that time is not convenient, you can listen to the recorded podcast which will be posted here following the live show each week.

Show dates are:

March 3rd – Episode 1

March 10th – Episode 2

March 17th – Episode 3

March 24th – The Shepherd’s Field – Part 1

March 31st – The Shepherd’s Field – Part 2

woman-to-woman-info-cards-lgWe also want to say thank you for your prayers and support.  Your feedback is encouraging.  We have enjoyed being a part of your lives each week and hope that you will continue to grow with us.

Listen to February shows that discuss “The Heart of God

The Heart of God

Sharon and Janie dive into the heart of God and take some time to look into His character this month.

We hope that you can join us as we build on the foundation of faith that was discussed last month.  2 Peter 1:5 says, “…giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge…”  As we learn the virtue of God’s character we can understand how to grow spiritually into His likeness.

We broadcast live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com every Friday at noon (CST).  If that time is not convenient, you can listen here to the recorded podcast each week.  Feb. 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th will be added after each show.



We also want to say thank you for your prayers and support.  The feedback you give is encouraging; thank you.  We have enjoyed being a part of your lives each week and hope that you will continue to grow with us.

Episode 1 – February 3, 2017

When we know what God looks like we are more likely to recognize Him when He shows up in our lives.  We sometimes have a perception of God that does not match who God really is, so truth about His characteristics can bring us into a closer relationship with Him.  The relationship “test” is available to download.

Pre-recorded on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, Ok.

Episode 2 – February 10, 2017

Focusing on God as Shepherd in our life, Sharon and Janie discuss the similarities that we have to sheep and how God protects us and provides for us as a good Shepherd.  Janie shares some interesting facts about how a shepherd cares for the sheep that we can all relate to as God’s sheep.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, Ok.

Episode 3 – February 17, 2017

Sharon and Janie tackle the three O’s of God’s character (Omniscient, Omnipresent, & Omnipotent).  The all knowing, ever-present, power of God gives us confindence in His ability to work in our lives.  It is important that we recognizing God when He shows up in our life so we don’t reject what He has to offer.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, Ok.

Episode 4 – February 24, 2017

Sharon and Janie share encouragement to the saints.  They discuss the importance of having a mentor to “do” Christian life with you.  Scripture defines encouragement as exhortation and warning.  When we are involved in each others lives it is easier to tell when they are about to fall over a cliff.

Post-Recorded at KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, Ok.  Technical difficulties prevented live recording so Janie and Sharon entered the studio and attempted to share the live version.

The Proverbs 31:30 Woman to Woman show has been on the air since April 2016.  You can still listen to your favorite guest by going to the guest connections.

Ways to Start the New Year Right

This is Sharon Hoskins writing to you from Studio B located at Grace Harbor Baptist Church in Grove Ok.  I want to send you a special invitation to listen on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio or kwxcradio.com every Friday at noon.  I am so thankful for the support and encouragement you give me through your emails and Facebook posts.  I have enjoyed getting to know many of you as you have shared your stories with me.

As we begin this new year, my “resolution” is to have a closer relationship with the Lord at the end of this year and I would like to ask you to join me in this journey.  I have asked Janie Ratzlaff to host this show with me and discuss topics that relates to our Christian journey.  Janie has become a mentor to me over the past six months, not because I asked her to be, but because when I spend time with her I always walk away encouraged in the Lord, strengthened in my faith, and lifted in my spirit.  I hope you feel the same way as you spend time with us listening as we share in our relationship to the Lord.








This month we are talking about ways that we can start the new year right toward the Lord.  We touch on topics of forgiveness, perseverance, establishing turning points, remembering the victories and renewing our first love.

Episode 1 – January 06, 2017

Episode 2 – January 13, 2017

Episode 3 – January 20, 2017

We spent some time discussing the inauguration and how we can continue to trust God in the unknown future of our country.

Episode 4 – January 27, 2017

We camped out on faith today and gave some encouragement for how to grow in our faith through our relationship with the Lord.  Janie shared a teaching handout for those who need help recognizing the works of the flesh.

We hope you enjoyed this month’s programming.  During the month of February, we will be looking at “The Heart of God”.  It is important that we understand who God is and what His character looks like so that we can recognize Him when He speaks.

Janie Ratzlaff

Janie Ratzlaff has been in ministry for over 40 years; traveling overseas for decades with her husband’s job, she would team up with missionaries in the area and work alongside them. She has worked with Evangelical Mission Ministries, helping with teachings in over 70 churches that were planted in Mexico along with a seminary. She has also assisted in different areas of ministry with His Truth Transforms International. She trained and worked as a Biblical counselor and teacher. She has written and developed “Wellness Wisdom Workshops” and “Lighthouse Lifelines” both were made into seminars and study groups for churches, and put into Christian educational institutions both stateside and international. She is active in her local church teaching young girls and a prayer class. Every week she hosts a live radio show with Sharon Hoskins to mentor listeners and encourage them in their walk with God.

Follows is a series of broadcasts from 2016.


Janie encourages us with the remedy for bitterness.  Ending this year’s teaching with ways to recognize the symptoms of bitterness and scripture to help us find healing.  More information about Bruce and Toni Hebel can be found at Forgiving Forward. Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, Ok.


Building on the sufficiency of scripture, Janie shares a teaching on our belief systems.  She gives us a list of lies we have been told and the truth of scripture that we should be trusting instead.  Once we recognize the lies we have believed we can begin to renew our mind with the truth of God’s word.  She offers two teaching handouts this week are Defining Lies and Process for Renewing the Mind.  Please forgive the first 7 minutes, it has a bit of noise that couldn’t be edited out, but recording gets better after that time.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, OK.


Janie shares a teaching on the sufficiency of scripture.  God’s word is without flaw and is true, but do we believe that the scriptures are true for us?  She shares scriptures that define sufficiency and helps us learn to apply scriptures in our life.  Although she doesn’t mention teaching handouts, she does have Renewing The Mind – Part 1 , Renewing The Mind – Part 2 , Renewing The Mind – Part 3 and Putting Off / Putting On available for you to download.  If you are interested in receiving the booklet, “The Sufficiency of Scripture” please contact us. Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, Ok.


Technical difficulties have prevented us from making this podcast available to you.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  You can listen to the teaching on 12-02-16 and receive much of the information that was discussed on this date.  The teaching handout The Truth About Me is also available for you to download.


Janie shares the second part in her teaching series on depression.  She describes the emotions and other causes that can contribute to depression.  Janie teaches on how to recognize depression and gives a definition of spiritual depression.  She shares scripture to help us apply God’s word to overcome the heavy weight of depression and give us hope.  This is the second part of the teaching that began with the podcast “10-21-16”  If you are struggling with depression you can glean from her message and be encouraged.  She offers teaching handouts Body-Soul-Spirit , Recognize Depression , Symptoms and Anedotes for you to download. Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, OK.


