
Woman to Woman Broadcast

Woman to Woman is a 25- minute weekly radio ministry that encourages women to know their identity, place, and purpose.

In today’s culture, the role of a woman has changed drastically, many times putting false demands and pressures to conform to the way of the world. Woman to Woman shows its listeners that in every situation God’s directions to them through His Word are sufficient, and His directions never change.

As Janie and Sharon’s conversations challenge Christian growth, they also explain the importance of mentoring others through all stages of our Christian walk. There is no fear in the issues they tackle as they seek the Lord’s guidance.

Real-life experiences are discussed, bringing hope that “failures” can be the “back door” to success in the Christian Life. Jesus Christ is the main priority and getting to know Him in an intimate relationship brings a quiet confidence that equips women to walk through difficult waters. Practical solutions are shared in each broadcast.

The Woman to Woman foundation for mentoring is based on the words of Titus 2:3-5: “guide older women to be reverent and show goodness in the way they live…also encouraging younger women to love their families with self-control and purity.”

Sharon and Janie discuss things that affect women physically, spiritually, and/or emotionally, especially as they go through struggles sometimes feeling alone, dejected, and ashamed. They are quick to point out that women are not alone because God is with them. Both women use their experience with other Christians who have been where the listeners may be right now.

Woman to Woman teaches by using genuine accounts of how others have weathered the storms of life, retaining a few battle scars, but gaining eternal strength, guidance, and insight. Janie and Sharon’s teaching method is gentle and convincing, always from God’s Word thereby enabling ladies to recognize and fulfill their earthly calling with satisfaction.

Woman to Woman encourages women to arm themselves with the Word of God, gain an understanding of how to live in harmony with each other while “overcoming” the forces that destroy. Topics from heaven to hell, making good life choices, understanding how Scripture enables women to be courageous witnesses for Christ, conscience-clearing, prayer and priority, and understanding the times are just a few of the subjects that are discussed.

Hope and encouragement are offered on each broadcast, always with Scripture as the foundation to grow in grace and knowledge. Woman to Woman brings Christian verbiage and phrases into practical understanding and meaning.

Check your local listings for day and time of the Woman to Woman broadcast.