This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon discuss that there are times in our lives when the Lord appears to pull back the comfort and grace that we all want and need each day. We start to question His goodness and protective care. When we do, we open ourselves up to another set of messy emotions. If we do not bring our thoughts captive we can fall under the control of the enemy, unknowingly. The Lord’s silence may simply be His stretching us to grow in deeper faith and trust in Him.
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However, if we fail to put on the full armor of God, be ignorant of Satan’s devices, fail to resist the enemy by steadfast faith, or have an unteachable spirit; we can easily open the door to enemy influence. Pride can come out of our thinking, personality, and emotions in 100 different ways. We are not to spend our time focusing on the enemy, taking our eyes off of the Lord, who is our strength, shield, and foundation for overcoming. Nevertheless, we are to look into the Word of God and find out how the devil’s tactics are shown as examples from the scripture.
Thirty-One Kings by A. B. Simpson
The enemy cannot read our minds, but he can plant thoughts from external sources and internally stored memories. If we resort to listening, then our behavior will show that influence in our actions and the enemy will know how to further his cause in us. Remember, he can hear what we say and do. He is an expert in deception and blindness.
Satan’s downfall of defeat for eternity was in his prideful desire to be worshipped as a god and he wants to take us down that same road of worship of self. We all must battle the spirit of pride in our lives but can learn the mind of Christ to counter false thinking.
We examine scripture today that builds truth deep within our inner being to keep us from taking this destructive detour.
Thirty-One Kings by A. B. Simpson