Fear Fights Faith

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is a popular tactic that are used on us every single day by the enemy through different types of media which is carried over into our face-to-face conversations.

We face fears in our health, fears in our relationships, and fears in our finances. Fear for our safety can be crippling and even paralyzing. Some become obsessed with preparing for their physical preservation in fear of destruction. Many give up their freedom because fear is overwhelming. News reports, social media, and commercials are some of the places used to manipulate our thoughts with fear.

But the scriptures are the solid rock and the sufficient tool that we can use to overcome fear. God’s word will strengthen us to trust the Lord in every situation and walk by faith.

So, we invite you to join in the conversation as we discuss how fear comes in so many subtle ways and becomes a hinderance in our faith walk because fear fights faith.