Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman began as a show where Sharon Hoskins interviewed women around the Grand Lake area in Oklahoma. As the show continued throughout the year, Janie Ratzlaff became a frequent guest and the show naturally transformed into a mentoring show because of the spiritual connection between Sharon Hoskins and Janie Ratzlaff. In 2016, 2017, and 2018 it was called Proverbs 31:30 Woman to Woman.
In 2019, Proverbs 31:30 Woman to Woman officially became Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman. Some programs are still linked to the Proverbs 31:30 Ministry website.
Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman was formerly Proverbs 31:30 Woman to Woman.
We still want you to be able to connect with the guests that were interviewed in 2016. Find guests in the list below, click on the name to listen to their interview(s). You will be able to link to each guest to find their website, email, or phone numbers in order to reach them for their material or to invite them to be a guest at your church or event.
Thank you for listening and sharing in this journey with us.