Relaxing Change

We all need day to sleep in and lay around half the day in our pajamas, right. For me, this day is usually a Saturday. The kids are out of school, daddy is home from work, and if nothing else is going on there is no reason to hurry up.

It’s a good day to rest and enjoy each other. I realize that this is not the case for everyone, if fact, many people have to work on Saturdays as well as through the week, so the only day they have to sleep in and spend time with family is on Sundays. I’ve heard people say this is why they don’t go to church. Sunday use to be the day that everything in town was closed so very few people worked. If you needed something on Sunday, you might find a convenient store open. Times have changed and now more and more people have to work. I know we can’t go back in time, but it would be nice if Sundays had stayed the same throughout time. I love to wake up on Sunday morning and gather my family to go to church. It is a time when we can learn more about God and His word, a time to draw closer to Him, and a time to find strength for the days ahead. I know that every day is important to spend with God, but there is something special about Sunday that causes excitement for me. Maybe it’s because we are coming together with other believers in one accord or the anticipation of what God may say through the mouth of His servant. “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and if filled all the house where they were sitting” Acts 2:2. I pray that you will fit church into your schedule this week and find the excitement of Sunday morning worship.

Sharon Hoskins


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