
Spiritual Leadership

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green opens Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders to answer the question: Are leaders born, or can anyone learn to be a leader?

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There are a very small number of people who innately know how to lead; but the majority of us need equipping, mentoring, and encouragement to succeed. The need to know how to lead is expressed in 2 Timothy 2:12, where the Bible declares “Believers will reign with Christ.”  The training is now for the eternal destiny that we have been afforded.  There will be a  constant state of learning for the true leader, however, the character that leads is formed here and now. The most important character quality of a great leader is HUMILITY.

Watching a leader in action is a good way to learn; because a leader who does not take advice is NOT a leader. A true leader is a godly servant who knows where he is going, inspiring others and equipping others to follow.

SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP will lay out the principles and applications of how to become a leader created and guided by the Holy Spirit, as it is the leader’s responsibility to make sure the people understand complex issues with simplicity.

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