
The Cross and Sanctification

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes a look at The Cross and Sanctification By T. A. Hegre.


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Today’s feature contains simple studies on what is generally called the deeper life. After becoming a Christian, the writer discovered that in his own experience and in the experience of others whom he knew, the level of Christian living with not the same as that set forth in the Scriptures.

This inconsistency caused him to seek earnestly for an answer to this perplexing problem. First, he searched the books of his church, and there found recognition of the problem but no solution. Not knowing any books on the victorious life at the time, he began his own careful and prayerful search of the Scriptures.

There he found the answer, revealed in the deeper meaning of the cross. First, he found “the way” in his own experience; then he became aware of the doctrinal principles involved, and later learned how to explain them. Now the studies have been revised, enlarged, and collected into a single volume-The Cross and Sanctification by T. A. Hegre.


So, come be a part as T.A. Hegre presents some desperately needed instruction and inspiration for all of Christ’s followers. The apostle Paul’s declared objective was not merely to preach the gospel and found churches but “to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” Hegre’s teachings on this objective are clear, sensible, and easy to understand.

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