Jenniffer Clark

Connect with Jenniffer Clark at AuthorJennifferClark

IMG_0472Jenniffer Clark is the author of “The Search for Something Greater”.  She is wife, mother, and a child of God striving to use her talents to glorify Him every day. Jenniffer works primary care providers to better heart health for their patients for at Healthy Hearts for Oklahoma.  She is the president of the  Delaware County Community Partnership, working to help better the lives and opportunities for Delaware County.

Listen to her interview recorded on 04-15-2016 KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio


Jenniffer Clark“The Search for Something Greater” is a fiction book written to give children and adults as a hope of something greater through recreational reading.  This book is enjoyed by the young and old alike.  It is an inspiration to all who read it and a witnessing tool to those who may not hear about God any other way.