
Storms of Life

“For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hidden myself from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my guide, and my acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walk to the house of God in company” Psalm 55:12-14

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today, on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the storms of life that we face, not just as Christians, but for every human being. The storms in our lives are promised to come. We can have confidence in Christ as we go through these storms that we will make it through. Many times we think we have to see clearly in the storm, but we don’t; we just need to trust the Lord in it. Every storm of life that has a temporal impact on us is there for a spiritual learning and increase. Storms are promised, so we might as well learn the spiritual and increase in the Lord.

Destined For The Throne

And they sang a new song, saying:“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.” Revulations 5: 9-10

If you are not satisfied with cradles and pacifiers for the Christian life, desiring to be more useful in our Master’s service, then here is a meaty volume of practical value.

This book, DESTINED FOR THE THRONE, challenges us to see the Church in all her glory, where we have originated, where we are going in God’s eternal purposes. It ties intercession into the why of our existence. Where do you fit into this program?  If you want to taste the fullness of knowing who you are IN CHRIST, open your ears and heart to this message by Paul Billheimer.

Judgement Vs Discernment

“The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well to his going” Proverbs 14:15.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

How does judgment differ from discerment? Janie and Sharon discuss the difference between judgment and discernment. Each of these definitions come from the same root word. Judgment (krino) to give a verdict with no personal involvement. Much like a judge gives a verdict. Discernment (anakrino) to distinguish or (diakrino) to investigate a situation or action and help find a solution and bring restoration.

David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 2

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms. What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a “season”.

Click hear for David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms.  There you will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition as he was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.  Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.

Growing in Grace and Knowledge

“And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked word, yet now has He reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in His sight” Colossians 1:21-22.

(“I Will Choose Christ” by Kathy Troccolli can be found at Kathy’s Website)

Today on Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss the thoughts that cause us work for God’s approval. We are reconciled – past tense; now let’s grow in grace and knowledge by studying the scriptures to be a learner that has a testimony. Learning to go from “trying” to “trusting”. God declares that He loves us so much that He does not want to do without us.

David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 1

If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.

Click here to order David’s Spiritual Secret 

One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David.  The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life.  From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances. He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.

Wounded by God’s People

Wounded by God’s People by Anne Graham Lotz is pulled from the Fireside Bookshelf to have a look inside.

“Almost everyone I know has been wounded to one degree or another. It doesn’t matter if a person is young or old, rich or poor, intelligent or ignorant, healthy or infirm, educated or illiterate. We’ve all experienced wounds.”

Wounded people wound other people.  Whether the wounds are valid in wrongs done, the solution to keep from passing that pain on is the subject of this study.  Ann Graham Lotz is honest in her own struggles and reflects on how she learned to be the victor, not the victim of  others.  Also, she gives us an in-depth look as to ways wounds can form and take over without us realizing.  But sometimes, the wounds are through thoughtless, careless, “being right” in my choices, and then we must learn how to make our wrongs right.  A book that requires more than one reading.

100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know By Heart

100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart By Robert Morgan is pulled from the Fireside Bookshelf to have a look inside.

“Study to show yourself a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Because, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Why? 1 Peter tells us “that we have been given great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the  world.”

Here we have the purpose, the power, and the plan for discovering what the mind of God is for His  children in knowing Him.  There is nothing that can still our hearts and mind, giving a quiet confidence and drawing us into His presence as hiding the promises of God within our soul.

As a child of God we want to grow up and become disciples (learners) that desire to sit at His feet and learn of Him.  In memorizing the promises we can be pleasing to His heart and His Word brings life, comfort and hope to us.  Take some time to focus on the promises of God and in communion with Him, ask that they be made real in your life.

Limiting God

The phrase “Failure is the back door to success” certainly has merit.  Do words like fearfulness, selfishness, unbelief, failure, pride, laziness, ignorance, immaturity ever cross your  mind as you stop and have conversations with yourself about how you wish you did not have to do battle with these patterns in your thought life?  You know the Word says to  bring every thought  captive, but when swimming with strokes of repetitive thinking, these words have developed into lifestyles of living.  So, really what is the harm if you are just coping?

The main reason this way of living should not remain dominant is that without change your life will be LIMITING GOD in all that you do.  We have been given precious promises for living an abundant life now. Stopping short of that goal pulls us into fake and false thinking as an acceptable standard for who we really are as children of God. This in turn robs us of the joy, peace, calm, contentment, and an inability to grow in grace and knowledge, having Christ formed in you, with  waging war against the enemy that Jesus Christ defeated on the Cross. It is the fruit of blessing when our walk and talk are consistent and others can benefit from our testimony.

