
Lord Teach Us To Pray

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

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This week on Sharin Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff and Sharon Hoskins discuss the importance of prayer. It seems to be an area of struggle among many believers. Most times we pray in the manner we have heard others pray, but rarely feel a real connection to the Lord and wonder if our prayers are really going anywhere. Some describe their prayers as hitting the ceiling and falling to the floor. There is a Christian song that talks about all the things that happen while the church is asleep. We may not be literally asleep but we have a clever enemy that is very good at deception. Could the root cause of downfall that we see in society today be because the church as a whole doesn’t know how to pray? Join the conversation to discover why we should say, “Lord, Teach Us To Pray”.

Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green discovers the contents of Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely by June Hunt.  God has placed within each of us a basic need for a relationship with him and with others; therefore, our longing to belong, is natural. You may feel like the entire world has abandoned you; as if no one understands your pain and sorrow, but the Bible promises that the Lord is with you always!

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Do you know…

· How being alone and being lonely differ?

· What leads to feelings of loneliness?

· How to identify situational causes for loneliness?

· What are the mental and physical symptoms of loneliness?

· How to overcome feelings of loneliness?

If not, come be a part, as an author and biblical counselor, June Hunt, helps us find answers to these questions in her book, Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely.

Effective Faith

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green looks at Effective Faith by Sanders J Oswald.

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A diamond is formed under great pressure and placed under the hands of a skilled craftsman for cutting the facets into it for the beauty and brilliance to be seen; so the Lord gives a measure of faith to each one of us and then through the pressures of living, cuts the facets of faith into each one of us so that His Life, His character, His love may be seen in us. Faith’s chief occupation is obtaining the promises of God, discovering what God is able to do in the face of all opposition and difficulties and willing to accept what it cannot understand.  Faith is the assent of the mind and the consent of the heart. To doubt any word God has spoken is to cripple faith, leading to unbelief and in Scripture is the one thing that exasperates God. Effective Faith will open a chapter of exploring the many facets of faith to bring you to resting in the object of your faith, Jesus Christ.


Solid Foundation Part 1

“According to the grace of God which is given to me, as a wise master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds thereon. But let every man take heed how he builds thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 3:10-11.

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss how to build upon the solid foundation of Jesus Christ. The daily struggles of life can take its toll on our Christian walk in applying the scriptures that will help us stand in our faith in the heat of the battle. Finding truth; which is the person Jesus Christ, will give us the right perspective in thinking to overcome many adversities. Jesus is preparing a home for us in heaven and the home He is preparing has to do with how we are living here and now. What are you sending up; gold, silver, and precious stones or wood, hay, and stubble?

Peace From Prison Part 2

“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved” Philippians 4:1.


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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon continue their discussion in Philippians Chapter 4 where Paul shares peace from prison with the saints in Philippi.

Division can cause us to be separated from all that peace has to offer. Paul teaches us how to bring back unity among the brethren.

They take a trip to Revelation Chapter 3 to look at what Jesus said in His letters to the churches. We can get so busy and wrapped up in all that life throws our way that we too can lose our first love.


Perseverance from Prison Part 3

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” Philippians 3:14

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon continue in Philippians Chapter 3 where Paul is sharing perseverance from prison.

Paul is saying that we can have something that is out of the norm here on earth if we are willing to go for the prize and the priority that Jesus Christ called us to.

He also gives us warnings that it will cost us something to be in the race. There is a sacrifice that goes along with reaching the goal and receiving the prize.

Grasping Grace

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” Galatians 2:20.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg GraspingGrace width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Grace is vast, so grasping it can be difficult, but it is the first step to understanding who we are in Christ as a new creation. Sharon Hoskins and Janie Ratzlaff expand upon the idea that many Christians do not know who they are in Christ so they suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth. This is concerning in that knowing who we are in Christ will remove “self” to see Him more clearly.  

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg GraspingGrace width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

How Is Your Operating System

“But as He which has called you is holy, so be you holy in all mannner of conversation; because it is written, Be you holy; for I am holy” 1 Peter 1:15-16.

