
Peace Perfect Peace

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer and finds that perfect peace comes with a high price tag.  It has been purchased through the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. It cleared us of our helpless position and provides guaranteed hope for now and all eternity. It also gives us the ability to live fruitful conditions within circumstances, while we travel our earthly life, in quiet confidence and joy.

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When we are troubled we will cry out for peace which He says He alone gives.  Not as the world gives, which is relief from temporal troubles, happy circumstances, escape patterns for just the here and now.  We pray to desire the world’s mindset and wonder why we don’t have peace. Because peace comes from above and from a PERSON, Jesus Christ.

In John, chapters 14-16 Jesus gives an understanding on how to be nourished in the peace that He gives. Praying for peace within but refusing to rely on the PERSON of PEACE may close the door to the supply we so desperately need and desire.

To have a mindset of wanting peace but not paying the price of loving Jesus with our whole heart, departing from the ways of the world, and resisting the enemy will withhold His peace that He has already provided, freely. It is not a thing we obtain but a Person we trust.

He never said peace would be without tribulations, but peace could still be ours in the tribulation of life.

Open your eyes and ears to true peace as you follow Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer.

Peace from Prison Part 3

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Philippians 4:13.

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon conclude Philippians Chapter 4 where Paul shares peace from prison with the saint in Philippi.

Peace is not a commodity that we can buy and sell, peace is a person. So what Paul is saying is that he has learned to be content because he knows in whom he has entrusted his life. Many different circumstances have proven that Jesus Christ has always been sufficient. When we develop a solid relationship with God then peace can rule in our hearts. So forming a habit of spending time with God will help us find that close relationship and in that we will know Him, trust Him, and peace is the result.


Peace From Prison Part 2

“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved” Philippians 4:1.


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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon continue their discussion in Philippians Chapter 4 where Paul shares peace from prison with the saints in Philippi.

Division can cause us to be separated from all that peace has to offer. Paul teaches us how to bring back unity among the brethren.

They take a trip to Revelation Chapter 3 to look at what Jesus said in His letters to the churches. We can get so busy and wrapped up in all that life throws our way that we too can lose our first love.


Peace From Prison Part 1

“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved” Philippians 4:1.

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon move into Philippians Chapter four where Paul shares peace from his prison cell with the saints in Philippi.  Paul wants them to know the value of standing fast in the Lord in difficult situations; it would defeat the enemy.

Peace at any price, but we can’t buy peace. Peace is something we all long for but seems to be out of reach. God gives peace in the midst of difficult situations.


Peace Perfect Peace

Ginger Green joins Proverbs 31:30 Ministry with The Fireside Bookshelf. She scours the literary world, both past and present, bringing some of the best Christian books relevant to today’s believers and the pursuit to biblical truth. Airing every Wednesday at 12-noon on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio and kwxcradio.com

Today’s broadcast features Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer

Peace perfect peace comes with a high price tag.  It has been purchased through the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. It cleared us of our helpless position and provides guaranteed hope for now and all eternity. It also gives us the ability to live fruitful conditions within circumstances, while we  travel our earthly life, in quiet confidence and joy.

When we are troubled we will cry out for peace which He says He alone gives.  Not as the world gives, which is relief from   temporal troubles, happy circumstances, escape patterns  for just the here and now.  We pray desiring the world’s mindset and wonder why we don’t have peace. Because peace comes from above and from a PERSON, Jesus Christ.

In John chapters 14-16 Jesus gives an understanding on how to be nourished in the peace that He gives. Praying for peace within but refusing to rely on the PERSON of PEACE may close the door to the supply we so desperately need and desire.

To have a mindset of wanting peace but not paying the price of loving Jesus with our whole heart, departing from the ways of the world, and resisting the enemy will withhold His peace that He has already provided, freely. It is not a thing we obtain but a Person we trust.

He never said peace would be without tribulations, but peace could still be ours in the tribulation of life.

Open your eyes and ears to true peace as you follow Peace Perfect Peace by F.B. Meyer.

[archiveorg PeacePerfectPeace_201804 width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

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Laura Shaw

20160722_115408 (3)Laura Shaw is a full-time wife, mother, mawmaw, mommy to my 2 fur babies Sophie and Lucy. She enjoys golfing, nature, and seeing all that God created outdoors.  She also bowls  and plays mahjjong.  She loves her church and singing in the choir.  She says, “I love making people smile. Life is too short, we must enjoy it and embrace it.”

Laura shares a beautiful testimony of how God orchestrated her life even when she thought He wasn’t looking.  After she survived a brain aneurism, God did a miracle in her life.  Listen to her story recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

We, at the station, are excited to announce the opening of Studio B, located at Grace Harbor Baptist Chruch.  Laura was our first guest in the new studio on 09-02-16.

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