Forgiving Forward
This week on Sharin’ Hearts: The Fireside Bookshelf, Ginger Green explores Forgiving Forward by Bruce and Toni Hebel. This is not the average “forgiveness” book. Heavy with experiences made practical and answering questions many are not even asking; makes this a life-transforming book and one that should be in your library.
Audio PlayerForgiveness is foundational to a life of faith. It is so much more than saying, “I am sorry.” True forgiveness will take us out of our comfort zone and required a renewing of our minds. Our natural minds cannot work from logic and reason in this matter because it is a supernatural work provided by The Supernatural God. We are told to forgive as Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:30.) Whatever has been done to me from another’s sin nature, I have done to Christ with my sin nature.
All sin, no matter the degree required Christ to go to the Cross and pay the price. The words may be simple but the process is complex in that our hearts must be made right before God with having our speech free of corrupt communication and only for edification to the hearer, being free from grieving or quenching the Spirit and getting rid of bitterness, extreme anger for harm to another person, and other thinking that is of the flesh with corresponding negative emotions. (Ephesians 4:29-31.)
Many often quote John 8:32 “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” However, there is a key to that reality being applied and that is found in the preceding verse 31, “IF you abide (to be at home)in ME and My words abide in you, THEN, knowing and applying the Truth can be made practical for necessary forgiveness releasing burden and guilt that unforgiveness carries.