Janie shares about ways that we can check how well we are operating. It is important to heed to the detailed commands that will improve the way we operate as Christians. She give us thoughts on how to evaluate our life and emotions. When God gives us a command, He gives us the ability to achieve that command. Where are we finding our substanance for our Christian walk? Janie asks us to evaluate where we are getting our spiritual food. Are we seeking the best for our Christian walk or just taking the easy processed stuff. It is important that we be content wherever we find ourselves.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove Ok [archiveorg HowIsYourOperatingSystem width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

The Shepherd’s Field – Part 2

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord fore ever” Psalm 23:6.  As part of the topic “Encourage without Wounding” we draw close to the Lord in “The Shepherd’s Field.” There we are filled so that we can overflow into the lives of others.

Part 2 – Janie and Sharon continue to expand on their discussion of the Shepherd’s field by peeling apart Psalm 23 verse by verse to see the beauty of being in the Shepherd’s care.  Women are noted for their ability to multi-task and it is easy for us to add prayers to the “list” of things to do.  However, getting alone with God in a secret place is so important in our Christian walk. In order for us to encourage one another we must first be encouraged ourselves.  When we are filled in the Shepherd’s field, we can then pour out to others.

Pre-recorded on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK.

The Shepherd’s Field Part 1

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” Psalm 23:1.  As part of the topic “Encourage without Wounding” we draw close to the Lord in “The Shepherd’s Field.” There we are filled so that we can overflow into the lives of others.

[archiveorg id=InTheShepherdsFieldPsalm23Part1 width=500 height=140]

Janie and Sharon expand on their discussion of the Shepherd’s field by peeling apart Psalm 23 verse by verse to see the beauty of being in the Shepherd’s care.  Women are noted for their ability to multi-task and it is easy for us to add prayers to the “list” of things to do.  However, getting alone with God in a secret place is so important in our Christian walk. In order for us to encourage one another we must first be encouraged ourselves.  When we are filled in the Shepherd’s field, we can then pour out to others.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, Ok.

[archiveorg id=InTheShepherdsFieldPsalm23Part1 width=500 height=140]

Laura Shaw

20160722_115408 (3)Laura Shaw is a full-time wife, mother, mawmaw, mommy to my 2 fur babies Sophie and Lucy. She enjoys golfing, nature, and seeing all that God created outdoors.  She also bowls  and plays mahjjong.  She loves her church and singing in the choir.  She says, “I love making people smile. Life is too short, we must enjoy it and embrace it.”

Laura shares a beautiful testimony of how God orchestrated her life even when she thought He wasn’t looking.  After she survived a brain aneurism, God did a miracle in her life.  Listen to her story recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

We, at the station, are excited to announce the opening of Studio B, located at Grace Harbor Baptist Chruch.  Laura was our first guest in the new studio on 09-02-16.

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Sherri Dillinger

You can connect with Sherri through Facebook.

033Sherri is a wife and mother of 4 special little dogs. She has her own business called Puppy Glamour.

She loves to go camping and spend time with her family. She received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 2005. Her experience in discipleship classes as a new believer changed her perspective on discipleship in the church. We will discuss what she learned and how we can implement new ideas to discipling others after salvation.

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Dee Humphrey

Connect with Dee Humphrey on Facebook or email her at deehumphrey@live.com  Dee is a Dental Hygienist, Author, Speaker, Influencer, and Women’s Minister.

She has been published twice in the Pennwell RDH magazine, which features all things dental.  She was recently given the opportunity to speak at Under One Roof: The National Dental Hygienist Conference. She continues to write articles, being recently published for the fifth time.  She is also writing programs and speaking at dental conferences.


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But don’t let all this dental hygiene talk fool you; this woman loves the Lord and has an amazing testimony.  Dee has been in women’s ministry for 15 years.  She shares how she got started and gives encouragement to others who are in the ministry She touches so many with encouragement and inspiration just by opening her mouth to share the love she has in her heart.

Michelle Roberts

Michelle Roberts is a farmer/rancher, craft leader, artist, interpreter for the deaf, mother of 5, and grandmother of 6, but most of all she is a child of God, Christ’s ambassador, and God’s Co worker. In all her talents, she brings Christ to the forefront.

Michelle Roberts

Michelle founded the deaf ministry at First Baptist Grove. As a women’s retreat speaker and teacher, she encourages others in their walk with God.

Listen to her interview recorded 05-27-2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio

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Michelle shares a testimony of recent events in her life that removed all doubt and brought her closer to God.  Laura Shaw stopped by to share a little taste of her testimony as well.


Listen to her interview recorded 07-22-2016 on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio

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