The Old Testament examples are given to help us see and understand the New Testament principles and how they can be applied.

Limiting God is an analysis of Christian failure with the sure answer for success in Christ.


David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 2

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon (CST) on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features the second half of David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

We continue to explore the life of David and encourage you to spend some time in the book of Psalms.  There you will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition as he was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.  Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.

Praising God in the tough times was one of David’s secrets for being a man after God’s own heart.  The other was “true confession,” owning up to his acts of selfishness with repentance. We need to remember one of the most important “secrets” of David’s life was his warrior’s heart for Almighty God.  Defending and avenging the character of God was not an issue to be questioned or compromised when David was walking in dependence on his Sovereign King.

What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a “season”.

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David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 1

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon (CST) on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s Broadcast features David’s Spiritual Secret by Dr. John Barnett

One of the most talked about people in the Bible is David.  The Bible does not hold back on the strengths and weakness in his life.  From peace and tranquility to chaos and crisis David moved in and out of perplexing circumstances. He experienced every possible emotion. From joyous “highs” to lonely “lows” with anger, discouragement, depression, and rejection in between ( and many a result of his own choices); David nevertheless, was a man after God’s own heart. What comfort can be found in seeing the faithfulness of God as David lived out his life in open communication with his Great Shepherd.

David learned much in the early years of tending sheep and these values became  the way of life for his remaining days. The life of David is a “true confession” of a struggle with mind, will, and emotions; the soul of man. Once again, we see the importance in making “right choices” in each decision, as one wrong choice left David with many lingering consequences.

The reality in studying his life is that you may identify with many of his paths of soulish selfish flesh, but he always returns to his God as his foundation and solution for all he faced.

If you want to see “raw” emotions and how they play out in life, David is a man to study. If you want a guide to see how to stay focused throughout your life, David is an excellent example.

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Christi Craddock

Connect with Christi Craddock at HisTruthTransforms.org.

christi-craddockChristi is President of His Truth Transforms International (HTTI), a non-denominational Biblical counseling ministry. After many years away from God she returned to the foundational faith she was raised on and found where her true peace and contentment come from which is a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Christi has worked in the legal profession for over 30 years and gained a unique and first-hand understanding of nonprofit management via her service with community organizations and board positions. In 2000, Christi joined her parents, Jim and Doris Craddock, at a ministry they founded and while there served five years as International Director and trained to be a Biblical counselor.

Christi shares her testimony and encouragement.  Recorded on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

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In 2006, Christi and her parents started their new ministry, HTTI, where she shares how every believer can live in victory through providing Biblical counseling, published material, teaching, training, facilitating, and speaking. Christi has the privilege of working with her mom, Doris, and staff members Melody and Kitty, as well as Janie and Bob Ratzlaff. She has had the privilege of ministering God’s Word across the countries of Africa, India, Israel, Moldova, Cuba, and Mexico, as well as with the Billy Graham Evangelists Association (BGEA) at their International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam 2000, their Conferences for Pastors around the world, and at their prayer center in New York City after 9-11. To find out more go to her website http://www.HisTruthTransforms.org.

Jennifer Houseman

Connect with Jennifer Houseman at jenniferhousemanphotography.com, 918-314-6950 call or text.  You can also check out her work on Facebook at Jennifer Houseman Photography.

jennifer-housemanJennifer is a wife and mother of three very vibrant, active, and involved little boys. She has been married to her husband for 14 years this November.  She is very pro laughter and an avid seeker of new friends.  She describes herself as very quirky sense of humor.

Jennifer says, “Life in general for me as it has been for many can be a bumpy and bruising road, but it has also provided me with some of the most moving moments that leave me fumbling for words to describe. I feel like I have come though some pretty crazy life storms, but what I’m left with from experiencing the tribulation and revitalizing moments is a passion to move forward with purpose.”

Her recent leap of faith took her to become a stay at home mom, and local photographer.  She loves art, music, emotion, and creativity.  She describes, “Photography has always been a passion of mine, and I feel like a lucky lotto winner to make the choice to mold this passion into a living. I am a blessed woman with a camera, three boys, truck loads of dirty laundry, endless legos, nerf gun darts, and fishing tackle. At the end of the day, the thing that warms my heart the most, the best of the best ….. not a day goes by that I don’t get a dirty, and sometimes smelly hug, kiss and “I love you Mom!”

Get to know her and listen to her story.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

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