
The New Life

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes “The New Life” by Reginald Wallis from the shelf to examine.
“Should a Christian expect and experience constant triumph, every day and all day, over sin and self? Is the victorious life really practical, or is it just an attractive subject for conference gatherings and an interesting topic for discussion? Is it merely a pet theme for extremists and fanatics, or is there actually a sane, Biblical experience of practical triumph within the reach of every believer, irrespective of temperament, circumstances, environment, or changing times and conditions?
Many Christians are asking these questions today. Faced with the never-ending antagonism of a threefold enemy the allurements of the world, the insidious outworkings of the
flesh, and the subtle devices of the devil all combining in a terrible assault against the testimony of real Life, the whole matter constitutes an acute problem for Christian ethics.”
This book summarizes profound and timeless answers to these soul-searching questions.

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