
Secular Humanism

Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Our world in general has lost or denied the fear of the Lord. Without that wisdom, we are opened to man’s wisdom and the most common definition is “Humanism: faith in man, in science, in education.” Man will use reason, not divine revelation, as the guide for moral action and education; resulting in deception…

Trusting in man is seen in many practical examples. Many Christians buy into humanistic thinking and have weakened their moral fiber, allowing a double standard within the Body of Christ, the true church.

We are digging into how this has crept into believer’s lives. Many sincere Christians are not wanting to follow after strange doctrine or are in known rebellion in their walk with the Lord. Nevertheless, denial of Truth is running at an all-time high.

Today, we attempt to expose lies believed as truth, thinking we are growing in grace, when actually not fearing the Lord is grieving the Spirit and our guidance is hindered. There is a shock value as we discover the results of leaving our first Love; so open your ears to hear what WISDOM from God declares.