
Blessed Are All Who Repent

Hebrews 2:1 warns and advises, “We must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest  we drift away.”


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This week on Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman, Janie Ratzlaff and Sharon Hoskins offer hope from the voice of Jesus Christ in the Bible on staying and standing strong under testing and attacks. Now, we need to recognize when we are under attack; sometimes from direct fiery darts, but many times in ways so subtle that we don’t sense the danger until we are wounded and wanting to cover up our wrongs; or worse yet, no longer care and believe we have need of nothing.

The Lord has provided understanding that our battleground is the mind. Scripture teaches prayerful ways to stay alert to the dangers that defeat us. Funny, because too much time on our hands can be as threatening as too little time, because of excessive busyness. Desiring our own agenda for relaxation and enjoyment has a high risk if not under the guidance of the Spirit. Our own agenda needs to be His agenda we have wholeheartedly sought.

As you listen today, examine your heart and ask yourself, what are my priorities that can lead to the blessings of repentance and reconciliation?