
Steps to Forgiveness

Psalms 32:5  “I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up in iniquity. I said: “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord” and you forgave the guilt of my sin.”


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Forgiveness is not an easy subject to discuss, but if we ever want to live in freedom there must be forgiveness. Forgiveness from the Father was necessary to pay for and remove our guilt. This allows us to then forgive one another. But freedom was not free – there was a price to be paid. Father God and Jesus

Christ with the Spirit secured that freedom, once for all on the Cross.

Now, we are commanded to follow through in living in that forgiveness, forgiving others. This is not a feeling choice, but a heart willful decision.

Then why is it so hard to forgive? In a word, PRIDE. We want to bring about justice in our way.

We share today the consequences of failing to forgive and how to move forward with total forgiveness.