Freedom of Forgiveness
Psalm 32:1-2 “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”
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As the Lord forgave us he did not use a sliding scale on grading His forgiveness to us based on our performance, personality, status, gender or any other reason. His love knew we were without hope for ever being free from the bondage of our lost condition. At the Cross God showed His heart toward us in taking total responsibility for our need in supplying what we were incapable of producing – total forgiveness. Apart from Him. Now He tells us to do to others what He has done for us. He set the standard.
If we then choose to be have “selective forgiveness,” we set up a standard that differs from God’s standard and then we offer excuses why we should not have to hold to His example to others.
Forgiveness is an act of the will and as we apply that principle to difficult circumstances and relationships we open doors of healing that otherwise are locked tight. Putting feelings aside, and that is not always easy, we rise above our selfish ways. This brings healing on many different levels to our lives.
Don’t allow wrong thinking about past offenses and current hurts rob you of the Freedom of Forgiveness. Yes, there are challenges in tearing down strongholds in our mind. Discover with us today forgiveness that gives freedom.