Janie shares a teaching on the causes, cures, and other emotions that contribute to depression and how to find hope through it.  Next month we will continue this teaching along with renewing the mind.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, OK.


Janie shares “Guidelines About Expectations” in this month’s podcast.  She enlightens us about the emotions that surround our expectations.  She shares warnings of the downward spiral that expectations can lead us into and encouragement for getting out of the whirlwind that may have us feeling trapped.  She also offers teaching handouts Expectations, Anger, and Bitterness , Dealing with the Emotional Process  , Process of Forgiveness this week for you to download.  Janie also mentioned Blue Bible to find scriptures on “anger.”  Next month she will share more on depression; causes, cures, and other emotions that contribute to depression.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio Grove, Ok.

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Janie teaches on the concept of “doing wrong for the right reasons.”  Exploring the story of David moving the ark of God in First Chronicles 13, she brings practical applications to how we can learn from David’s mistake so that we don’t continue doing things wrong for right reasons.  Teaching handout R.E.A.C.T. To Your Emotions is available to download. Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio Grove, Ok.

[archiveorg JanieRatzlaff82616 width=640 height=140 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]


Janie has a passion to share practical teachings from God’s word about the heart of God and man.  Teaching handout Comparison Test is available to download.  Listen to her interview recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, Ok


Janie’s introduction interview, learn her testimony and be encouraged by her genuine heart.  She has provided teaching handout My Heart: Christ’s Home by Robert Boyd Munger and God Is is available for you to download.  Listen to her interview recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio in Grove, Ok


Mary Beth Sheridan

Connect with Mary Beth Sheridan

mary-beth-sheridanFor the last three years I have served as the Director of the Women’s Ministry at Cornerstone Church in Grove, Oklahoma.  I along with my husband, Mark, have been very active in the church with youth as I serve on the praise and worship team, and bible teaching.  Previously, we spent 10 years at Christ Church, where we served as children’s pastors, after having spent a year as Associate Pastors at Jay Family Worship Center in Jay, Oklahoma.  Overall, we have 19 years of experience in the ministry.  We are parents to two children, Joshua and Rachel, and proud grandparents to 4 grandsons, Abram, Michael, Micah, and Lucas.


My childhood was unlike most, in that I grew up with 12 brothers and sisters.  At the age of 11, my life changed overnight.  I lost everything that I had ever known- my home, my siblings, parents, aunts, and uncles.  Life as I knew it, changed forever.  I am a survivor of child abuse, neglect, and eventually, abandonment.  From the age of 11 to the age of 18, I lived in 9 different homes.  Because I lived in so many places, I was raised with many different religions, beliefs, and lifestyles.  This has helped to shape me into the person I am today, as I have experienced many different ways of life.  I had always tried to live up to what my foster parents expected of me but had always felt that it was unobtainable.  At the age of 24, I was ready to give up and had thoughts of ending my life.  That was when I began going to counseling, and in my search of healing, I found Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  It was then that the healing process began.  He made me feel like I had purpose, and leaning on Him gave me the strength to help others overcome the same difficulties that I had experienced just a short time before.  It is my passion to see people who are suffering to overcome and have someone to lean on and to know that we all have problems, but that we are not the problem.  Problems are opportunities to overcome and I am an over comer with Jesus as the center of help.  Teaching others the word of God is my passion.

Christi Craddock

Connect with Christi Craddock at HisTruthTransforms.org.

christi-craddockChristi is President of His Truth Transforms International (HTTI), a non-denominational Biblical counseling ministry. After many years away from God she returned to the foundational faith she was raised on and found where her true peace and contentment come from which is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Christi has worked in the legal profession for over 30 years and gained a unique and first-hand understanding of nonprofit management via her service with community organizations and board positions. In 2000, Christi joined her parents, Jim and Doris Craddock, at a ministry they founded and while there served five years as International Director and trained to be a Biblical counselor.

Christi shares her testimony and encouragement.  Recorded on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

In 2006, Christi and her parents started their new ministry, HTTI, where she shares how every believer can live in victory through providing Biblical counseling, published material, teaching, training, facilitating, and speaking. Christi has the privilege of working with her mom, Doris, and staff members Melody and Kitty, as well as Janie and Bob Ratzlaff. She has had the privilege of ministering God’s Word across the countries of Africa, India, Israel, Moldova, Cuba, and Mexico, as well as with the Billy Graham Evangelists Association (BGEA) at their International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam 2000, their Conferences for Pastors around the world, and at their prayer center in New York City after 9-11. To find out more go to her website http://www.HisTruthTransforms.org.

Jennifer Houseman

Connect with Jennifer Houseman at jenniferhousemanphotography.com, 918-314-6950 call or text.  You can also check out her work on Facebook at Jennifer Houseman Photography.

jennifer-housemanJennifer is a wife and mother of three very vibrant, active, and involved little boys. She has been married to her husband for 14 years this November.  She is very pro laughter and an avid seeker of new friends.  She describes herself as very quirky sense of humor.

Jennifer says, “Life in general for me as it has been for many can be a bumpy and bruising road, but it has also provided me with some of the most moving moments that leave me fumbling for words to describe. I feel like I have come though some pretty crazy life storms, but what I’m left with from experiencing the tribulation and revitalizing moments is a passion to move forward with purpose.”

Her recent leap of faith took her to become a stay at home mom, and local photographer.  She loves art, music, emotion, and creativity.  She describes, “Photography has always been a passion of mine, and I feel like a lucky lotto winner to make the choice to mold this passion into a living. I am a blessed woman with a camera, three boys, truck loads of dirty laundry, endless legos, nerf gun darts, and fishing tackle. At the end of the day, the thing that warms my heart the most, the best of the best ….. not a day goes by that I don’t get a dirty, and sometimes smelly hug, kiss and “I love you Mom!”

Get to know her and listen to her story.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.


Staci Arnette

Connect with Staci at 918-991-5400 and 208 S. Main in Grove, Ok or on Facebook “The Breezy Porch Retail & Retreat”

staci-arnetteStaci is the owner of the Breezy Porch Retail & Retreat.  She is a wife and mother of 3 boys.  She is a massage therapist and esthetician.  Her love for antiques sparked the idea to add them to her surroundings.  As God put people in her path, she was able to aquire the ultimate home for her business; the old 1889 hotel located on Main St. in Grove, Ok next to REC.  With the help of Katrina Holt, the Breezy Porch Retail & Retreat is a full service spa…massage, facials, waxing, and all the different aspects of hair and nails.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio

Pam Sitton

Connect with Laundry Love at 918-964-9377

laundry love logoPam is well established in the community as a long time resident and business owner.  She founded of the Laundry Love Project, helping families with their laundry needs, here in Grove, Ok.  She is also the chairman of the board for the Community Crisis Center; empowering families and ending violence in Northeast Oklahoma.  Both of these missions have one thing in common; helping people.  Pam’s big heart displays compassion as she works to make her community a better place.

