Sowing and Reaping
As we continue to review the need to live a resurrected life with eternity values in view, the incentive to make wise choices each day can be seen in the truth of Galatians 6:7-11. The laws of farming applied to sowing and reaping.
Many will use this passage in a negative application, meaning earthy and fleshly living will result in a loss of good works. However, there is another aspect that sowing unto the eternal and righteous living will reap a bountiful crop with great rewards, both here and when we go home to meet our Lord.
Today, we look at the principles of sowing and reaping through the eyes of a farmer sowing his seed.
Many of our problems that we may be reaping today are the results of bad farming practices in our lives. Learning these different “laws” can protect and correct from reaping any future “bad crops.”
Our goal is to make sure that we understand, so that our labor will not be in vain and we can look forward to seeing our Lord and Savior when He calls.