The Prayer Life

This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green digs into The Prayer Life By Charles Usher.

The question at hand isn’t about how many people prayed daily, but how many people truly understand biblical teaching and perspective on prayer. Because if we are truly serious about spiritual growth, about deepening our relationship with Christ… Prayer must be assigned the highest priority!

So, come be a part as we join author Charles Usher in a discussion of the prayer life and how to live it, with a concentration on spiritual warfare in his book, The Prayer Life.  This is a small book perhaps 50 pages yet filled with immense truth and practicality. The topics Usher addresses include: hindrances to prayer, equipment for warfare, the prayer of faith, perseverance in prayer, and prayers for nations, homes, and circumstances; for Scripture tells us to, “watch and pray.”

The Prayer Life by Charles Usher is currently out of print and can be found online only in very limited quantities. If you are unable to locate a copy and are interested in adding The Prayer Life to your library of Christian resources, please contact The Fireside Book Shelf through our home page and we can assist you in obtaining a reprint of this timeless work.