Pam shares about the ministry of Laundry Love; what it is and how it was started.  She also shares about the Community Crisis Center.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio Grove, Ok.

Number for Crisis Center – 800-400-0883Crisis Center

Linda Smith

Connect with the Abundant Blessings Center in Grove Ok at 918-786-9557 and www.abundantblessingscenter.com  https://www.facebook.com/abundantblessingscenter/

linda-smith-1Linda is the mother of 6 grown children and grandmother to 15 grandchildren.  She has over 40 years experience working in pregnancy centers.  In 2008, she approached the Grove Ministerial Alliance to start the Abundant Blessings Center.  This Center not only helps pregnant women, but also women and families in crisis.  Since opening their doors, they have offered spiritual, emotional, and physical help to many families who are working to put their lives together after making difficult choices.


Karen Moore

Connect with Karen Moore and the Lighthouse Pregnancy Center at 918-253-5472

20160909_115938-3Karen is the Director of Lighthouse Pregnancy Center in Jay, Ok. Lighthouse opened it’s doors in Aug of 2005.  Karen grew up in a Christian home and accepted Jesus into her life in 3rd grade church “Pioneer Girls”. While she had this wonderful foundation the turning point in her walk with Christ came many years and life lessons later.  She’s passionate about Bible study, teaching and sharing the Good News and Lighthouse has been pivotal in her journey.

20160909_115938-4Karen shares their many programs that help pregnant women, young mothers, and grandparents raising their grandchildren. She shares about the “shape program” that has been placed in many school in Delaware County. A young lady, Ashley Vann, who has been blessed by the Center shared her testimony with us.

Laura Shaw

20160722_115408 (3)Laura Shaw is a full-time wife, mother, mawmaw, mommy to my 2 fur babies Sophie and Lucy. She enjoys golfing, nature, and seeing all that God created outdoors.  She also bowls  and plays mahjjong.  She loves her church and singing in the choir.  She says, “I love making people smile. Life is too short, we must enjoy it and embrace it.”

Laura shares a beautiful testimony of how God orchestrated her life even when she thought He wasn’t looking.  After she survived a brain aneurism, God did a miracle in her life.  Listen to her story recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

We, at the station, are excited to announce the opening of Studio B, located at Grace Harbor Baptist Chruch.  Laura was our first guest in the new studio on 09-02-16.


Sherri Dillinger

You can connect with Sherri through Facebook.

033Sherri is a wife and mother of 4 special little dogs. She has her own business called Puppy Glamour.

She loves to go camping and spend time with her family. She received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 2005. Her experience in discipleship classes as a new believer changed her perspective on discipleship in the church. We will discuss what she learned and how we can implement new ideas to discipling others after salvation.


Chelsea Hughes

Connect with Chelsea Hughes by following her journey chasing what matters.

chelsea hughes 1Chelsea grew up in Oklahoma City, she is the daughter of Pastor Marty Hughes, of Grace Harbor Baptist, Grove, Ok. She received her Associates Degree in Culinary Arts in 2006 and her Bachelors in Business in 2009.

She shares practical truth about Christian living beyond the walls of our church building.  She encourages us with ways to be a missionary right here at home, at work, and in our community.

After graduating college, she spent 4 months in the Philippines and China. It was during this time that the Lord put a call on her life to missions work. In 2011, Chelsea spent 11 months living out of a backpack, traveling to 11+ countries, sharing the Gospel and love of Christ. After returning to the states in 2012, she became a children’s pastor in Abilene, TX.


Dee Humphrey

Connect with Dee Humphrey on Facebook or email her at deehumphrey@live.com  Dee is a Dental Hygienist, Author, Speaker, Influencer, and Women’s Minister.

She has been published twice in the Pennwell RDH magazine, which features all things dental.  She was recently given the opportunity to speak at Under One Roof: The National Dental Hygienist Conference. She continues to write articles, being recently published for the fifth time.  She is also writing programs and speaking at dental conferences.



But don’t let all this dental hygiene talk fool you; this woman loves the Lord and has an amazing testimony.  Dee has been in women’s ministry for 15 years.  She shares how she got started and gives encouragement to others who are in the ministry She touches so many with encouragement and inspiration just by opening her mouth to share the love she has in her heart.

Michelle Roberts

Michelle Roberts is a farmer/rancher, craft leader, artist, interpreter for the deaf, mother of 5, and grandmother of 6, but most of all she is a child of God, Christ’s ambassador, and God’s Co worker. In all her talents, she brings Christ to the forefront.

Michelle Roberts

Michelle founded the deaf ministry at First Baptist Grove. As a women’s retreat speaker and teacher, she encourages others in their walk with God.

Listen to her interview recorded 05-27-2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio


Michelle shares a testimony of recent events in her life that removed all doubt and brought her closer to God.  Laura Shaw stopped by to share a little taste of her testimony as well.


Listen to her interview recorded 07-22-2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio


Julie Arnall

Julie Arnall is 15 years old and going into 9th grade.  She plays softball and involved in a college preparation class.  She plans to attend Bible Baptist College in Springfield MO and hopes to help others through counseling after college.  Julie shares her testimony and encourages all teens to stand in their faith at school.  She gives words of wisdom for forgiving from your heart and finding a role model.

Listen to her interview from 07/01/2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio

Julie says, “God has showed me that through the past events in my life I can help others who are going through the same thing that I went through. That is why I want to be a counselor after I graduate college. My mother is my role model. She’s such a strong and independent lady and my goal is to be just like her.”  She is an inspiration to both young and old.

Rhonda Knox

Connect with Rhonda Knox at: yousaidgoministries.com

Rhonda Knox (2)Rhonda Knox is a Pastor’s daughter, a Pastor’s wife, the mother of two grown daughters, and one granddaughter.  She is the author of “Momma, I’ve Fallen In Love with Paraguay!” “In the Palm of God’s Hand” and “Rhonda, Tell That Story: A Voice For Nepal”.

Listen to her interview from 07/08/2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio


Rhonda’s daddy, Leon Vernon was the founding pastor of Grove Christian Center. Her dad past away in May of 2006.  Before she and her husband stepped in as Pastors of Grove Christian Center, they were Missionaries in Nepal.  They have remained Missionaries as well as Pastors. The only difference now is they can’t stay as long on the field. But their heart is to Go, just like Jesus said to do.

