
Authentic Christianity

Today, Ginger Green explores Authentic Christianity by Ray Stedman. Jesus died for us that He might live in us.  Christ in you, the hope of glory. Our goal is to move beyond religion, doctrines, rules, rituals,  into that life-changing experience of being intimately connected with Christ at the very core of your being-for that is authentic Christianity. This is our only hope to finishing  well!

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Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, can actually come to live within a human being, and intertwine his life with our own. God’s plan of salvation is aimed in our human will, our decision-making ability.  We must make a choice to surrender as authentic Christians, not through intellectually comprehending and accepting historical facts.  Our life must be joined to his life.

This “read” outlines the phony from the genuine with  illustrations of practical experiences confirmed through the Scriptures.

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