
Jennifer Houseman

Connect with Jennifer Houseman at jenniferhousemanphotography.com, 918-314-6950 call or text.  You can also check out her work on Facebook at Jennifer Houseman Photography.

jennifer-housemanJennifer is a wife and mother of three very vibrant, active, and involved little boys. She has been married to her husband for 14 years this November.  She is very pro laughter and an avid seeker of new friends.  She describes herself as very quirky sense of humor.

Jennifer says, “Life in general for me as it has been for many can be a bumpy and bruising road, but it has also provided me with some of the most moving moments that leave me fumbling for words to describe. I feel like I have come though some pretty crazy life storms, but what I’m left with from experiencing the tribulation and revitalizing moments is a passion to move forward with purpose.”

Her recent leap of faith took her to become a stay at home mom, and local photographer.  She loves art, music, emotion, and creativity.  She describes, “Photography has always been a passion of mine, and I feel like a lucky lotto winner to make the choice to mold this passion into a living. I am a blessed woman with a camera, three boys, truck loads of dirty laundry, endless legos, nerf gun darts, and fishing tackle. At the end of the day, the thing that warms my heart the most, the best of the best ….. not a day goes by that I don’t get a dirty, and sometimes smelly hug, kiss and “I love you Mom!”

Get to know her and listen to her story.  Recorded live on KWXC 88.9 Christian Talk Radio.

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