Joy in Adversity

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” Philippians 4:4


Joy is very often associated with adversity in scripture as the result  of accepting the hard times of life.  We don’t wait for the hard times to come before we learn the art of living in joy and developing the mind-set our Lord shows us throughout the Word.  Adversity can promote the progress of the Gospel in many different ways.  We must not make it our goal to get out of difficult situations as these may be a part of the calling of God in working out His eternal plan and purpose for getting the Good News to all.  Resting in His wisdom for each of our lives will keep us from discouragement and wanting to throw in the towel when we think we have heard His voice and then plans don’t go according to our best in intent, agenda, and desire.

Adversity  will have unknowns and complexities, but the foundation that will hold us fast is: looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher our of faith, renewing our mind in the word, bringing every thought into captivity in a commitment of total surrender, acknowledging our fears and dread of the unknown.  Claiming JOY is all circumstances and learning how to apply, and finally waiting on the renewed mercies to live one day and maybe each hour in trust, obedience; made possible through love and led by the Holy Spirit as Grace Covers All.

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