Unsung Heroes

I appreciate the fact that I can sit in service on Sunday morning and focus all of my attention on the message taught from the pulpit.  That blessing would not be possible without the devotion of the children’s church leaders.  The time that they put into studying and preparing the lesson for my kids takes dedication and sacrifice.  They give up so much of what I get to take advantage of and enjoy.


My kids learn a lot from them and have grown closer to God through their teachings.  I love to visit with my kids at the dinner table and hear all that they learned in children’s church.  I always encouraged my kids to pray, but could never get them to want to pray out loud.  A few years ago they started learning to pray in children’s church, they became excited about praying, now, they love to pray.  Some people don’t really like the idea of the family being separated on Sunday morning because we are separated all through the week with school and work.  That is something to think about as an individual family.  Some families don’t go to church together.  Kids ride the church bus or get dropped off and they have a place where they can be taught because of the children’s church leaders.   We don’t have to send our kids to children’s church; many kids sit with their families on Sunday morning right beside moms and dads.  This past Sunday a father and his 11-year-old son were at the altar together; there is little more beautiful than that.  Whether you send your kids to children’s church or not, the people who devote their lives to teaching God’s word to children are still doing the job for someone’s child.  Remember to extend your appreciation to them often.

Sharon Hoskins

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