
Christian Psychology

“The wisdom of the prudent (sensible) is to understand his way but the folly (foolishness) of fools is deceit.” Proverbs 14:8

Christianity has cracked the door open to ways of the world becoming acceptable in the life of the Church, and we don’t even recognize the tangle web that has been woven into our thinking.

Rather than accepting the fact that we are called to lay down our lives for others in service and caring from a heart of sacrificial love, we protect ourselves from having to bear one another’s pain. We don’t know how to help others  carry the load that plague the soul and spirit. We are great on helping in the physical needs and we are thankful for that blessing. However, we are body, soul, and spirit. All three parts need to be growing and healthy.

Heavenly wisdom give us understanding in tearing down our walls of defense, as we allow the Spirit to make  the heart  of Christ real in our lives.