Does God Accept Me

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

Many people are burdened in knowing if they are accepted in society, home relationships, church fellowships, and workplace surroundings. All of life holds people in tension and insecurity with doubting. Since they have no apparent solution, they create their own false security.

What does the Creator of all people say about who they are and what is their identify. There is good news for those overwhelmed with questioning God according to His mind and heart. Does God Accept Me and if so, on what basis?

Praying From the Pits

“I waited patiently for the Lord, and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings” Psalm 40:1-2.

When we find ourselves in the pits of life, we can find an escape through the scriptures.  Building our relationship of trust with God while we are in the pits will not only comfort us while in the pits but also be a solid foundation for getting out.

Proverbs tells us that if we fret and stew, it only leads to evil, so we need to condition our mind to get into a state; an attitude, and heart conviction of waiting patiently on the Lord. It may be hard to get into the scriptures during the difficulty of the pits but it is in the scriptures that we will find freedom in our present circumstances.

No one likes being in the pits but we all find ourselves there every now and then even if our life is a bowl full of cherries most of the time.

So, we invite you to join the conversation as we dig through the scriptures to uncover tips for praying from the pits.

A Pocket Guide to Social Issues

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green opens A Pocket Guide to Social Issues by Answers in Genesis.

America is indeed in the middle of a cultural war. The battle lines are drawn around issues that polarize our society, there are many labels that get attached to these ideas, but labels can often be misleading.

In order to understand the issues, it is important to look at them from both sides, but the biblical side of these issues is not well-represented in the media.

Today’s feature covers a variety of topics like: when does life begin? What about stem cells, homosexuality, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and racism? Where do human rights come from, how do we know what is moral? These questions and others are answered in this compilation of topics and it’s contributing authors will layout both the biblical perspective alongside the secular understanding of the issues.

Because we must know what scripture says and how to address those around us in love and grace while still standing firmly on the Word of God and A Pocket Guide to Social Issues by Answers in Genesis is a great place to start.

Faith Grows

“I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” Jude 3b

Each of us have been given a measure of faith. Salvation is a one-time transformation by the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Spirit then goes about making all the truth of salvation and beyond reality in the newness of life.

We can really slow down or even mess up His sovereign work toward maturity by centering on serving ourselves; many times without realizing where and why we no longer “lie down in green pastures so He can restore our soul.” Psalms 23:2-3

It is sobering and saddening when we have Light and do not walk in it.

So join in the conversation as we talk about the character choices that cause FAITH to Grow.

Overcome Fears Through His Word

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1

This week we explore the sneaky ways fear grips us and the amazing tools God has given us to fight it. We are all faced with fears of some sort every day.  How we respond to these fears is the key to being able to overcome them.

Society uses fear tactics to sell goods and services. We fear that if we forgive someone for hurting us, then we give them an open door to do it again. Fear holds us in bondage and it is easy to allow fear to take root without realizing it.

Join in the conversation as we discover how to overcome fears through His word.

God is Not Fair

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger pulls “God is Not Fair” by Joel Freeman off the shelf to examine. The really big question is how do we live, as we are called to live if God is not fair?  A beautiful, yet simple solution, awaits you as discover the answer.

We often hear our children complain about a situation  that did not go the way they thought it should and say, “that is not fair.”  Fair according to what standard?  Is there an alternative to being fair? God assures us that according to His standard “fairness” must yield to justice under His loving wisdom.  Where did “fairness” become our “guiding light” for circumstances that happen in our lives?

The best of men have asked that question: Moses, John the Baptist, and even Job have all wondered why and how God allowed His Own to incur such horrible messes when they thought they were faithfully serving Him.

Joel Freeman portrays and outlines,  from start to finish,  of how we fall into this way of thinking as being justified by our own evaluations.  He uses examples from the logic of man to reveal the mind of God on where our thinking has a false view. “God Is Not Fair” awakens our conscience, in how the enemy can erode our seeking to explain the difficult things that happen.  This will hold the attention of anyone from 15-75 years.