The New Life

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green takes “The New Life” by Reginald Wallis from the shelf to examine.

“Should a Christian expect and experience constant triumph, every day and all day, over sin and self? Is the victorious life really practical, or is it just an attractive subject for conference gatherings and an interesting topic for discussion? Is it merely a pet theme for extremists and fanatics, or is there actually a sane, Biblical experience of practical triumph within the reach of every believer, irrespective of temperament, circumstances, environment, or changing times and conditions?
Many Christians are asking these questions today. Faced with the never-ending antagonism of a threefold enemy the allurements of the world, the insidious out-workings of the
flesh, and the subtle devices of the devil all combining in a terrible assault against the testimony of real Life, the whole matter constitutes an acute problem for Christian ethics.”
This book summarizes profound and timeless answers to these soul-searching questions.

His Steadfast Love

Luke 9:51 “He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.”

The word steadfast means resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. The characterizations of our Lord is that He set His face to fulfill the eternal resolve and purpose of His life. Every day that Jesus lived here on earth, He lived in anticipation of the shameful death by crucifixion. He was unwavering, even at 12 years old, to be about His Father’s business.

The steadfast love of Christ is marked by His commitment to go to the Cross. The Cross finished the work that the Father had given Him to do. His life was one of enduring discipline, sustained by the Father, for the benefit of the whole world for generations to come.

“For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them” Luke 9:56.

Avoiding Chaos

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in Yah, the Lordis everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:3-4

The chaos we are all experiencing from the world around us, sneaks into our own lives like a disease infecting our families and dividing all it touches.

Today we identify the characteristics of chaos and the many ways chaos is contagious.

So join in the conversation as we look to the scriptures for some solutions to Avoiding Chaos.

Full Assurance

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green grabs “Full Assurance” by H.A. Ironside from the shelf to explore.

There is a saying “Peace at any price” but most will not adhere to the certainty of peace because it does have a price.  The only one who can give full assurance of true peace says there are several absolutes for obtaining and enjoying the luxury of resting in your current circumstances and knowing joyful peace and calm.  Our society has done away with absolute thinking and accepted our own truth for having peace. This leaves us on shaky ground.

When doubts and fears arise to control our thinking and actions, our confidence in trusting anyone that offers peace with full assurance is dismissed as fantasy or out of date thinking. The Gospel message and the character of the Godhead are up for grabs as our logic and reasoning become our final authority and override the health manual of the Scriptures; as many regards that tool also out of date.

Full Assurance, by Dr. Harry Ironsides, realigns our thinking based on facts in faith. These are proven certainties readers can discover in choosing  Christ over the deception of the devil, or our fleshly desire.  This is a fascinating read with many stories and applications for encouragement to step onto the path of peace for whatever holds you from FULL ASSURANCE. From getting out of darkness, being set free from torments, finding hope to grow, standing on a solid foundation and handling the crisis of unplanned trauma or loss that we all may face, but all the while having the confidence to be well pleasing in all we do is the theme of FULL ASSURANCE.

From Anxiety to Peace

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction for instruction, in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16

We hear people quote this verse and then turn around and refuse to apply these very words in their lives. The Bible is GOD breath, they are His words in the original text, but don’t use words of wisdom on me when I am bitter from circumstances that make me anxious, angry, and unforgiving.

To replace bitterness with a peace we ought to LISTEN TO HIS WORDS as they DO matter.  We are told to GUARD OUR WORDS and make sure what we said is what you heard with the meaning we intended, otherwise we ignore the Grace of God.

Join us in today’s conversation as we dig into why words matter in going FROM ANXIETY to PEACE.

The Importance of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives

“However when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth” John 16:13a

This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie and Sharon share the second program of a three-part series on the Holy Spirit from the archives.

We acknowledge that the Holy Spirit exists as part of the Trinity, but we often find it difficult to acknowledge Him in our everyday life. John 16:13 is one of the many beautiful promises that is fulfilled by the Holy Spirit. Once we recognize the characteristics of the Holy Spirit and understand the roles He plays in our lives, then allowing Him to be active on a daily basis will come easier.

Join in the conversation into the scriptures and discover The Importance of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives.