
Christ Esteem

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green pulls Christ Esteem: Where the Search for Self-esteem Ends by Don Matzat from the shelf.

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The concept of self-esteem apparently has its origins in the 18th century, first expressed in the writings of David Hume, the Scottish Enlightenment thinker. He indicated that it is important to value and think well of yourself because it serves as a motivational function that enables people to explore their full potential.

Then in the mid-1960s, came the emergence of the modern self-esteem movement with the myriad of philosophers and psychologists joining the cause. So, the concept of man’s need for self-esteem has been with us for over 244 years and formally a part of our culture since the 60’s.  Yet, according to some of the latest statistics from 2017, 85% of people suffer from low self-esteem.

The underlying idea of the movement was that low self-esteem is the root of problems for individuals, making it the root of all societal problems and dysfunctions. Popular thinking tells us the answers to our problems lie inside ourselves; Jesus tells us something totally different.

People today are desperately looking inward, trying to find the answers to life’s difficult questions. Many of us have looked and still come up short. Instead of providing answers, the question seems to only add to our confusion. So, come be a part as pastor and author, Don Matzat, responds to the search for self-knowledge with a startling, yet solid, biblical truth: What we need is Christ-esteem, not self-esteem!

Lord Teach Us To Pray

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

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This week on Sharin Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff and Sharon Hoskins discuss the importance of prayer. It seems to be an area of struggle among many believers. Most times we pray in the manner we have heard others pray, but rarely feel a real connection to the Lord and wonder if our prayers are really going anywhere. Some describe their prayers as hitting the ceiling and falling to the floor. There is a Christian song that talks about all the things that happen while the church is asleep. We may not be literally asleep but we have a clever enemy that is very good at deception. Could the root cause of downfall that we see in society today be because the church as a whole doesn’t know how to pray? Join the conversation to discover why we should say, “Lord, Teach Us To Pray”.

Blessings in Adversity

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials; knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” James 1:2-4.

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff and Sharon Hoskins share how truly the trials of life can be the sweetest moments of blessings. Sharon talks about her recent battle with cancer and the lessons God taught her through some of the most difficult days of her life. She shares how God gently changed her perspective on her personal life and molded her heart with tender mercies. James 1:2-4 is the most quoted scripture when a person is going through trials, and we tend to hate to hear it when it is spoken to us during those trials. But, the beauty of those verses gives us encouragement to seek God through every moment even though we can’t see clearly the purpose for them.

Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green discovers the contents of Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely by June Hunt.  God has placed within each of us a basic need for a relationship with him and with others; therefore, our longing to belong, is natural. You may feel like the entire world has abandoned you; as if no one understands your pain and sorrow, but the Bible promises that the Lord is with you always!

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Do you know…

· How being alone and being lonely differ?

· What leads to feelings of loneliness?

· How to identify situational causes for loneliness?

· What are the mental and physical symptoms of loneliness?

· How to overcome feelings of loneliness?

If not, come be a part, as an author and biblical counselor, June Hunt, helps us find answers to these questions in her book, Loneliness: How to Be Alone but Not Lonely.

The Opposing Six P’s of Pride

“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” James 4:6


In their conversations that challenge Christians growth, Sharon and Janie have opened the door to all kinds of reasons why we don’t know or believe who we are in Christ; one of them being the lies that we have believed as truth. Last week they gave six traits that spiritual pride produces in our lives. This week they discuss the opposing six P’s of pride with the traits of humility. Believing religious lies can cause layers of spiritual pride that will plummet our Christian walk, but if we can really know humility it will keep pride from getting the upper hand. Defining Lies handout with scriptures is available to download for further study.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove OK

Janie mentions Andrew Murry’s book “Humility: The Beauty of Holiness”

Click on picture to order

Defining Lies Part 2

“But God commends His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.

Sharon and Janie define the religious lies that we have believed about God and our relationship with Him. Lies that cause spiritual pride, which will poison our relationships, pollute our life, produce anxiety and fears, plunder our prayers, provoke God’s enmity, and prevent spiritual growth.  A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true – even though it is a lie. This is the key principle that is defined with the lies many have believed, such as; “we must earn God’s love”, “we are protected from sufferings”, “I must be a spiritual giant for God to use me.” Some lies are derived from scripture that is taken out of context.  Follow along on the teaching handout – Defining Lies – and have scripture references for extra study.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK 

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove OK [archiveorg DefiningLiesPart2 width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]


Defining Lies

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK 

The challenge that comes from conversation with Janie and Sharon is to define the lies that you have believed about yourself, your relationships, and the world in which you live. A lie believed as truth will affect your life as if it were true – even though it is a lie. This is the key principle that is defined with the lies many have believed, such as; “money provides security and happiness”, “I must be married to be happy”, “my worth is based on what others think of me”, “the more I do for God, the more He will love and bless me”, and the list goes on. There are many lies that cross over into other lies; we believe one and all its buddies climb on board. It’s time to break the cycle of living in lies and start living in the truth of who you really are in Christ. Follow along on the teaching handout – Defining Lies – and have scripture references for extra study.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg DefiningLies width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Choosing Your Wardrobe