Into the Deep

It is so easy to get caught up in the routines of life.  In our family, we know what our schedule is everyday.  It is nice to break away from the routine and just relax.  Recently, I had the privilege to break away from everything for five wonderful days.  I knew this opportunity was orchestrated by God, so I sought Him for weeks before my departure.  I wanted to hear His voice, see His face, and feel His presence.  I listened carefully and watched mindfully; I desired to be changed by the end of the week, so I dug in deep.

And Jesus Said…

“Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch” Luke 5:4.  Jesus instructed Peter to cast his net into the deep for a catch.  I was struck by how Jesus said “deep” as if Peter had been fishing in the shallow waters.  I thought about myself before this week; had I been sitting in shallow waters hoping to make a catch?  As Christians, it is easy to get comfortable with the depth of our knowledge, the depth of our relationship, and even the depth of our commitment and service.  Many things can attribute to our comfort.  We can be too busy with work and our kids activity schedule.  We can be set in a routine and not willing to change.  However, many times it is fear that keeps us from going deeper.  Fear of what might be required of us.  Fear of failure.  Fear of a commitment.  I know because I have let all of these fears keep me from going deeper at different seasons of my life.  But, for five wonderful days in May 2016, I sought God’s face with a desire to launch into the deep.  As a result, I found a deeper relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  No more shallow waters and no more fears.  Take a risk to launch into the deep and let go of your fears, I promise God will not fail you.


Image: http://www.ebiblestories.com/stories/the_story_of_the_fishermen.shtml

I Am Tired!

I am tired!  Is anyone else tired?  It seems there is always something pulling at my time.  Just when I think I can rest I remember something that I should be doing or working on or somewhere I have to go.  There is an endless pile of laundry to be washed, not to mention the ones in the basket waiting to be folded or the folded ones camped out on the table waiting to be put away.  The dishes are never done, there is always something finding its way to the sink.  And just when I think all the beds are clean, floors are vacuumed, and bathrooms are spotless…it’s time to start all over again.

And Jesus Said…

“Come to Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.  For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” Matthew 11:28-30.  Now, this scripture seems a little out of context when we are talking about needing rest physically.  However, a good friend of mine, Jackie Hughes, told me one time, “Busy is Being Under Satan’s Yoke.”  Isn’t that what makes us tired…being busy?  I have used “being busy” as an excuse for many of my shortcomings.  I might forget to do something and reach for “busy” instead of forgetful.  When weeks go by without making contact with my friends, I reach for “busy” instead of neglectful.  When we get too busy things fall through the cracks, people feel neglected, and we get tired.  I sometimes think that we, women, think we have to be busy otherwise, we think we are being lazy or unproductive.  Yes, things like laundry, dishes, cleaning, errands, and other responsibilities need to be done.  Many women have jobs that add to that list, but this “busy” acronym helped remind me that being busy could be Satan’s disguise into my life.  I don’t want to give him one little place to grab a hold.  No matter how tired or busy I get, I can never allow that to distract me from God’s will or cause me to neglect Christ in my life.  So, when I find myself thinking about how busy I am, or feeling too tired to think, I remember this acronym to remind me to find rest in Jesus.

-Sharon Hoskins

He Touched Me

Think about the conversations you have throughout the day.  Some of them are necessary for information.  Some conversations are pointless; it’s just a bunch of talk.  Others are exhausting; it takes all your energy to get through it.  But then, there are those conversations that mean something; they touch your soul, and you don’t want them to end.  For me, these conversations have Jesus in the center, the focal subject.  “He touched me, yes He touched me, and oh the joy that floods my soul.”  It’s a beautiful old hymn that describes how we feel at the touch of Jesus.

And Jesus Said…

“Who touched Me?” Luke 8:45.  Jesus was on His way to the house of Jarius, but a multitude of people were pressed against Him, the woman with the issue of blood touched Him, and He said, “Who touched Me?”  He noticed that touch because He perceived that virtue had gone out of Him.  This story made me wonder how I could touch Jesus in a way that would make Him stop and say, “Who touched Me”.  I am not able to touch His physical body today, but can I still touch Him?  He touches me in so many ways.  Does my time with Him in prayer and reading my Bible touch Him the way it does me?  I had always thought of myself as being the beneficiary of such conversations with Him.  But, perhaps if I would look outside myself, I could see that the love He poured out on the cross was more than the sacrifice for my sins, but through that He would be able to spend time in conversations with me.  “Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you” John 15:3-4.  “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” Revelation 3:20.  The time we spend with Him is a touching time for both Him and us.  He loves spending time with us, just as we love spending time with Him.  Maybe I’m the only one who has not considered the idea that God wants to spend time with me.  Who am I?  Nobody.  No one special, that God, the creator of the universe, would want to spend time with me.  This is how most of us think.  We know God loves us, died for us, and wants to give us eternal life, but we don’t think that He looks forward to our conversations and never wants them to end.  We sometimes think of our prayer and Bible time as something that will benefit us, which it does, but we don’t consider what that time does for God.  What if our goal each day was to touch Him; not with our service, not with our good deeds, or special talents, but touch Him in conversation?  I think it would give us a whole new perspective to our time with God.

-Sharon Hoskins

It Is Written

We all find ourselves weak at times in our life; whether that weakness is a physical burden, financial struggle, or the pressure of making the right decision.  And it’s always during those times of weaknesses that we find our most difficult temptations.  We are almost guaranteed to hit every stop light in town when we are late for an important meeting.  Then we are tempted to speed and drive rudely.  When our paycheck is short due to illness and the electric bill is due, we are tempted to cut our tithe so we can pay it.  Temptation is guaranteed to show its ugly face right in the middle of our weakness.  The good news is that we can find comfort in the fact that Jesus experienced weakness and He was tempted too.


And Jesus said…

“It is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4.  Jesus had been fasting 40 days and 40 nights and He was hungry.  In that weakness, Satan tried to get Him to turn stones into bread in order to take care of Himself. Whatever weakness we are facing, we often find ourselves tempted to take care of it ourselves.  We look for the answer in what we can do.  Our prayers are often a plea for God to show us what we can do.  We say things like, “I can do nothing without Christ”, but we forget how much He can do when we just trust Him.  It is very tempting to try to make thing happen, set things in motion, or do what makes sense.  It’s easy to fall into temptation, but Jesus gives us the key to overcoming; “It is written…”  His word is the answer; breathed from the mouth of God and hidden in our heart to be used when temptations come.

