David’s Spiritual Secret Pt. 2

This week Ginger continues to explore the life of David and encourages us to spend some time in the book of Psalms. What a treasure for our hearts to be given a picture of the grace and love given David just as we are called to live a life of holiness and trust in our Father God. Oh, what a sad picture when we choose to go our own way, even if just for a season.

In Psalms we will read the songs David wrote to express his personality and disposition. He was used by God to give us wonderful examples on how to keep our eyes toward heaven. We learn how to see God in the dark times, as well in the times of praise and rejoicing as a guide.

Many Psalms written by David start out in the “pits” of discouragement and despair, but David reaches deep down into his inner being and always finds God there; waiting on David to find hope, security, and reason for going on: IN HIM, his Great Shepherd and friend.