The Resurrected Life

We are celebrating resurrection day this Sunday.  Arising from the grave and being seen by hundreds confirmed the validity of the spoken word regarding CHRIST IS ALIVE.  We are the only people who can claim our founder is alive and well, preparing us a place to be with Him forever-Heaven. With so much to look forward to we need to remember that a life lived for self may compromise one of our greatest promises of ruling and reigning with Him.

Janie and Sharon dig a little deeper and see what our purpose is in spending time here in preparation for eternity there.  They begin the unraveling of what is the purpose of the Judgment Seat of Christ, to many simply known as the Bema. What it is and what is the purpose.  What causes a Christian to look forward to this time and what may cause a Christian to be fearful of this event. How  can we insulate our lives so that we will be ready to meet Jesus and not be fearful of loss as mentioned in the Bible.

The resurrection has provided us the path to maturity and how to daily walk that path with love and confidence. Come explore the connection of the resurrection, sowing and reaping, and life with the Son, Jesus Christ.

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