
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount

There is a claim by some pastors and teachers today that “Jesus’ harsh teachings” in The Sermon on the Mount were “aimed at the religious,” and don’t directly apply to us today as born-again believers. Yet,  Matthew 5:1-2 makes it clear that these teachings were for His disciples, and His words formed the very heart and soul of their walk with God for the rest of their lives.

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This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green opens Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Oswald Chambers. “In light of what I believe to be a serious misinterpretation of the scriptures, I want us to look at a different point of view by one of the world’s most beloved Christian authors on the subject of The Sermon on the Mount”…Oswald Chambers.

Because to disregard even some of the words of the Lord Jesus is truly a reckless decision, both practically and theologically and we would be well served to take the time to investigate for ourselves, rather than just accepting this new way of thinking being touted from some pulpits today.

In his book, Studies in The Sermon on The Mount, Chambers gives us insights into one of the most cherished passages of Scripture. This devotional study of the Sermon on The Mount is doctrine in “work clothes”, truth becoming reality, redemption expressed. And as he does in all his works, Chambers reminds us that our focus must be on God alone and not on those among whom we live.

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