
Bible Study Resources

These Bible Study Resources are free of charge. The teaching handouts and booklets are in pdf formats that may be downloaded and the audio studies may be listened to at any time (downloadable copies of audio files are available at archive.org)

Teaching Handouts

Many of the Sharin’ Hearts Woman to Woman programs offer teaching handouts to help enhance your spiritual growth. Having something in writing that can be downloaded, printed, and examined is an asset when studying God’s word. An archive of available handouts with the corresponding programs can be found here.


Spiritual Gifts Booklet – This booklet has been transformed from a Spiritual Gifts Test to a Spiritual Gifts Story about seven different people that you may relate to which will help you identify your Spiritual Gift without taking a test.

Audio Studies

Foundation of Identity Part 1 – Janie Ratzlaff teaches this verse by verse study on Romans looking at the foundation of identity. She describes the distinction between “sins” and “sin” that is talked about in the first eight chapters of Romans.

Foundation of Identity Part 2 – Janie Ratzlaff teaches this verse by verse study on Romans looking at the foundation of identity. Part 2 works its way to verse 11 of Romans 6, advancing the work of the Cross and deepening the meaning of being crucified with Christ.

Foundation of Identity Part 3 – Janie Ratzlaff teaches this verse by verse study on Romans looking at the foundation of identity. Part 3 begins with preparing us to focus on discussing the course that leads us to verse 12 and continuing to the end of the chapter.