“For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ” Galatians 3:26-27.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg ChoosingYourWardrobe width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Sharon and Janie challenge you to know and believe who you really are in Christ. They discuss the “put on” and “put off” of characteristics that reflect our true identity. Many of us have our identity wrapped up in what others think of us, say about us, or how others treat us. We can also have our identity wrapped up in our performances, deeds, and status (or lack of). Lots of people have their identity wrapped up in their job title, what they own, and how much money they have (or lack of). Our physical clothing shares with others about our career, hobbies, activities, and lifestyles; such as, business woman, athlete, hunter, cowgirl, etc. In this same way, our characteristics share with others who we believe that we are. If we do not know who we are in Christ, then when we are choosing our wardrobe, we are less likely to “put on” some of the characteristics that reflect that true identity. “Putting on” and “putting off” are activities that take place in the inner-man through the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Identifying the characteristics that need to be “put off” and replacing them with the characteristics that need to be “put on” can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Choosing our wardrobe to reflect who we really are in Christ will fulfill our lives and our Christian walk. Get the list of Put off…Put on in the teaching handouts.


Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg ChoosingYourWardrobe width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]


Who Am I?

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK 

Sharon and Janie dissect the general consensus that most people suffer from low self-esteem and what that means for the Christian. This is seen in the lives of people through the decisions being made that are destructive to their bodies, lifestyle, and families. The Christian who suffers from low self-esteem has either not understood, been taught, or grasped who they are in Christ. The question, “Who Am I” plagues many people today. Genealogy and ancestry companies are popping up everywhere because we have this question. People are going to great lengths to find out who they are; even getting blood work and DNA testing; however, knowing genealogies can never fill the void, only Christ can do that. The list “In Christ I Am” is available to download.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg WhoAmI_201708 width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]


Grasping Grace

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me” Galatians 2:20.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg GraspingGrace width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Grace is vast, so grasping it can be difficult, but it is the first step to understanding who we are in Christ as a new creation. Sharon Hoskins and Janie Ratzlaff expand upon the idea that many Christians do not know who they are in Christ so they suffer from low self-esteem and self-worth. This is concerning in that knowing who we are in Christ will remove “self” to see Him more clearly.  

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove, OK [archiveorg GraspingGrace width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

How Is Your Operating System

“But as He which has called you is holy, so be you holy in all mannner of conversation; because it is written, Be you holy; for I am holy” 1 Peter 1:15-16.

Janie shares about ways that we can check how well we are operating. It is important to heed to the detailed commands that will improve the way we operate as Christians. She give us thoughts on how to evaluate our life and emotions. When God gives us a command, He gives us the ability to achieve that command. Where are we finding our substanance for our Christian walk? Janie asks us to evaluate where we are getting our spiritual food. Are we seeking the best for our Christian walk or just taking the easy processed stuff. It is important that we be content wherever we find ourselves.

Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio – Grove Ok [archiveorg HowIsYourOperatingSystem width=640 height=30 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]

Laura Shaw

20160722_115408 (3)Laura Shaw is a full-time wife, mother, mawmaw, mommy to my 2 fur babies Sophie and Lucy. She enjoys golfing, nature, and seeing all that God created outdoors.  She also bowls  and plays mahjjong.  She loves her church and singing in the choir.  She says, “I love making people smile. Life is too short, we must enjoy it and embrace it.”

Laura shares a beautiful testimony of how God orchestrated her life even when she thought He wasn’t looking.  After she survived a brain aneurism, God did a miracle in her life.  Listen to her story recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

We, at the station, are excited to announce the opening of Studio B, located at Grace Harbor Baptist Chruch.  Laura was our first guest in the new studio on 09-02-16.

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Sherri Dillinger

You can connect with Sherri through Facebook.

033Sherri is a wife and mother of 4 special little dogs. She has her own business called Puppy Glamour.

She loves to go camping and spend time with her family. She received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior in 2005. Her experience in discipleship classes as a new believer changed her perspective on discipleship in the church. We will discuss what she learned and how we can implement new ideas to discipling others after salvation.

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Chelsea Hughes

Connect with Chelsea Hughes by following her journey chasing what matters.

chelsea hughes 1Chelsea grew up in Oklahoma City, she is the daughter of Pastor Marty Hughes, of Grace Harbor Baptist, Grove, Ok. She received her Associates Degree in Culinary Arts in 2006 and her Bachelors in Business in 2009.

She shares practical truth about Christian living beyond the walls of our church building.  She encourages us with ways to be a missionary right here at home, at work, and in our community.

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After graduating college, she spent 4 months in the Philippines and China. It was during this time that the Lord put a call on her life to missions work. In 2011, Chelsea spent 11 months living out of a backpack, traveling to 11+ countries, sharing the Gospel and love of Christ. After returning to the states in 2012, she became a children’s pastor in Abilene, TX.


Dee Humphrey

Connect with Dee Humphrey on Facebook or email her at deehumphrey@live.com  Dee is a Dental Hygienist, Author, Speaker, Influencer, and Women’s Minister.

She has been published twice in the Pennwell RDH magazine, which features all things dental.  She was recently given the opportunity to speak at Under One Roof: The National Dental Hygienist Conference. She continues to write articles, being recently published for the fifth time.  She is also writing programs and speaking at dental conferences.


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But don’t let all this dental hygiene talk fool you; this woman loves the Lord and has an amazing testimony.  Dee has been in women’s ministry for 15 years.  She shares how she got started and gives encouragement to others who are in the ministry She touches so many with encouragement and inspiration just by opening her mouth to share the love she has in her heart.