
The Cross in Faith and Conduct

The one purpose which our Father has in view, in all His ways, is to conform us to the image of His Son.  This may  explain our perplexities as to the past, it will govern our behavior in the present; it is to be our  guidance in the future.

The chief concern of our Lord is not to instruct us about a multitude of details , not to explain to us the reason for the trials which we are called to pass through.  He is working out everything to serve His supreme purpose in displaying the character of His Son in His children He has purchased through the Cross and the shedding of Blood for man kind. If that is where His heart is, then how shall we live to fulfill His plan?

Written almost 100 years ago when  our Christianity was centered in  the Cross and the fear of the Lord was preached in the pulpits, a call to awaken us that the  Truth of Christ never changes and what was needed then, is still needed today more than ever. The Cross in Faith and Conduct gives practical counsel in making this one purpose applicable.


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