-Sharon Hoskins

Bread of Life

Many of the five thousand people who were fed with five loaves of bread and two fishes, searched for Jesus in the days that followed.  They took boats and traveled to Capernaum to find Him.  Jesus knew their motives in their quest: “Verily, verily, I say to you. You seek Me, not because you saw the miracles, but because you did eat of the loaves, and were filled” John 6:26.  I thought it was interesting that they didn’t even notice the miracle of how they were fed, just that they were filled.  How familiar is that to some of us?  Isn’t it true that many times we don’t notice the miracles in our life?  They followed Jesus for their physical need.


And Jesus said…

“Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for that meat which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give to you: for Him has God the Father sealed” John 6:27.  They had worked so hard to find Him, laboring in their search.  He encourages them to look beyond their physical needs to a deeper spiritual need.  Jesus goes on to share with them how they can begin fulfilling that need by believing on Him, and eating the true bread of heaven; which is Christ Jesus.  Many of us have come to that place of believing on Him, but we get lost in our physical needs.  We know that we can ask Him for anything and find our prayers being a sort of “grocery list” of physical needs rather than a spiritual hunger for the Bread of Life.  What can we do to change our hunger?  That answer may be different for each of us, but we can all find the answer in the same place; on our knees.  I pray that we will all determine to find the answer and change from physically feeding to spiritually feasting on the Bread of Life.

Sharon Hoskins

Great Faith

Being at the feet of Jesus is exhilarating, comforting, peaceful, and fulfilling.  I can’t think of a better place on earth that can compare to being in His presence and neither could the man who had been delivered from the legion of demons.  He had lived for years outside the city in the tombs, naked, and full of demons.  Jesus sent the demons into a herd of swine, clothed him, put him in his right mind, and he sat at Jesus’ feet.  There was no other place this man wanted to be for the rest of his life but at Jesus’ feet.   He begged to go with Him.


And Jesus said…

“Return to your own house, and show how great things God has done for you” Luke 8:39.  When we are sitting in His presence, it is tempting to want to just continue sitting there; hiding our self away, basking in His goodness. When God does those great and wonderful things in our life, sometimes we think that others won’t understand or that they may make fun of us, so we hide at Jesus’ feet.  Don’t get me wrong, hiding at His feet in His presence is never a bad place to be; that is where we find peace, strength, joy, and fullness.  However, it is very important for us to get up and go share with others those great things He has done.  This man did exactly what Jesus told him to do and when Jesus came back to town there was a great multitude welcoming Him back.  The woman with the issue of blood was healed at His return.  Perhaps it was the witness of the man’s life that gave her the faith that Jesus could make her whole.  Let’s live our life as a witness.  We may never know who might be encouraged to have great faith in Jesus because of it.

-Sharon Hoskins

That Good Part

The five short verses that tell the story of Mary and Martha have had a great impact on the lives of many women throughout the years.  Jesus is at their house, and while Martha is busy serving and taking care of the physical needs, Mary is sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening to His word.  Martha becomes frustrated because Mary is just sitting there, not helping her with anything.  Martha was probably thinking, “I would like to sit down too!”  So she asks Jesus to tell Mary to help.


And Jesus said…

“Martha, Martha, you are concerned and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” Luke 10:41-42.  There are many physical needs that require our attention each day.  Things that pull us here and there with activities, work, errands, and a list of other things that keep us busy.  We may even have trouble sleeping at night because our mind is making a list for the next day.  We may find it difficult to stay focused on the task at hand because our mind travels to the next thing on our list.  Our first thought in the morning is our list for the day.  The Mary in us wants to sit at Jesus’ feet, but the “list” invades our thoughts and steals our attention.  Then, that good part, our spiritual need, is taken away by our own frustrations and busyness.  There will always be a fight between the flesh and the spirit.  “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other…” Galatians 5:17. On days like this, fight the urge to get busy on the list of physical duties and find strength spiritually by sitting a Jesus’ feet.  Leave the list, concerns, and troubles out of the conversation as you sit there.  Use praise to focus your mind on Him, “I just want to sit with You and hear your voice”, “God You are so good”, “Great are You Lord, O Most High”, “I love You, Lord, You are the love of my life”.  And there are a thousand more ways to share praise to Him.  Through it you will find peace and that good part which shall not be taken away.

-Sharon Hoskins

Our Refuge

Have you ever just felt like a tornado was let loose in your head!?  There are so many things to do that you just can’t keep up?  That you can’t even get one thought completed before you are thinking about something else?  Then you end up spending your day walking in circles without accomplishing a single thing completely?  I have had one of those weeks…oh, let’s just be completely honest, it’s been one of those months.  I’m really hoping that you can relate to this and I’m not crazy.  I did have a birthday this month so, you know what they say about getting older; you start losing things.


I was encouraged by Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Sometimes the storms of life are all around us, beside us, and even in our head!  We can find comfort, strength, and peace in the loving arms of the Lord.  “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1.  If you are going through a storm in your life, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone, you’re not crazy, and that you can find refuge in the Lord.  Just take some time to be still in His presence; taking refuge in Him during your storms, for He is the Most High.

-Sharon Hoskins

My One Thing

I heard a message this past week from Bobby Hughes. “One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple” Psalm 27:4.

Bobby asked, “What’s your ‘one thing’?” I had to think, if it’s not God, then what is my ‘one thing’? Am I totally satisfied in Christ? David’s desire for the Lord was unquestionable; is mine?  I began to ponder this question while sitting in the pew last Sunday and today I am still examining myself to find that ‘one thing’.  I love thought-provoking questions that cause me to really look at my heart and examine my life because the process draws me closer to the Lord in the end.  We probably all have something in our lives that drive us each day.  We may have a goal we are working toward or a position we are trying to achieve but at the end of it all, we find another goal and new heights to climb.  Today is the last day of 2015 and people everywhere are making some kind of New Year resolution.  Many want to be healthier, lose weight, make a career change, get organized, and thousands of other personal goals that we are committing to changing in 2016.    My commitment (resolution) is to be sure that my ‘one thing’ is the only One Thing that matters; Christ.

Sharon Hoskins

Unsung Heroes

I appreciate the fact that I can sit in service on Sunday morning and focus all of my attention on the message taught from the pulpit.  That blessing would not be possible without the devotion of the children’s church leaders.  The time that they put into studying and preparing the lesson for my kids takes dedication and sacrifice.  They give up so much of what I get to take advantage of and enjoy.


