
The Word is Enough

This week on Mentoring Matters, Janie Ratzlaff, and Sharon Hoskins discuss the all-sufficient Scriptures as God’s Word. It is the truth and final authority and we can depend on it for our everyday living.

Isaiah 30:15: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

The closing portion of that verse says BUT YOU WOULD NOT. Why would anyone want to reject that counsel? As believers we want a secure relationship with Almighty God and enjoy all the blessings He provides for His family.

When we read this counsel from the Bible but will not apply, we lack understanding or simply do not believe it is our final authority. We then turn onto a detour that takes down a winding road to destruction.

Let’s get grounded in the sufficiency of scripture as it was written to and for us.