
The Challenge of Conversation

 “Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul would have soon lived in silence” Psalms 94: 17


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We talk with one another to enjoy encouragement and enjoyment, we hear information that guides us in daily activities, we share warnings for protection and we express our affection and love in caring for one another.

Today, if our conversations involve lots of dramatic changes foreign to our way of life,  negative thinking and emotion are the results. As our world blares out the battles that rage, our conversations can stay very superficial to avoid “feeling” bad and overwhelmed. We hear “That is enough, I’m not listening anymore” and we shut down the gift of communicating because the brain struggles with what to retain, and brain fatigue sets in. . We fail to realize in shutting down our conversations, in any depth,  we also close our hearts to real needs.

Our conscience is a tool the Holy Spirit works with to give us operative freedom to choose the content of our conversations. We can avoid idle chatter. So,  listen in and loosen up as we discover the workings of the Conscience to maintain meaningful conversations.