My kids learn a lot from them and have grown closer to God through their teachings.  I love to visit with my kids at the dinner table and hear all that they learned in children’s church.  I always encouraged my kids to pray, but could never get them to want to pray out loud.  A few years ago they started learning to pray in children’s church, they became excited about praying, now, they love to pray.  Some people don’t really like the idea of the family being separated on Sunday morning because we are separated all through the week with school and work.  That is something to think about as an individual family.  Some families don’t go to church together.  Kids ride the church bus or get dropped off and they have a place where they can be taught because of the children’s church leaders.   We don’t have to send our kids to children’s church; many kids sit with their families on Sunday morning right beside moms and dads.  This past Sunday a father and his 11-year-old son were at the altar together; there is little more beautiful than that.  Whether you send your kids to children’s church or not, the people who devote their lives to teaching God’s word to children are still doing the job for someone’s child.  Remember to extend your appreciation to them often.

Sharon Hoskins

A Great Woman

Behind every great pastor is a great woman.  We all have different opinions about what makes a great pastor’s wife.  Some think that she should be quiet; others think she should be center-stage.

Many think of the pastor’s wife as the woman who plays the piano, sits on the front row, teaches Sunday School, takes care of the nursery, plans dinners, cleans the church, leads children’s church and ladies group, organizes community events, and anything else that needs to be done.  We have our ideas of what she is supposed to do, how she is supposed to act, and the services she is to perform.  However, a pastor’s wife can have any number of characteristics, qualities, gifts, and abilities.  She is an individual, with her own personality, and she doesn’t have to meet our expectations.  We are sometimes very critical of the woman God called to work alongside our pastor; “We love our pastor, but his wife…”.  I have been a Christian for many years and I have heard horrible things come out of the mouths of people about their pastor’s wife.  Let’s stop making snide remarks and subtle jabs.  A wise pastor’s wife once told me that the only ones she needs to please is God and her husband; they are the only ones that matter.  With so many expectations from so many different people, how could she possibly please everyone?  The truth is she can’t.   We need to remember that when God called her husband to be a pastor, He called her to be a pastor’s wife, and whatever that means is between her and God.  Let’s extend love and thankfulness to our pastor’s wife for all that she does.  Let’s accept her for who God has called her to be in our life as our pastor’s wife.  Find out if there is anything she needs help with.  Encourage her with love and acceptance.  She is the woman who stands beside the pastor, who encourages him to keep going, takes up the slack when he has to study, and forfeits time with him when we call with an emergency.  She willingly fills her position with love for God, for her husband, and for us therefore we are blessed to have her.  If you are guilty of being too critical of your pastor’s wife, I encourage you to pray to God for forgiveness, and then start helping her through prayer, encouragement, and love.

Sharon Hoskins

Pastor Appreciation

October is Pastor Appreciation month.  This is a time that we can express to our pastor how much we appreciate all that he does.  Many times we take him for granted and have unrealistic expectations, or set him on a pedestal that he is sure to fall off of.  He has a job that is his life, he takes little time off and never clock out.

He is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; in the middle of the night or right before dinner.  We may never know what our emergency has interrupted in his life because he will never tell.  No matter how he is feeling he always has a smile and an outstretched arm.  No matter how busy he is he will always say, “Come in” to a knock on the office door.  He will put on his work boots and hammer a nail.  He will climb a ladder to get the job done, even if he is afraid of heights.  He will sing, play the guitar, piano, or box drum to help the praise team if they need it.  He will join the kids for a game of kick ball even if he ends up with a cracked rib.  He allows youth boys to preach who feel called to ministry, believing in them and encouraging them to follow God.  If we go to him with our problems, he never judges, he truly wants to help us successfully overcome.  He remembers our name, our struggles, and our pain and he prays for us daily.  He studies Gods word and prays for God’s guidance to lead us in truth.  He teaches in a way that is understandable and applicable to our lives.  He has a heart that desires God; all of Him.  He is transparent about his struggles and honest about his flesh.  He has sincere, unconditional love that is felt in everything he does.  If this sounds like your pastor, you are blessed to have him.  Pray for him and his family every day and love him unconditionally in return.

Sharon Hoskins

Changing Seasons

I love this time of year, the weather changes, the leaves change, and with it, there seems to be a change in the hearts of men.

We start examining our lives for the good things and expressing thanksgiving for them. We start challenging each other to share something that you are thankful for every day in November. We start thinking about what we can give to others and making plans to spend time together. More than any other time of year, we feel the need to “put on a happy face” whether it is real or not. This is a time to be happy, joyful, and thankful, so if we’re not then we “stick out” in the crowd of happy faced people. So, is the change in the hearts of men as real as the changing of the leaves? We seem to change only for a season, just as they do, except our season ends the first of January. The leaves don’t just change colors to fit in with the crowd; they go through a transformation from the inside out. There is no doubt that every one of us want to be happy on the inside, not just putting on a face. So, where can we find happiness that brings joy and thanksgiving that will last through all seasons of our life? We will find that happiness in a complete transformation from the inside out, which is only found in Christ. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fades not away, reserved in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:3-4. Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, He rose from the dead to give us life, and He sits at the right hand of the Father as our intercessor. (Hebrews 12:2) I pray that if you don’t know Jesus that you will find Him today. You don’t have to search far, just open your heart, and share it with Him; He is right beside you waiting.

Sharon Hoskins

Entertaining an Angel

Becoming a Christian was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life, but it was very confusing at first.  What would be expected of me?  How am I suppose to behave?  I had always understood Christianity to mean that I had to be perfect and sinless; if I wasn’t then I must not really be a Christian.  As God began to take real situations in my life and open my heart to see the spiritual application, it changed my perception of Christianity.  I realized that becoming a Christian meant that I could start a new life and begin a journey with God.  This story is part of my early journey with God and what He taught me about being obedient.

