The Incredible Patience of God – Part 2

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green continues to dig through “The Incredible Patience of God” by Lane Adams.

Tragically, many Christians spend most of their life in a build-up process and never break out.  Don’t let this be you!

It is appalling that so often the church has become the guardian of the status quo, all the while preaching a gospel of never-ending change. What an irony this is!

If you want to know how to guard against never breaking out… If you want to know how to navigate the long road to spiritual maturity and avoid some of the common pitfalls… If you want to take a detailed look at the apostle Paul’s life- a prime example of this crucial process…

If you want to find hope and reassurance that a closer relationship with God is possible … Then I hope you’ll join us as we seek out the answers found in The Incredible Patience of God.

Steadfast in the Lord’s Love

“I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father: and I lay down My life for the sheep” John 10: 14-15

The Lord’s steadfast love for us is seen in that He has laid down His life for us.

He asks us to draw close, to hear His voice, and know Him.

As His sheep, we have the privilege to encourage each other in songs, hymns and spiritual songs. We are commanded to help one another with accountability and in warnings from love.

At the same time we must be willing to allow others to help us where we might be blind or so wrapped up in pain that we can’t see the cliff in front of us.

Caring for others in steadfast love the way the Lord has so tenderly cared for us is how His love is seen by others.

Attitudes of the Mind

“Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself” Philippians 2:3.

This verse describe an attitude of love in humility that we can use as a guide to measure our own attitude.

The scriptures go on to say in verse five, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”

Often times the attitude of selfishness prevents us from seeking to let the mind of Christ be in us.

So we invite you to join in the conversation as we uncover attitudes of the mind.

The Incredible Patience of God

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green introduces us to “The Incredible Patience of God” by Lane Adams.

Many believers become discouraged with the long process of growth in their walk with Christ. In fact, today’s featured author believes it is “the rare spiritual prodigy” who moves rapidly to spiritual maturity.

In this book, Lane Adams urges Christians to seek a balance between asking for forgiveness and being accountable. The Incredible Patience of God will help Christians rethink their beliefs about sin and repentance, while reassuring believers who are sincerely seeking a closer relationship with God.

The purpose of this book is to bring comfort and understanding to all who named Jesus as Lord and Savior. May it’s message free many believers to patiently enjoy the maturing process as God is working in their lives. It is designed to bring a fresh biblical understanding of conversion and growth, and thereby to bring relief to the person who keeps wondering, “how come it’s taking me so long to get better?”

Steadfast in the Lord’s Love

“I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father: and I lay down My life for the sheep” John 10: 14-15

The Lord’s steadfast love for us is seen in that He has laid down His life for us. He asks us to draw close, to hear His voice, and know Him.

As His sheep, we have the privilege to encourage each other in songs, hymns and spiritual songs. We are commanded to help one another with accountability and in warnings from love.

At the same time we must be willing to allow others to help us where we might be blind or so wrapped up in pain that we can’t see the cliff in front of us.

Caring for others in steadfast love the way the Lord has so tenderly cared for us is how His love is seen by others.

Choose Truth Over Lies

Colossians 2:8 says, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”

This verse warns us to be aware of the rhetoric and propaganda that we are sure to hear because twisting the scriptures has been a deceptive tool since the Garden of Eden and is still used to deceive God’s very elect.

Today we discuss how the lies we believe as truth affect not only our life but the lives of the next generation.

So we invite you to join in the conversation as we uncover deception to Choose Truth Over Lies.