
Effective Faith

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green looks at Effective Faith by Sanders J Oswald.

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A diamond is formed under great pressure and placed under the hands of a skilled craftsman for cutting the facets into it for the beauty and brilliance to be seen; so the Lord gives a measure of faith to each one of us and then through the pressures of living, cuts the facets of faith into each one of us so that His Life, His character, His love may be seen in us. Faith’s chief occupation is obtaining the promises of God, discovering what God is able to do in the face of all opposition and difficulties and willing to accept what it cannot understand.  Faith is the assent of the mind and the consent of the heart. To doubt any word God has spoken is to cripple faith, leading to unbelief and in Scripture is the one thing that exasperates God. Effective Faith will open a chapter of exploring the many facets of faith to bring you to resting in the object of your faith, Jesus Christ.


Ways to Start the New Year Right

This is Sharon Hoskins writing to you from Studio B located at Grace Harbor Baptist Church in Grove Ok.  I want to send you a special invitation to listen on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio or kwxcradio.com every Friday at noon.  I am so thankful for the support and encouragement you give me through your emails and Facebook posts.  I have enjoyed getting to know many of you as you have shared your stories with me.

As we begin this new year, my “resolution” is to have a closer relationship with the Lord at the end of this year and I would like to ask you to join me in this journey.  I have asked Janie Ratzlaff to host this show with me and discuss topics that relates to our Christian journey.  Janie has become a mentor to me over the past six months, not because I asked her to be, but because when I spend time with her I always walk away encouraged in the Lord, strengthened in my faith, and lifted in my spirit.  I hope you feel the same way as you spend time with us listening as we share in our relationship to the Lord.








This month we are talking about ways that we can start the new year right toward the Lord.  We touch on topics of forgiveness, perseverance, establishing turning points, remembering the victories and renewing our first love.

Episode 1 – January 06, 2017

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Episode 2 – January 13, 2017

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Episode 3 – January 20, 2017

We spent some time discussing the inauguration and how we can continue to trust God in the unknown future of our country.

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Episode 4 – January 27, 2017

We camped out on faith today and gave some encouragement for how to grow in our faith through our relationship with the Lord.  Janie shared a teaching handout for those who need help recognizing the works of the flesh.

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We hope you enjoyed this month’s programming.  During the month of February, we will be looking at “The Heart of God”.  It is important that we understand who God is and what His character looks like so that we can recognize Him when He speaks.