For several months I had been without a job.  I wasn’t really looking for one but I wanted to do something more productive with my life.  I received a call from Naomi, the secretary at my church.  She had a job offer and I accepted.  I was on my way to fill out the papers to make it all official when I stopped to pick up a combo meal from the local burger joint.  While waiting to order I decided to get two combos and take one to Naomi as a thank you.  I had never been to lunch with her and I didn’t know what she liked, so I got hers the same as mine.  I felt very proud of myself for doing something nice for someone else and could hardly wait to get to the church.  About that time I remembered that sometimes a volunteer comes to help her.  What if she was there and I didn’t get her anything, so I decided that I could give her mine.  This meant that I would have to see if she was there before I ate any of my food or drank my soda.  Just when I thought the problem was solved I wondered what I would do if they were gone to lunch or already had plans, then I would have extra food, and reheated burger and fries are gross.  As I was dealing with this dilemma in my head, I saw a man on the side of the road in front of a convenient store.  He looked to be barefooted and his clothes were old and worn.  He had long blonde hair matted with dirt.  I had never seen him before.  I live in a fairly small town and it is uncommon to see people on the roadside like that but he was my answer.  If they already had plans, I said to myself, then the extra food I could bring back to give to him.  Again, just when all my problems were solved, God said, “Give it to him now.”  “Wait, what, NO!” I exclaimed as I sped up, “I got that for Naomi.”  And He said again, “Give it to him now.”  “But Lord,” I said in disappointment, “I want to give it to Naomi, that’s who I bought it for.”  He said, “Naomi is taken care of, I want him to have it.”  By this time I was about a mile down the road.  I turned around and headed back to the store with a whole new argument.  “What am I going to say to him Lord?  I don’t want him to think I am looking down on him.  What am I supposed to say?  ‘Here, you look like you could use some food’ or ‘The Lord told me to stop and give this to you.’  I don’t know what to say.”  God said, “Don’t worry about what to say.”  When I got back to the convenient store,  I didn’t see him.  I was afraid that I had argued with God too long.  But, just as I was about to give up hope, there he was walking across the parking lot.  I walked over to him calling “Sir”, and my eye was drawn to a couple in a car, they were looking at me as I walked toward him.  I heard the man say, “Oh, I thought you were talking to me.”  I turned my attention back to him and said, “Oh, yes sir, I was talking to you, I’m sorry…”  I don’t know what I said after that.  Something about a friend and extra food.  He was following me to my car when I said, “It is only going to waste if someone doesn’t eat it.”  I lead him to the passenger side and pulled a hamburger and fries out of the bag; I handed it to him along with a coke.  I never looked at his face I only saw his hands.  I watched him walk away struggling to carry everything.  Then, a couple getting gas caught my eye, they were watching me, as I watch him.  I didn’t look for him after that but he was headed for the back of the store.  I got in my car and continued on my way, but I was only a few miles down the road when I realized that I did not give him a napkin.  Then an avalanche of mistakes came rushing into my head.   I didn’t give him ketchup, salt, or a bag!  I had an empty bag sitting in the seat next to me that he could have used to carry his food.  I didn’t need that bag; it was serving me no purpose. And how could I leave without telling him about Jesus!  I didn’t tell him about the Lord!  It was so hot that day I could have let him sit in the air-conditioned car to eat, then I could’ve shared Jesus with him.  While I was beating myself up for all the wrongs I did, God said, “Thank you for being obedient, you did fine.”  I always look for him when I pass that convenient store and remember the day I pleased God.

This story is one that I cherish because looking back I believe that I am the only one that saw the barefooted, long-haired man that I fed that day and God taught me a lesson in obedience.  God didn’t ask me to share Jesus with that man, He didn’t ask me to give him a ride, or give him a napkin, bag, or condiments.  God asked me to give him the food and told me not to worry about what to say, and that is what I did.  Be careful that you are not too critical on yourself.  Just obey God and enjoy your journey with Him.

Sharon Hoskins

Desperately Seeking

I thought I would begin my first blogging experience by sharing my first short story that ignited my love for writing.


One Saturday morning during a festival in our town I woke to a strange sound coming from the back yard.  I looked for the source as I let my dog, Oscar, out but I didn’t see anything and went back inside, when I returned to let him in he was gone and I could still hear the sound.  As I stood there yelling for him, I spotted several hot-air balloons passing over head.  It scared me because they were so low I could talk to the pilots, then I realized that they must have scared my dog too.  It had only been minutes since I let him out so I walked around the yard calling his name for several minutes with no response.  I went out the back gate and called for him around the block but still nothing. By this time people were starting to get out for the day and I grew scared that I would never see him again because many people were in town for the festival and I thought someone would take him home with them.  My husband and I didn’t have children so Oscar was like our baby and the thought of losing him was devastating.   Hours had passed with no sign of him, so I decided to go to where the people were with some recent photos; surely someone had seen him.  I asked around the crowd but not a single person recognized him.  I was so desperate to find him that I began to walk the main street.  Traffic was backed up for a couple of miles and I showed his picture to every car asking, “Have you seen this dog?”  With everyone shaking their heads “no”, and tears rolling down my face I responded with, “If you see him will you call the shelter so he can come home to me?”  I said it over and over to everyone.  Finally, I got a break!  A nice couple stopped and told me where they had seen him earlier that day.  I was so excited at the thought that he would still be there.  I was near my house so I ran to get my car.  I stopped inside to check if the shelter had called and at the very moment I was walking in the front door Oscar was coming in the back.  It was so great to have him home; he had been missing for six hours and we were both exhausted.

I had made plans to go to church for a special Saturday evening service but at that point I was simply too tired.  But when the time came to leave, I decided that I would go after all.  The nation had just experienced the awful tragedy of September 11th it was less than two weeks old and everyone’s lives had changed.  The preacher began to speak to us about being desperate and asked, “are you desperate?”  I thought to myself, I was earlier today.  As I spoke those words, I saw myself walking down the street so desperate to find my dog.  Then I saw Jesus walking where I had been and He was showing pictures of all the lost souls asking, “Have you seen this lost sheep?”  As tears rolled down His face He responded with, “If you see them will you ask them if they know Jesus so they can come home to Me?”

This changed my life!  God took a physical experience and gave me a spiritual application.  After that Saturday service, I told my pastor what had happened, and he said, “You need to write that down!”  And I have been writing ever since.

Sharon Hoskins

First Blog

I have always loved the idea of blogging!  Imagine, I can share my thoughts and experiences with absolutely nobody and everybody at the same time. I love to write, it doesn’t even matter if anyone reads it, I just find great pleasure in writing down the “aha moments” God gives me.  Now, don’t get me wrong, it is wonderful when I get feedback from something I have written, of course that feels good, but it’s not the driving force that pushes me to write, it’s a desire in my heart.  I have always wanted to blog!  But, unfortunately, I am a technological dinosaur and don’t have a clue where to start or how it works.  This is my first post as a blogger, so now I will be on my journey to learning all the blogging do’s and don’ts.  Now, it’s time to find out what happens next!  I am so excited!!!


The other day I got lost trying to get to an appointment.  I had a map, an address, and even directions, but even with all those instructions, I still was not able to find the facility.

I know that sounds crazy, I had looked at the map and read the instructions so I was pretty confident that I knew where it was, but when I got to that location, it wasn’t there.  I stopped and read the map again and according to the map, it should be right where I was sitting.  Apparently, my map was wrong or I had misinterpreted the instructions in some way.  I drove up and down the streets and turned around several times.  I made several phone calls to no avail.  At one point, I thought it was hopeless and I would never arrive on time, but I finally was able to reach someone who knew how to get there and instructed me as I drove.  I thought about how sometimes we get lost in our walk with God.  We think we know exactly where we are going, but when we get there, we are lost.  I have done this many times in my Christian journey, and I have wondered if my map was wrong, or if I misinterpreted my instructions.  I have been guilty of calling on the wrong person to help me find my way, driving up and down streets that only lead me in circles.  But when I have gotten tired of being lost, I found the right One to call on, the One who knew exactly how to get there, and could instruct me as I drove.  “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he has known My name.  he shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.  With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation.”  Psalm 91:14-16  I pray this encourages you in your journey today.

