
Knowing the Presence of God

“Be Still and Know that I am God” Psalms 46:10
The nations are currently stunned at the suffering people are being subjected to through circumstances beyond their control. Even people of different beliefs and convictions are rising up protesting the crimes against humanity. Others not involved directly by the tragedies are showing gallant service giving aid in the crisis.
What about those that have concerns and awareness for others, already doing acts of kindness, but then crisis comes calling at their front door? Whether it is through sickness, death, loss, injustice and persecution how should we deal? Our natural focus turns from others to ourselves in most cases:
We are not left in the dark as the book of Job gives illustrations, instructions, and examples of what to do and NOT to do. Can we hear and see God’s purpose in allowing such calamity? Let’s explore the book of Job to learn how he discovered the purpose of his trials – as he lost it all – but gained Knowing the Presence of God.