Sharon Hoskins

Unconditional Love

I learn so much from my kids about God’s love for us.  I’ve heard other people say this very same thing, but I didn’t understand what they meant until I had kids of my own.

Of course, we have an unconditional love for them that we don’t naturally have for everyone, the same way God loves us.  They will always be ours no matter how many times they mess up; we will forgive, just as God does for us.  We hate to discipline them when they do wrong, but we must so that they will know right from wrong just as God does for us.  This morning, after dropping my daughter off at school, my 5-year-old son, asks, “Why do we have to give you a kiss every day before we get out of the car?”   My response was, “You don’t have to give me a kiss every day.  I would like a kiss every day, but you don’t have to give me one.”  He was then silent.  When we pulled up to his school, he peeked around the seat to give me a kiss.  I said, “You don’t have to give me a kiss if you don’t want to.”  He responded with, “I want to give you a kiss because I love you.”  It reminded me of how God gives us free will in our life.  He wants us to give Him a kiss every day because we love Him, not because we have to.  God doesn’t put a requirement on His love to us; let’s not put a requirement on Him to receive our love back in return.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  Matthew 22:37.

Sharon Hoskins

Change is Beautiful

My daughter, Rachel, and her grandma Kathleen love butterflies. It is so cute to watch the two of them when they see one. They get so excited, their voices squeal as they run to see how close they can get. Rachel loves to scoop them up into her hands and hold them.

My step mom has a collection of beautiful butterflies in a frame on the wall. They are vibrant colors of yellow and blue. Now I won’t pretend that I know anything about butterflies, so I couldn’t tell you what kind they are, but what I do know is that the butterfly is one of the most beautiful insects I have ever seen. There are many different species, colors, and life spans, but the one thing that is consistant with all of them is their beauty. Butterflies are beautiful, not just in color, but also in their movements as they flutter through the air. When we consider the butterfly, we find the beauty only comes from the change in its life.  Change is a beautiful thing! It is a natural result of growth. When we grow, we change, and when we change, we grow. When God makes changes in us, He wants us to grow. It’s not always easy; it often hurts, and takes time to work through, but is well worth it when the beauty of our life begins to break out of the cocoon. “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter end. There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” Proverbs 19:20-21. Allow God to make changes in you, that you may emerge a beautiful butterfly.

Sharon Hoskins


Relaxing Change

We all need day to sleep in and lay around half the day in our pajamas, right. For me, this day is usually a Saturday. The kids are out of school, daddy is home from work, and if nothing else is going on there is no reason to hurry up.

It’s a good day to rest and enjoy each other. I realize that this is not the case for everyone, if fact, many people have to work on Saturdays as well as through the week, so the only day they have to sleep in and spend time with family is on Sundays. I’ve heard people say this is why they don’t go to church. Sunday use to be the day that everything in town was closed so very few people worked. If you needed something on Sunday, you might find a convenient store open. Times have changed and now more and more people have to work. I know we can’t go back in time, but it would be nice if Sundays had stayed the same throughout time. I love to wake up on Sunday morning and gather my family to go to church. It is a time when we can learn more about God and His word, a time to draw closer to Him, and a time to find strength for the days ahead. I know that every day is important to spend with God, but there is something special about Sunday that causes excitement for me. Maybe it’s because we are coming together with other believers in one accord or the anticipation of what God may say through the mouth of His servant. “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and if filled all the house where they were sitting” Acts 2:2. I pray that you will fit church into your schedule this week and find the excitement of Sunday morning worship.

Sharon Hoskins


Beautiful Changes

The snow is so beautiful this morning as the sun begins to rise. My kids love to play in it and I love to enjoy it from a distance with a nice cup of coffee and a warm blanket.


I remember the days when I loved to make snow angels, snowmen, snowballs, and any other kind of snow things as long as I was in it, but now I don’t even want to go outside when it’s on the ground. It is funny how we change as we grow, not just on the outside but also on the inside. Yesterday my daughter shared with me three things she wants to be when she grows up and I remembered myself at her age sharing what I wanted to be. Now, all grown up, I didn’t become any of them, because I changed as I grew. Growing is such an important part of our life cycle, not only physically but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is important to be healthy in all these areas of our life and part of being healthy is growth, but our spiritual growth is the most important because it affects us physically, mentally, and emotionally. How we think, feel, and look will change as we grow in Christ.  I know this may sound crazy but it is true. Examine your own life and see if it’s not true for yourself. “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby” 1 Peter 2:2. If you haven’t changed then you haven’t grown. It is important for us to grow and change to become more Christ-like (Philippians 2:1-8). I was looking at a person’s Facebook page the other day, they wrote something that made me curious about their faith. I became very confused when I found that they proclaimed Jesus, but at the same time had pornography posted everywhere on their page. It makes me sad to know that there are people who really don’t understand what it means to know God, who have said a prayer, but never change or grow. If you haven’t grown or changed since you said your prayer, please take a moment to open your heart, receive all that God has for you in a relationship with Him, and allow some beautiful changes to take place in your life.

Sharon Hoskins


I have always had a lot of respect and admiration for the real cowgirls. I see them as brave and strong, willing to step into the unknown and be adventurous. I think if I had an alter ego, she would be a cowgirl. Cowgirls are not wimpy, squeamish, or afraid to get dirty. Horses are hard work, but a cowgirl doesn’t notice because she loves it.


I have ridden a horse but I am NOT a cowgirl; there is a difference. If I compare myself to a cowgirl, I would have to say that the closest I could get to being one would be my Christian walk. I think spiritually we have to be like cowgirls. Being a Christian is not an easy life, but we don’t notice because we love it. We have to be brave and strong, willing to step into the unknown with God as He makes changes in our life. Even if we are a little wimpy or squeamish, God gives us the courage to move forward in spite of our fear. Being a Christian is an adventure when we allow God to guide our path. He will lead us down trails that we can’t see around the bend, through waters that we can’t tell how deep, and over mountainous terrain that we can’t determine how high we’re going. “The Lord is my light and my salvation; who shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1. This scripture says it all. I guess I can pretend that I am a cowgirl spiritually and enjoy the exciting adventure of living my life with Christ.

Sharon Hoskins